Stupid Club Tortimer trolls:| [rant]


Aug 4, 2013
Dreamy Party Popper
Hot Feather
Red Feather
New Year's Party Popper
I got trolled just now by this person.

I only went on Club Tortimer to find some awesome island rares and do a few tours with someone, but I ended up seeing like 5 sharks at the time I was there and I asked the boy who was already there if he wanted to catch one as I caught 4 already and he was really polite and nice, he let me have it so I was like "oh okay thank you^-^" so I caught 5 sharks and a few golden stags.

Then he went and started a tour and I was like "yay okay" but then i knew what he was doing and he didn't let me go when I wanted to and I was like "uh oh I know where this is going" so I said to him....

Here's a brief summary of our chat:

Me: I know what you're doing.
Him: lol no you don't.
Me: Yes I do, I'm part of a community and we all talk about trolls like you.
Him: Well escape fee is 100k
Me: ha no.
Him: fine lost ye beetles and sharks and time.
Me: I don't really care.
Him: haha whatever I know you do.
Me: bye freak :) *DC'ed*

Yeah, I'm not so annoyed about the beetles and sharks, I'm more annoyed about those stupid trolls who can't make their own money so they decide to take others :|

Sorry about my little rant, I thought I ought to warn a few people.

So tell me. Has this happened to you before?~♡
I'm pretty sure anything in the box is saved. I put stuff in the box, the internet died on the other person, but the stuff was still there.
I did that and it didn't work dammit.
Hmm...I thought as long as the box closed it was fine? Might be different if you DCed yourself though.
If you put something in the box then someone leaves or arrives, it saves, so the stuff in the box before they came will still be there if you DC
Why do people even use Club Tortimer if people like these are so common?
If you put something in the box then someone leaves or arrives, it saves, so the stuff in the box before they came will still be there if you DC

Unfortunately irrelevant when someone is already on the island :c, since i've never had a second visitor to an island before.
I didn't know I was gonna end up beetle and shark hunting.
I usually hunt on tortimer islands only when its day time in America. Japan's time difference often switches it to night, so I can hunt almost 24/7. But its hard yes. You sneak up on that golden stag then someone arrives and resets it, or people who just run around for no reason and perpetually scare off everything.
I usually hunt on tortimer islands only when its day time in America. Japan's time difference often switches it to night, so I can hunt almost 24/7. But its hard yes. You sneak up on that golden stag then someone arrives and resets it, or people who just run around for no reason and perpetually scare off everything.

If you want to do this, just go on a tour alone as soon as you get to the island, and when you come back anyone else who was on the island will be gone. Then choose a tour again, but don't sit down. No one else will be able to connect until you cancel the tour, so you're free to hunt in peace.
If you want to do this, just go on a tour alone as soon as you get to the island, and when you come back anyone else who was on the island will be gone. Then choose a tour again, but don't sit down. No one else will be able to connect until you cancel the tour, so you're free to hunt in peace.

I always forget about this! Very good point.
If you want to do this, just go on a tour alone as soon as you get to the island, and when you come back anyone else who was on the island will be gone. Then choose a tour again, but don't sit down. No one else will be able to connect until you cancel the tour, so you're free to hunt in peace.

Oh, excellent! I didn't know about this. Thanks for sharing. :)
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I only go to Club Tortimer to either A. See if there is something new to purchase for my catalog; B. find a new friend from Japan or Korea to add to my list to go to there holidays; or C. If i'm extremely board and want to go do some tours with someone and nobody is online from my friends list.
I only go to Club Tortimer to either A. See if there is something new to purchase for my catalog; B. find a new friend from Japan or Korea to add to my list to go to there holidays; or C. If i'm extremely board and want to go do some tours with someone and nobody is online from my friends list.

Same~ :3

I only hunt for sharks and beetles when I'm alone on the island.
Most of the time, I just use club Tortimer to hang out with people and play tours.
I'm on the island a lot because I'm searching for certain items, so I've been trapped three times; once someone wanted my money, then one player got really angry because I didn't speak Japanese (well, I understood something, he said "die, die die"), and then there was this boy who trapped me, didn't say a word, and showed me every fish he got. Then he released me.

My latest experience is a beggar, who wanted to make me feel sorry for her (she didn't trap me):

A girl arrives. She buys an island kitchen and then starts to talk to me

Girl: Hi :(!
Me: Hi. Why so sad?
Girl: Because I was scammed.
Me: Hm, what happened?
Girl: Someone scammed all of my money. Now I don't have anything! Can you give me the amount that was stolen, please?
Me: How much?
Girl: Million bells.
Me: You had million bells? But why you don't have the Avid Bell Saver badge then?
Girl: Well... there was an error. For some reason I didn't get it. But you need to help me! I was scammed! Please!
Me: You know, someone tried to scam me once, too...
Girl: Really? What happened?
Me: Someone tried to make me to give her my bells. She failed.
Girl: Is that so... oh, I don't have any medals either. I'm so poor.
Me: I saw how you bought that island kitchen earlier.

Then the girl buys more stuff from the island shop and then leaves without a word...
I've run into people that trap me for money all the time. Thing is, I actually like finding these people so I can mess with these people. Usually I go to the ABD, get the amount they ask for, and drop it outside. Then I usually say something like "ciao" or "hasta la vista", and D/C. Tehehe... c;
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