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Sonic the Hedgehog General Discussion

If it's trolling, I'm meant to be angry about it. Try harder.

Me being a moron sometimes and didn't realize it'd be a joke does effect my ego. Dammit.
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My girlfriend got me Lost World for 3DS for Christmas, and I'm really enjoying it. Yes the controls are a bit odd, but you get used to it after a while. I know it has had some bad reviews and I see where they're coming from, but still, it's fun. I never played Generations though, is it worth picking that up?
I never really liked the side scrolling games, Sonic Adventure 2 is the only amazing Sonic game in my opinion.

My favourite character is Jet, although he is only in like... two games (as far as I know).
I never really liked the side scrolling games, Sonic Adventure 2 is the only amazing Sonic game in my opinion.

My favourite character is Jet, although he is only in like... two games (as far as I know).

Ive only ever liked the Sonic Adventure Games & the first 3 sonic games :/
I love the 3D Sonic games I've played (Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes). Sonic Adventure 2 was my first of the 3D sonic games. And... it kept me from absolutely hating Sonic the hedgehog. I was straight up horrible at the Sega Genesis games. I don't even know the Zones in all of them because I have never once been able to make it through the second or third Zone in each game before running out of lives. My hate for Sonic rivaled Eggman's as a child. But when I played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle I could actually play the game and not die!

And now I adore the Sonic Series so much I have an entire shelf of Sonic Action figures. And a Sonic t-shirt.
I love Sonic the Hedgehog, he's one of my favourite video game characters ever. The Genesis games are fantastic, and I love Sonic Adventure. But I really hate Sonic Adventure 2, its my least favourite because it doomed the franchise and is just all around a horribly designed game.
I, personally, love Sonic Colors.

But, I only play it nowadays because I like to give a go at the bosses...

For the eighth boss, I have a time of around thirty four-point-five seconds.
For the first, I have eighteen-point-nine-five seconds.
I've played the latest Sonic game, Sonic Lost World on WiiU and I have to admit that this game gets way too much hate. It has interesting level design for a Sonic game and I like Sonic's parkour system. Also, the wisps are very fun to use and makes it so you are doing more than just running. Speaking of that, this game isn't as fast as other Sonic games, but that's because it is more platforming based. However, there are sections you can spin dash through and there are auto-run sections too but don't expect Sonic Generations speed. Not to mention that levels have a lot of alternate routes and secrets. In fact, the wisps sometimes lead you to these secrets or alternate routes. Finallly, this game is challenging and I love it. I think this game gets too much hate because they went into this game with unrealistic expectation, and that is what I feel is happening with a lot of games nowadays. Too many unrealistic expectations.
Unrealistic expectations? Let me tell you why I hated Sonic Colors.

-The story/the writing. The story was great in places. The writing was wonderful in places. (Why hello, Ivo. When did you get to be such a wicked scientist out of nowhere?) But oh my lord. Sega, what did you do? It felt like someone finished the game and forgot to put all the cut scenes in it. The plot events jumped around more than Ripper Roo from Crash Bandicoot. They could have done so much more with it.

All the Zeti died so anticlimactically. Just. Poof. Yay day saved! It seemed implied that Amy and Knuckles 'died' at some point but I can't be certain because that cut scene sucked. And don't get me started on Tails and his jealous over attached girlfriend moment. "YOU TRUST EGGMAN MORE THAN ME." Uh, Tails? Shut up. Since when do you get all whiny when someone asks Eggman for advice with a problem he helped create? You yourself said that the way eggman puts things together is different than how you would. So while you might be 'better' (which is a joke. Eggman is supposed to be a genius to the point he and Tails should be considered rivals-- and the way Tails berates how he builds machines at some point in there seems to try and imply eggman's a hack), you don't build like Eggman. So of COURSE someone would ask the source how to fix/stop/etc. something that person made!

-Amy and Knuckles. Why were they here again? Because all it felt like was "Sega: Hey the fans want to see other characters. Let's uh... put them in a few cut scenes!" Honestly. You could have removed everything about them and there would have been no change to the game at all. If you're going to put characters in a game, for the love of Apollo, USE THEM!

-The story did not explain anything. Where the heck did the Zeti come from? Not explained. What on EARTH is the Lost Hex and where the heck did it come from? Why does tails know what it is? Not explained. WOOP! Nice job! You don't even explain the existence of the villains or the setting in your game! Sonic 06 at the very least managed to explain things about the characters and setting!

-The Wisps are nothing more than gimmicks. "Ooh Berri doesn't like change!" Shh. Be quiet my presumptuous little pet. Berri isn't done talking yet. Lets look at some other 'gimmicks' for a minute. Fludd is a gimmick in Super Mario Sunshine. The 3 day limit is a gimmick in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Wolf Link is a Gimmick in Twilight Princess. But guess what? Them gimmicks have an actual purpose and reason for being there pertaining to the plot and world! Fludd helps Mario carry water around to clean up the mess Bowser Junior made. The three day limit is there because the moon is falling. Link became a Wolf due to the effects of being a being of light in the Twilight Realm (and possessing the Triforce of Courage). The wisps have no reason to be here. They do not appear in any cut scenes so they are simply there as pointless game play mechanics. Didn't these things go home at the end of their game? Why on earth are they still here? Oh wait, that's right. Sega's making them a staple. They're going to be game play elements forever. Freaking yay. Instead of geting to play as characters who do different things, Sonic is just going to eat a wisp and assimilate their powers. Jesus christ, Sega. You could at the very least tell us some of the wisps decided to stay behind to help Sonic out if he needed them.

