Stupid Club Tortimer trolls:| [rant]

I'm on the island a lot because I'm searching for certain items, so I've been trapped three times; once someone wanted my money, then one player got really angry because I didn't speak Japanese (well, I understood something, he said "die, die die"), and then there was this boy who trapped me, didn't say a word, and showed me every fish he got. Then he released me.

My latest experience is a beggar, who wanted to make me feel sorry for her (she didn't trap me):

A girl arrives. She buys an island kitchen and then starts to talk to me

Girl: Hi :(!
Me: Hi. Why so sad?
Girl: Because I was scammed.
Me: Hm, what happened?
Girl: Someone scammed all of my money. Now I don't have anything! Can you give me the amount that was stolen, please?
Me: How much?
Girl: Million bells.
Me: You had million bells? But why you don't have the Avid Bell Saver badge then?
Girl: Well... there was an error. For some reason I didn't get it. But you need to help me! I was scammed! Please!
Me: You know, someone tried to scam me once, too...
Girl: Really? What happened?
Me: Someone tried to make me to give her my bells. She failed.
Girl: Is that so... oh, I don't have any medals either. I'm so poor.
Me: I saw how you bought that island kitchen earlier.

Then the girl buys more stuff from the island shop and then leaves without a word...

Ohmerhgawd that's just ;u;
Sort of OT but how do they trap you or force you to give money? I just run in and out real quick to check items for sale. Had some words thrown at me but I don't mess with tours or hunting there.
Sort of OT but how do they trap you or force you to give money? I just run in and out real quick to check items for sale. Had some words thrown at me but I don't mess with tours or hunting there.

They'll start a tour and never sit down, when you try to leave Leilani will tell you to wait until the player who started the tour will go there.

Or they'll open their inventory when you try to leave. Leilani will say: Avast! The water is too choppy, sorry. Or something like that.
I've run into people that trap me for money all the time. Thing is, I actually like finding these people so I can mess with these people. Usually I go to the ABD, get the amount they ask for, and drop it outside. Then I usually say something like "ciao" or "hasta la vista", and D/C. Tehehe... c;

Everyone should do this. Or you can weird them out with dirty stories ;)
Ugh, I forgot about the exclusive items. I think I'll go, look in the shop and then leave. If no-one else is there, I'll do the tour trick.