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This ruined the game for me


Junior Member
Jun 25, 2013
I can not believe they did this without any logical explanation. Animal Crossing has always been about the conversations and the neighbors for me. And now it is obvious that they did not put any work in that whatsoever. The animals are far from talkative and the cranky villagers are not even cranky anymore. And do the animals still collect stuff as in furniture?
I have mixed feelings about this. The cranky villagers weren't really ever super cranky though, they had more of an aged or really kind of blokey personality I always thought. The snooty villagers have had the biggest change though, I was so confused as to what personality type Yuka was supposed to be, but snooty has turned into the mature woman type personality.

In regards to talkativeness, I kiiind of agree but in a different way. The way they tell me to "take a break" after only 1 hour of play and the way one of them has accused me of stalking them because I keep talking to him is annoying.

I also found (not sure for other people's villagers), that the new personality types (gentleman/big sister) have more variety in what they say compared with the older personality types. I have 3 gentleman characters in my town and it took days before I realised they really were gentleman types, because they had so much variety in what they would say. Can't say the same for the lazy/jock villagers.

The animal AI is definitely a step up from WW/CF though.

They collect furniture, I haven't been asked for specific types but I've been asked for specific sizes of furniture.
I can not believe they did this without any logical explanation. Animal Crossing has always been about the conversations and the neighbors for me. And now it is obvious that they did not put any work in that whatsoever. The animals are far from talkative and the cranky villagers are not even cranky anymore. And do the animals still collect stuff as in furniture?

Compared to previous games, the conversations have been much more improved.
The conversations and interactions with the villagers have improved so much compared to City Folk. I'd say on-par with the GC version, maybe even better.
I actually liked the GC version the most, then it took a step down in WW, then CF was TERRIBLE, then this game is okay. They just have no personality now.
Are you guys playing the same game? All they tell me is to collect fruit or if rumor ''x'' is true, stuff like that. Also, neighbors don't even collect stuff like white furniture anymore. It sucks
We have only had a little time with the game as it is, and from what I can tell they said that the animals really grow over time and that this version of the game has a strong focus of "long play." They have made note of a lot of surprises over time as well, so perhaps we will see things as time goes on.
most of my villagers have lots of personality...maybe it just varies
All of my villagers repeat the same few lines over and over.

"Did you notice that Villager X and Villager Y hang out a lot?"

"There's a rumor going around that you're a freshman mayor."

"Wanna come over later? What time is good for you? It has to be after 8pm."

That's all they say. And how are villagers supposed to 'grow' if they move out so fast? It's only been three weeks since the game's release, and the majority of my starting villagers have already moved out. And I talk to most of them every day.
All of my villagers repeat the same few lines over and over.

"Did you notice that Villager X and Villager Y hang out a lot?"

"There's a rumor going around that you're a freshman mayor."

"Wanna come over later? What time is good for you? It has to be after 8pm."

That's all they say. And how are villagers supposed to 'grow' if they move out so fast? It's only been three weeks since the game's release, and the majority of my starting villagers have already moved out. And I talk to most of them every day.

Well, I mean, a few of mine have talked about their various hobbies, so I mean, there's that.

What are you all expecting for that matter though? It's Animal Crossing. They're not going to have deep philosophical debates with you.
Well when I talk to Tom sometimes he tells me that he used to like making the girl he likes cry. xD That was a bit... weird. They say interesting things every now and then.
It's an improvement from city folk but in my opinion it doesn't live up to wild worlds standards. Gamecube was okay but my villagers rarely said anything different.

I miss the cranky villagers yelling at me but I noticed that they sometimes yell when talking to other villagers. So there's that but it's not directed at me :'c
It's an improvement from city folk but in my opinion it doesn't live up to wild worlds standards. Gamecube was okay but my villagers rarely said anything different.

I miss the cranky villagers yelling at me but I noticed that they sometimes yell when talking to other villagers. So there's that but it's not directed at me :'c

Maybe because you are the mayor so they have enough respect to not yell at you. :)
It's an improvement from city folk but in my opinion it doesn't live up to wild worlds standards.

I've only played Wild World before New Leaf but, yeah, I do miss the old cranky personality in WW. It was while playing WW that I fell completely in love with cranky villagers and now I dream of having a town full of them, even though they're really nowhere near as cranky as they were before.
All of my villagers repeat the same few lines over and over.

"Did you notice that Villager X and Villager Y hang out a lot?"

"There's a rumor going around that you're a freshman mayor."

"Wanna come over later? What time is good for you? It has to be after 8pm."

That's all they say. And how are villagers supposed to 'grow' if they move out so fast? It's only been three weeks since the game's release, and the majority of my starting villagers have already moved out. And I talk to most of them every day.

To be honest I almost never get the same dialogue and if it is its just a villager saying ive been playing for a while and maybe I should take a break. I also time travel often to the next day and back and I have only recieved 2 villagers that I hated move out; for me its almost impossible to get them to move out.
Pretty much like before in the GC version they will repeat some dialogues but if you start a conversation again and you tend to talk to them more frequently they ask for more favors and bring up more conversations they also ask you to come to their hous or viceversa this has happened to me alot and unlike WW/CF none of the interactions have grown boring and while WW did have me for a long time when I go back and replay it it seems stale and that also kinda goes for the GC one in some occasions.
I feel like the relationship to your villagers grows over time. At the beginning they only tell you tips and how things work in the game. Then they start asking you for favors and such. And I do realize, that over time, they tell me more and more interesting stuff about themselves/their past. And they invite me/ask me if they can come over more and more often. So I don't think it gets boring at all and I'm really not bothered if they tell me to take a break once in a while, I mean it's not like they say it five times in a row, they say it once and then once again an hour or two later. It's definitely an imporvement from City Folk and i also think it's better than in WW. Can't say much about the GC version cos I never played that much.
Well, I mean, a few of mine have talked about their various hobbies, so I mean, there's that.

What are you all expecting for that matter though? It's Animal Crossing. They're not going to have deep philosophical debates with you.

Haha, come on buddy. There's tons of material here before the extreme 'philosophical' conversation surfaces.

1. Their childhood memories (wouldn't we like to know more than just their appearance & a small measure of their personality?)
2. Their aspirations
3. Their fears
4. Meta topics
5. Common facts & misconceptions about their species
6. Jokes (this is endleess)

I'll stop there. It would be awesome if the devs coded the residents to inform you of observations based on your location... as in:

'Eeeek, a beetle to your right!'
'Careful, ***** claimed there was a shark at the beach.'
'Your friend ***** stopped by yesterday, I totally forgot to introduce myself!'

Okay, that bit of coding is tougher as it REACTS to your actions- but inputting lines a dialogue is carrot cake for a dev.
Talk to them more and they will tell you a lot about themselves or life in general. Though I found it scary that Eunice mentioned my new hair cut... as I had changed my hair in real life and not in game. Psychic animals? Or is that 3ds camera actually working? XD
I really hope it gets better as time goes by and I talk to them more often. But I guess they don't collect furniture anymore? Like they collect regal furniture?