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Saw-Your-Logs Lumberjacks: Dream Suite Critiques


Toad please visit my dream address and give me all the criticism you can.

Mosqui is having some landscaping done right now it's pretty clean right now so it's a good time for visits. Things that'll youll notice need work are my far top left, and far top right. I got some flowers on either side that need sorting. Mostly the top right because I can't think of what to put...

The rest of my town is pretty nice. I'm proud of my camp site, and my back ally behind PeeWees house. There's multiple places for pictures. My house is pretty nice but my bathroom, basement, and nursery are no where close to being finished. However I do have a lovely tea room, kitchen, and my bedroom isn't half bed. The bedroom does need more intractable objects.

Some of my villagers have nicer houses then others. I haven't gotten sets for some villagers, and trying to get them to place furniture has been a pain. Rhonda's is the nicest I think. Or Pekoe.

I haven't used any time traveling, or QR codes. Everything is made my hang with tender loving care.

Dream Address: 5500-6340-5428

I just updated my DA and I noticed people have actually visited since I joined this site and put it in my sig... only 8 people though... and I haven't updated my dream address so they saw my weeks old progress...

Hm and I just clued in my Tree is where you start so I should make the town focus around that maybe...
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My dream address is in my signature. Do you go inside the animal houses? If so then I have to warn you that some of them aren't pretty xD it didn't register to me that they put the things they buy from retail in their homes. My town isn't quite finished (character houses wise), but the outside is nearly done. I'd love an opinion on it :)
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My dream address is in my signature. Do you go inside the animal houses? If so then I have to warn you that some of them aren't pretty xD it didn't register to me that they put the things they buy from retail in their homes. My town isn't quite finished (character houses wise), but the outside is nearly done. I'd love an opinion on it :)

may be a while but I will definitely get to this when i can.... I will be out of town monday throught thursday
I came here for Signatures one time! I love your pathway, the colors are perfect.... def different from the usuals I see! The first thing I'm noticing is your bushwork.... behind the square of villagers by your house. Its very mix-matched and when next to the rainbow fading roses its a little too much, so you might want to consider making it more cohesive. Especially when you look at the different shades of green bushes, different color roses, with the darker different shades of the path its a little overloaded. However I do like the ideas you have come up with as far as paths with designs, PWPs, and flowers. I also like the lines that you draw with the trees and pathways combined.... it makes it feel understated, subtle, but very nice to look at. I like what you are going for with the campsite! it feels drastically different from the rest of the town, so don't be afraid to not just drown it in flowers! With your flowers I feel like you have good things going on, but definitely need to make them more consecutive. Like keep a single pattern, its different to mix it up and all, but when you are caught in the middle of two patterns its a little weird. Don't be afraid to take risks and be different! I think the ones you have taken look great, just follow your gut! and don't be pressured by all the other towns to be obligated to fill it with flowers, with your path and current vibe you could do like a modern art town and I think it would look great....

OMG your first room in the house is really great! so home-ey! I like the different type of layout too, it feels actually lived in... The left room I am torn between liking it in contrast to the first room, but also that it should stand out a little more too ya know? I love the Gardening room, its so different and cool to look at, just maybe need to clean up a bit ;D You need some more personal touches than just the magazine rack for the bathroom, some pops of color for sure! and by this point I take back about the second room.... I like the whole woodsy, cabin flow of the house. The upstairs freaks me out, and the colors don't really go together, I hope you are getting Easter accents for this room too... add some of the egg furniture and it could look really cool! and yeah your basement needs work, but you know that lol!

All and all I'm glad I got to come back! you are making quite the quaint little cabin and town! Throw a modern art touch to it and it will truly be a sight to behold! good work and can't wait to see what you do next!

- - - Post Merge - - -

At first sight, WOW, everything looks so well tailored and gorgeous! I like how you are able to vary the paths by having a median in sometime and at others! your negative space are nice and calming away from all the pink of everything else. However maybe find a way to make the open spaces feel more incorporated into the town.... simply deleting the bushes to leave an opening would suffice and not take away from the beauty of your paths. I like how you chopped bamboo to add to the bush hedges to mix it up. I wasn't sure I would like having all the villagers all at the top, but you made it feel like a cool little street block that anyone would be envious to hang out on! you made it feel very home-ey! I for one need like space in between houses, paths, and PWPs, but this is convincing me otherwise! The Top left with the pond and Flower clock seem like a wasted space... I think you definitely have the skill to turn it into another dynamite little moment in your town.

