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Thoughts on Uchi Villagers


Senior Member
Jul 20, 2020
I've noticed that Uchi villagers aren't seen as super popular nor rated very highly on tier lists. Also, when looking for an Uchi villager myself, I didn't find one that I thought had such a great design compared to villagers of other types, but really grew to like one of my original villagers Mira! But I gave her away to a friend, and currently have none of that personality type anymore. There also doesn't seem to be as many Uchi villagers compared to other types to choose from. So, I'm curious about your thoughts on this! Do you like uchi villagers, or no? If so, who is your favorite villager and why? If not, what don't you like about them?
My problem with the uchi (sisterly) villagers is that there's a lack of appealing designs, like you said. I don't mind a few of them. Phoebe, Mira, and Reneigh are all cute enough, although I wouldn't personally have any on my island unless they increased the villager cap by a lot.
I love the personality soo much but so many of them look extremely off. There’s only a couple that I actually like enough to have on my island (Frita definitely is a dreamie tho-who wouldn’t want a burger sheep?!?)
the problem with them is the design. there’s always something so eclectic about each of them that it would depend on a person’s taste but most of the time, it’s just off. i’ve said this before but it’s like they were almost making a great villager on the drawing board, then applied a horrendous color or a weird face feature last minute.

new horizons could have been their chance to add more variation in this personality, but they did the bare minimum with new villagers ⚰️
I think some are fine, others are kind of boring in my opinion. Deidre was great but she was just so boring that I had to give her away. I really didn't like her dialogue or personality. Katt is way less boring but she's still not my favorite. I hate that Uchis like to get up late because I play most often early in the morning. Since I got all of the reactions from having two, I think I'm probably not going to invite anymore Uchis to the island!
I think the the uchi personality is fine, but like what a lot of other people are saying, there's not many designs that I like. I like Phoebe and Reneigh, but there are other villagers with other personalities that I like more.
Uchi villagers are my favorite female personality and I actually like almost all of their designs. People are too close-minded imo because most uchi villager designs don’t adhere to typical feminine beauty standards. I’d have 2 on my island if the subpersonalities weren’t split so terribly (seriously, only 4 uchis are subtype B wtf).
Eh,I don't get hung up about the way the ucherly villagers look....well,except for Rocket.Every personality type has its share of not-so-good looking villagers.I like the personality overall and to me,they seem to be a bit friendlier in New Horizons.I have Katt,Reneigh and Dierdre and I like 'em all especially Katt.

I love the personality but I only like a small number of uchis. If I come across one on the list I'll take them because I want their photo. The only one I wouldnt let leave is Pashmina but I haven't come across her on an island or in my campsite yet
My favorite uchi villager would be fuschia, but none of their designs make me want them. I mean I'm fine with having them on my island, but I wish there were more uchi villagers.
I like their personality! Just not their voice and especially their design. :( That's the main reason why I don't have any uchi/sisterly villagers on my island. 😅 If I were to have an uchi villager on my island it would probably have to be Agnes.
I LOVE the uchi villagers. Initially, I didn’t think I liked many of the designs, but now some of my favorites are uchi villagers. I had Shari for a starter and ended up loving her, now have Fuchsia, who is great. I love their spunky, rude weirdness, and their slightly different accents, and just think they are a lot of fun.
Currently want Ursala and Agnes on my island as as well, but not ready to move Fuchsia either, despite having her photo.
Muffy would be great. phoebe is an awesome mythical creature, Paula is actually pretty cute (and her name in Japanese is Rachel, which is my name irl). Oh, and Dierdre! So much cuter in game than in pictures, and she has the play hobby so always running around. Plus ‘whatevs’ is the perfect uchi catchphrase. Renee is another one who is cuter in game than in pictures on places like nookipedia and my friend has her on her island and likes her a lot.

funnily the ones I am not interested in seem to be more popular on here. Cherry has grown on me but makes me think of hot topic, Mira is a hard no (no offense) because I don’t like the superhero villagers, and reneigh seems...bland. Even for these three though, I have to say there is so much variation in the looks, that it still highlights something I love about the uchi’s which is the range of design for them.

There are more uchi’s I’m interested in everyday. I think there are some very unique designs, which not everyone is into. But yeah...can you tell I really love them?
In terms of design, I like some of the uchi villagers because they are creative. I love Fuchsia's color tone, Mira is very colorful which I love, but in the end I chose Cherry because I love gothic looks. Their personality annoys me a bit more, especially since some of them are so condescending in NH, though some more than others. Sylvia was just downright rude and I had to let her go quickly, while Cherry is more tolerable but she makes comments sometimes that are annoying. I feel like uchis were less annoying in New Leaf.
I think that may have to do with the fewer options comparing to other personalities. Also there's not many cute design ones, since that doesn't really matches with them. I really like Pashmina, she's the only one that really appeals to me, and I was lucky to find her easily early on island hopping. Also some of them sound a little rude and that's annoying
I'll admit (even though my favorite personality type is uchi) that their designs aren't the best. Some are better than others. It doesn't really bother me too much mainly because I can like characters past their flawed designs and I think it'd be weird if such a tomboy-ish personality type had everyone being cute or whatever.

On another note; Stan Hazel... and Muffy.
Cherry has grown on me but makes me think of hot topic.


i agree though, in terms of personality, they are very fun & cool. it's noticeable when you are missing an uchi, because having all the other personalities could get very repetitive and boring. i also noticed their slightly different accents and i think it's a nice variation to have on your island. such a shame that their design as a whole turn people off, so i just know a lot of islands are missing this personality. at least were forced to start with one.