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This ruined the game for me

They get repetitive for me as well.
When they do say something I haven't read before it's like a breath of fresh air. I actually do think the dialogue evolves as you continue to strengthen your friendship, though.
I hope so! I admit the AI is really improved. I also don't have any villagers I really like yet. It'll be a matter of time I guess. I won't give up on the game just yet, I absolutely love it.
We all wish the animals have A.I :/ but it's not as easy as it is ,probably for the game creators.I think it's nice.The simple things the animals talk to you about.
I love my villagers and their conversations. I just chalk some of their repetitiveness up to them being awkward. Also, they are more interactive. I see my villagers fishing, shaking trees.. idk what you mean, because I like the villagers. =]
The villagers’ conversation vary more the more you befriend them. Have you been failing their request? Do note that the request gradually become better.

IE. First they wanted fruit, bug and fish. Any type.
They ask for more specific items.
They ask you to do deliveries.
Ask you to visit/ if they can come visit.
Ask for items by type. (Flashy, stylish, etc.)
Give up that perfect fruit / Travel out of your town for fruit
Play hide and seek.
Return lost items.
Time capsules
Travel to other towns to complete your villager's petition.

Friendship achieved = They send you their picture.

From what I gather, AC villagers have become more like those of the HM series. Fail; they like you just a little less. They're more likely to repeat conversations, etc.
I agree with Viktor. It really takes time to befriend them. The level of progression stated above is very true.
Hugh asked me to get signatures for a petition in another town 15 minutes before he goes to sleep, which is at 11pm.
I got all the signatures but by the time I got back to my town the clock struck 11pm. The next morning he said he already returned the form with the signatures he had.

That wasn't really fair, lol.
But yeah, I like the time capsules and finding lost items, and walking villagers to other villagers houses, or having them follow you to yours. I understand if they had more dialogue we'd have to wait even longer for the translation, and we've already waited long enough.
The only thing I don't like as much about the conversations in this game is that when two villagers meet up, only rarely will they have a conversation. In Wild World, if their characters 'touched', they would always face each other and talk. The only time they wouldn't talk if they did that is if they just previously had a conversation.
I think the conversations with the animals in this game are the best yet; I have no complaint about them except for the fact that sometimes they'll suggest I take a break from playing haha. ;)
The only thing I don't like as much about the conversations in this game is that when two villagers meet up, only rarely will they have a conversation.

I did spot an argument between two villagers. Poor Truffles said: I can't talk right now Ben, I feel sick!" :)
The only thing I don't like as much about the conversations in this game is that when two villagers meet up, only rarely will they have a conversation. In Wild World, if their characters 'touched', they would always face each other and talk. The only time they wouldn't talk if they did that is if they just previously had a conversation.
Yeah! That's kind of a bummer haha
My villagers share very deep personal things with me. Frank told me a story about a girl he liked. Diana talked about when she was 7. Coco tells me all about her favorite novels and career aspirations. Simon constantly talks about food and recipes.

They all have personalities and tiny "backstories" and I like it.

Try befriending them. If you complete ALL of their requests, over time, they ask you more personal things and open up to you. (it isn't just my emotional projections onto pixelated characters, either. They start to ask you deeper and more personal things and tell you more intricate stories. Nintendo did this on purpose)
All I've noticed is that they aren't quite as... flamboyant maybe? Coming from the GC version, anyway (didn't spend much time with the other two).
all of my villagers have had decent conversations with me, including their comments when I talk to them inside various stores and buildings. I've found their personalities pretty easy to recognize and so far only 2 of my neighbors mentioned they were thinking of moving and I asked them not to. Of course I work pretty hard in making my town nice and respectable, by always watering my flowers as well as growing hybrids, I also have plenty of trees and I always pull weeds and make sure nothing is left laying on the ground so there is no reason for anyone to really want to leave. lol

I do have to admit that for the most part after about an hour of playing I usually don't talk to neighbors unless they initiate a conversation or if I find a "lost item". because I know they will just lecture me on taking a break from playing.
Some of them have asked me why I'm holding a fishing rod so far away from the shore. Idk why I was. Some have tried to make conclusions about why I was in the vicinity of another villager's house. I think Bam might have man crushes on other jock types.

I'm getting a lot of good dialogue, but I never expect too much when I spam talk them.
They still do collect furniture.
One thing I miss about Animal Crossing is that the villagers would talk to each other way more often, and it was funny to hear their conversations. Now, I've noticed that all they do is run into each other mindlessly, which I find really weird and makes the game kind of more robotic. But I do like a few things about the interaction, too. Like how you get to play hide and seek with them, and how you can visit their houses much more often and they follow you around to their house. And they still reply to your letters. Even though the replies make like no sense, at least they still reply. And when you do talk to the villagers, you have a wider range in what you can say to them. It's not all that bad. I just don't like how they tell me to take a break all the time lol
I had a conversation which led to a game of hide and seek with my villagers, I wasn't on a tour, but it was a hide and seek game where I had 10 minutes to find 3 of them. was great fun i love it.
I noticed on all the walkthroughs of AC games I've seen(which are all the games), there's much more, like everyone says, personality. I mean, take a look on a holiday like April Fool's Day. Everyone had so much personality with jokes and it looked so awesome, but I fear they took away from all the personality with the holidays in AC: NL.