Eighteen's house is really amazing! The theme is captured perfect and love the outfit! maybe add a few human touches to counter the all hard robot exterior

Kimiko's house is absolutely stunning! maybe a few extra furniture in the right room, but the upstairs was sheer perfection!

Obvi Cleo's needs the most work, but I bet you will come up with something equally fantastic! I like how all these homes weren't upgraded fully to add an extra depth and care taken for each character!

Viola's house is going great.... I like the personal touches you added to the rooms, the center and back room are a little too similar for my taste, but I guess they are totally different sets! Spa room is again magnificent! I think you need something to really make the basement pop though, some sort of it factor to really crush it... although I like the mix of minimalist and modern wood floor! The plants in this room also seemed a little forced... The upstairs is ok, but I feel like the Crane game, lovely phone, and stroller contrast too much and cheapen the room. You could pick other furniture to add a playful tie into the room.

I loved your town! it is looking supremely good! Really look at the personal touches you make and don't be afraid to variate from the all flowers theme. You do that really well and if you can push yourself to come up with and incorporate other ideas throughout the town, it makes those areas look even better!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Feel free to review mine, DA is 4200-4401-7842

will have to get to yours upon coming back, but I will be away for the next four days and need to pack now for it!
Thanks! I'll take your advice into account and see what I can do. I've wanted to change some things around and never really knew where. :D
okkkk, Vizionai and Eternalmoonlight I will try to get to yours tonight! anyone else please post your DA
I'm wondering if my address still works, if so I'd like if you could do my town please :)

Address in my signature

Edit; I try to leave my villager houses 100% original, so don't bother with those. I do have a hotel and movie theater though, so check out my character houses (wondering if you'll notice the strange thing in the basement of the hotel )
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At first loo, I love how aesthetically pleasing the map looks with villagers and everything lined up! The upper half is gorgeous! I love the flower arrangements and use of different path ways, maybe you could use the different kinds in more ways though? consider maybe using more of your pretty pathway? because a lot of the time in your town you have a lot of negative space and you chose to put lots of trees and flowers.... the trees can be very monotonous after a little bit and you don't seem to have a central pattern or theme for your flowers. Obvi Pink and gold for colors, and the place you used those was perfectly coordinated! Consider using more PWPs rather than just flower bushes... or mix it up with some stumps, mushrooms, or clover design to add more variation! I think with your great style you could come up with something spectacular, but I feel like you don't want to push the envelope past typical flowery towns. For instance when I walk through the best towns, I walk through and think "wow I want to go see that bamboo spot, lighthouse setup, or some other spot around town. You create these moments in town a bunch of times with the flowers, but maybe developing something besides that will be rewarding and enhance your town!

Lurai's house
Stunnign main room! love what you did mixing plants with practical furniture! The cabana gracie room seems a little too divided, I get if you were trying to make like a duel, separate style lving space, but the truly remarkable rooms bring together aspects from different sets to really hammer home an idea. not to mention the bed blocking the doorway irks me. I like to say that you can look up sets of furniture online, but go to visit houses to see what designers can do with all types of furniture.... your basement is my favorite! a great mix of lovely and sweet furniture plus those personal touches really make it feel cozy and sweet! Same with the ice furniture/ regal upstairs! Also the outside of Lurai's house is amazing! the white flowers, perfect amount of green bushes, the path and trees just are in such perfect harmony

The other house main room is a little too oddball for me, something is just off with it, the layout and stuff... the sewing room is so cute, perfectly themed and styled! I like the exotic bathroom lol. Perfect execution in the kitchen room... I would move into there in a heartbeat! You need to wire out the kinks in the basement, but your on to something with the gyroid teller! Love your upstairs! truly relaxing!

