Time Travel Backwards Question


Dream Interpreter
Jul 31, 2015
Timmy Christmas Doll
Jingle Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Timmy Christmas Doll
Jingle Christmas Doll
Kapp'n Christmas Doll
Winter Mittens
Lump of Coal
Winter Mittens
I've heard that time traveling backwards counts as one day. If I time traveled backwards past this year's New Year's celebration and go into a date that is a year earlier, will it still count as "one day?"

Let's say I time travel from 12/14/2015 to 12/14/2014. Will that still be one day or would that be consider one year? Of course, I mean in terms of those time travel consequences like villagers moving, weeds growing, etc. and not in actual days.
The game will always consider backwards time travel as one day, regardless of how far you go back.
every time i've done it, the game treated it like one day forward in terms of what happens with villagers and weeds and the like. good luck!
it's always one day if you go backwards, however going back to the present might be a problem! :c