The Post Milestone Thread

Only 367 posts that count right now. .
Which is the absolute lowest post count I've ever had on any of my forums for 3 and a half months of joining.
I don't know if this is a legit milestone or not but I hit 1337 posts yesterday. As for the 1K mark tho I have no idea, I'll eventually go check the date once I stop being lazy :p
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I'm 50th how fab
I'm going to die down when AS levels are near tho
I only got 4,000 like 3 weeks ago :x
I wont be back to this type of activity until like July
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1000 recently

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Posted like, 340 in a month due to TBT mafia and maaah shop.
Wow you guys have a lot

Only 5 more posts till 500, but I'll be checking out a lot of basement threads so I'll get there in like a minute

Edit: I MESSED UP I HAVE 55 MORE POSTS WHYYYYY also I posted like twice more and the number didn't change :?
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Nearly at 4k posts >.>

- - - Post Merge - - -

Wow you guys have a lot

Only 5 more posts till 500, but I'll be checking out a lot of basement threads so I'll get there in like a minute

Edit: I MESSED UP I HAVE 55 MORE POSTS WHYYYYY also I posted like twice more and the number didn't change :?

Basement posts don't count x3
Ummm... I think I reached 1000 or 2000 about a week ago.

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55 more posts to 2000!