🤗 ** TBT's Agony Aunt: Auntie Jason ** 🤗

Dear Auntie Jason,

How do I relax? Between work, school, home life, The Bell Tree Fair 2017, and other social obligations, I never have any time for myself!


dear aunty,

how do i confront my boyfriend about smoking/drinking/being unhealthy without sounding rude or controlling

lots of love
Dear Auntie Jason,

How do I relax? Between work, school, home life, The Bell Tree Fair 2017, and other social obligations, I never have any time for myself!


Dear Overworked,
Bless your heart deary! It sounds like you're in a right pickle. It sounds to me like you plan everything else in your life - everything you mentioned here - but you never actually schedule any "you time". Maybe you need to start seeing "you time" as an activity. Plan this activity, find a space for it, actually block it out in your diary. When that time comes you completely shut off from everything, you are "busy" to all requests from other areas of your life.

The other areas of your life are only going to falter if you're not firstly taking care of yourself. For you to be able to give the optimum you to any situation, you need to be recharged and functioning at a normal level! Make yourself a priority. Don't feel bad about saying no to things if you don't feel like doing them. Don't feel bad about asking for help from colleagues to complete tasks at work.

I don't believe that you don't have enough time, it's all about prioritising what's important, and what's important is you.

All my love,
Auntie Jase xox
dear aunty,

how do i confront my boyfriend about smoking/drinking/being unhealthy without sounding rude or controlling

lots of love
My dearest carp,
Firstly I think you need to realise that, despite you being in a relationship, ultimately this is a choice of his own. You need to make him aware in a calm manner that these things he's doing are bothering you, and explain the reasons why they bother you. Whether that's his health, his attitude when he's drunk, or anything else. If you sit down with him and have a mature conversation, expressing your views on the matter can not come across as rude or insulting. If he views it that way, then that's a problem that he needs to work through and not something that you should be worrying about.

Once he's been made to realise the effects on you and himself, the ball is in his court. If he continues to choose to do it, then that's where the ball falls in your court. As you mentioned, you cannot be controlling. Being in a relationship doesn't give you the power to dictate how somebody lives their lives. If this person is doing something that doesn't align with your ideals, or who you are as a person, then you need to decide if that person is for you. You shouldn't try to change a person to become what you want them to be, instead realise that maybe the best decision is to find somebody who does align with your ideals.

However, do not give him an ultimatum. Do not go into this and tell him that if he doesn't change his ways then you'll leave him. That is controlling. It's emotional blackmail.

I hope that helps,
Auntie Jaloobaloob.

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These responses are quite interesting. Guess I'll ask something, too.

Dear Auntie Jason,

How can I walk into a gaming store without being so embarassed over being the only female in there? And stop worrying about little boys staring at me like I'm some weird creep? I'm thinking about going there soon but this makes me worry.

Love, socially awkward gamer.
These responses are quite interesting. Guess I'll ask something, too.

Dear Auntie Jason,

How can I walk into a gaming store without being so embarassed over being the only female in there? And stop worrying about little boys staring at me like I'm some weird creep? I'm thinking about going there soon but this makes me worry.

Love, socially awkward gamer.

Dear Socially Awkward Gamer,
Do you have selective memory? YOU'VE ASKED A QUESTION BEFORE!

To answer your new question -
I don't think anybody is staring at you. Female gamers aren't uncommon these days, by any means. Your social awkwardness derives from your faults in thinking. You simply need to force yourself to be uncomfortable. Physically force yourself. Fight your way through those uncomfortable feelings, and realise that actually - there's nothing to be uncomfortable about. Especially worrying about little boys! Children are menaces, ignoring them will help you live a life full of bliss.

Sparkles and rainbows,
Auntie J xox
Dear Socially Awkward Gamer,
Do you have selective memory? YOU'VE ASKED A QUESTION BEFORE!

To answer your new question -
I don't think anybody is staring at you. Female gamers aren't uncommon these days, by any means. Your social awkwardness derives from your faults in thinking. You simply need to force yourself to be uncomfortable. Physically force yourself. Fight your way through those uncomfortable feelings, and realise that actually - there's nothing to be uncomfortable about. Especially worrying about little boys! Children are menaces, ignoring them will help you live a life full of bliss.

Sparkles and rainbows,
Auntie J xox

Yes, very bad memory :^) and I never read rules properly.
Alright, I'll make sure to step on walk past the kiddies and kick away ignore the 40-year-old men. Thank you ❤️❤️

And I like to assume things too because I just realized there are no rules in the original post :)
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Yes, very bad memory :^) and I never read rules properly.
Alright, I'll make sure to step on walk past the kiddies and kick away ignore the 40-year-old men. Thank you ❤️❤️

And I like to assume things too because I just realized there are no rules in the original post :)

Dear Assumption,

NEVER ASSUME. It makes out an ASS out of U and... well, just you.

Hugs and kisses,
Dear Auntie Jason,

should I be worried for the first day of school?

Love, Anaya
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Dear Auntie Jason,

should I be worried for the first day of school?

Love, Anaya


Yes. Children are horrible. Go in there with a very negative mindset and then hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised... but I'm not counting on it. School sucks.