-The way they killed the Zeti sucked. It was so anti climactic. "Rawr battle royal- OOPS WE'RE DEAD."

Don't tell me I have unrealistic expectations. The only expectations I have are a story that's well written, character moments that make sense, and game elements that make sense pertaining to the world that the game creators have made.
I knew all that.

But, can't you look past all of that?

I like it because, although it isn't really challenging, it's still fun.
Yeah, gimmicks suck, and all that good stuff.
But, isn't that pretty much the same with every single Sonic game?
Correct me if I'm wrong. But Chaos, in my opinion, are in the same position as the extra characters when comparing Sonic Adventure 2: Battle for the GameCube and Sonic Colors for the DS or Wii.
The extra characters are the same things as Chaos: They both present a challenge completely unrelated to the storyline, and are pretty much extra characters. Really, you can take out Chao World and still be able to have a good, successful game.
Lastly, there's a great thing called the start button. You can use that to skip cutscenes if you do not like them.

Edit: Well, on the DS, anyways.
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Wow, that's last bit there was pretty rude. I've been playing video games for 24 years now. I know how to skip a cutscene and I would appreciate you not talking to me as if I'm a 5 year old. :mad: Also, why on earth would I want to skip the cut scenes and get less story than I'm already getting? I don't play video games just to fool around in levels (that doesn't give me anything but an empty way to waste time), I play video games for the story and characters! If I can't invest myself in that, the game isn't worth spending money on.

I don't straight up hate sonic games (I'm thrilled every time a Sonic game is released, actually), there's just things I dislike about the newer ones and it bugs me when people say others have their expectations too high. Because my expectations on video games are pretty much the bare minimum for the most part. I'll play something new if the advertising and promotional stuff gets me interested in the game. I just expect the writers to not funk up the characters or the world they've created. The wisps left after colors. Unless some of them came back to help Sonic, they really should be gone (unless something goes after them again). All they'd have to do to get me to accept the wisps is state that some stayed behind. But they didn't, in Lost World the wisps are just there, regardless of the fact they left in colors. They're not even in any cutscenes, so really they're only there as a game mechanic. And it's a game mechanic that really doesn't interest me at all because of how bland it is. It's basically a way for the game makers to make new actions for the game without creating anything beyond a new space jellyfish color and a weird shape with Sonic's face on it.

They really need to actually use that cast of characters they have. Silver, Blaze, and Marine are examples that I can understand not being in every game considering two of them are from the future and another isn't part of the main cast. But most of the other characters have been involved with each other enough that it's kind of awkward to completely ignore them like they're doing (or, like in Lost World, only sticking them in cut scenes where they add nothing to the story and just exist so they can say they're in the game). It would be basically like taking a television show with a huge cast and really making only one or two characters the focus and shoving all the other characters into the background where we'll occasionally pick them out during a crowd scene.

The characters are the most important part of a Sonic Game to me because... really in a series where there's next to no continuity (Generations aside, it seems like most of Sonic's adventures are a 'Let's never speak of this again' scenario), the characters are the most important part because they're the only things that carry over between games.

Also "chao" is both the singular and plural of the word, for reference (not trying to snap at you, it's just for future reference since it can get confusing to call chao 'chaos' when there's a character in the series named Chaos as well as the chaos emeralds and stuff). And they're a really, really bad example of a challenge or change in gameplay. If they had more effort put into them, maybe. However, all you do with Chao is go in, give animals to raise stats, race them sometimes, and then leave. There's nothing you get out of interacting with them at all because... they just sit there and wander around. And... if you're trying to compare them to wisps... uh. That's really like comparing apples to oranges. Chao are a completely optional part of the game (unless you're going for 100% completion in which case they can help you get emblems in Adventure 2) but wisps are required to play the game because they're going to be a permanent gimmick mechanic. So if I didn't want to mess with Chao, I could still beat the game without messing with chao. If I want to beat any of the games with Wisps in them... I gotta use the wisps.
Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to come across as rude... Sorry! I'm just so used to talking like that to siblings, and I guess it carried into the forums... I'm not calling you annoying, it's just the way I use sarcasm and everything...
As my parents would say, "Stop saying sorry!" "Sorry..."
Actually, I was comparing the completely optional challenges (extra characters) in Sonic Colors to the Chao.
Theoretically, (I think I spelled that wrong) you could do it without the wisps, just it would be a lot harder, and one would likely die on the second to last boss, while running through a beam shot out of the mouth of the Terminal Velocity boss' mouth.
I only really like speedrunning things. But, that's me. I like speeding through things, and supersonic Hedgehogs don't come along every day.
Lastly, I'm really sorry, for treating you like I would my siblings...
But I compare apples to oranges...