Things in real life that remind you of Animal Crossing

Usually animals that I recognize from the encyclopedia, or things from villager names that were references to things. (Pate the duck, for example...) It's fun to recognize things from a game even if they're a bit silly. x)
My 9 year old cat hehe. I named her after Mitzi, my neighbour in LGTTC/CF and my favourite villager to this day. :D
I have a scarf that reminds me of Animal Crossing, and where I live sorta reminds me of the series.
Shoveling during Winter reminds me of walking around my town in AC searching for fossils, haha.
u no when they are talking abut cars n stuff on adverts and they say blahdi blah plugin hybrid or soemthing? all i cant think of is aniaml crossing hyrbid flower
[sub]i've learned about fish and bugs from the museum, so whenever i see things relating to the bugs/fish found in the game, it reminds me of animal crossing.[/sub]