Cycling ⭐Seroja's Villager Dump [BOXES: -]⭐

Clyde and Lucha voided!

In boxes: Filbert (30TBT) | Coco (50TBT)
Moved in: Broccolo
Coco adopted!

In boxes: Filbert (30TBT) | Puddles (free, voiding soon)
Moved in: Gaston
Puddles, Gaston and Chop were voided.

In boxes: Filbert (30TBT) | Broccolo (free, voiding soon)
Moved in: Robin, Shep and Grizzly
If the other person doesn't end up getting Filbert then might I please have him for the 30tbt?
Broccolo voided.

In boxes: Filbert (30TBT) | Robin (free, voiding soon)
Moved in: Rhonda
can you let me know when Patty is in boxes?
I lost vic suddenly and I need a replacement :(