Your town just needs to find its end direction and really focus on smoothing out things. Really walk through your town and see the inconsistencies and look with a new eye at how something maybe perceived. The work you have put in is very pretty though and nothing can take away from that!
OK will like people's posts as I do them since its been a little while! gonna knock all of these out now

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Eternaldream: New Hope

I love what you are doing with your pathways! The cut off bamboo and Stone path work really well together, and I especially lie how it blends in with the natural plazas of retail, station, town hall etc. You have plenty of room to do whatever you want to make a cool hang out, something artsy, or whatever idea you can come up with! I think you need an extra dose of flowers, trees to something to go with the bamboo.... maybe using bushes to make borders for your pathways (just keep in mind the 12 connecting rule of bushes). I do a lot with bushes and you can totally visit my towns for ideas.... honestly go with whatever PWPs you like most and work from there, you have great restraint and style judging by the paths you already have, so don't be afraid to embrace your ideas. Maybe a Zen focus would be good, A zen park or meditation place in that big open spot would be really nice with everything you already have. Make sure to connect all your villagers too (unless you want to get rid of Pietro and Wart Jr. in which disregard) Its looking very classy though so far, so maybe take an upscale regal look and mix fairy tale with zen!

For your main house, if you have read any of my other reviews you fall into the main criticism of them. I can go online and look at full sets of furniture, and so work on not just putting that all out, but mixing and matching furniture to give rooms a personal touch, you can make it an upscale, funky, or off-beat hotel this way and make it worth visiting. I like the sleek stereo playing the same song across the rooms... go with that, and give it an island theme through each set

the other house is just called STORAGE, and that really bothers me, doesn't entice me to go in at all.... but other than that your town is coming along nicely! very good ideas starting, keep going with them and work your personal touches to really make everything stand out.... pick the PWPs you want or ideas you really like and go from there
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do ur worst.... frend.... 5300-5265-5454
(honestly it's unfinished, so don't rip my town apart too bad ok.)
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do ur worst.... frend.... 5300-5265-5454
(honestly it's unfinished, so don't rip my town apart too bad ok.)

I'm gonna do all the others in line... JUST SO I CAN RIP YOURS APART! lol jk, but feel free to visit Riften or Zephyr if you want to beat me to the punch ;D
I'm gonna do all the others in line... JUST SO I CAN RIP YOURS APART! lol jk, but feel free to visit Riften or Zephyr if you want to beat me to the punch ;D

you better go fast, i might actually boot up my acnl town for the first time in like a month bc of you. how many u got in line. i'm an inpatient man.
Ok, I really like your color scheme! the white, blue, purple is relaxing yet making a kind of eerie forest vibe! I dig it! However I wandered around a lot and there isn't a cohesive element to bring everything together. You have some really amazing, unique, and quirky designs and ideas like the stump in the middle of the clover mushroom patch, the stump-Topiary pattern along the one path. However at times it gets hard to tell where you want me to go, so make sure you spread your paths all the way throughout the entire town. You left those hearts there for me didn't you! :D The picnic set-up is absolutely divine! a perfect pattern without being matchy matchy, quaint lead up and diversity from the brick path, and makes for great pictures! If you strive to have this type of feel throughout the whole town, then you will have an amazing town in no time! I am not a fan of hedge rows of different types, so maybe consider choosing just one for the hedge in front of the Illuminated trees? I love your town though, I want a similar feel for Rutabaga, so don't be surprised if I revisit it or take some ideas ;D

why can't I go in any of your rooms..... don't stifle me! Your main room falls into my, set-ty criticism.... I can go online to look up matching sets of furniture, so work on bringing your own personal touches to a room to make it memorable! the Dango and few bonsais, don't really count. Same with your princess room, but its much better.... fun music patins the vibe you want and I really like your floor plan designs since they are much different and unique from the ones I usually see. The egg and sloppy room is interesting, I like trying to mix different types of furniture, but I don't get what you are doing for it.... it doesn't read comfortable, it reads creepy with the skeleton. Man you repeated the same floor plan with the rococo upstairs.... you're better than that.
Baekyun- I love this room! so unique since we barely see refurbished furniture and the styling of wallpaper and carpet is gorgeous, even though it doesn't match the furniture! I love rooms like that! The clover is a cute touch, you just need to find more touches like that.
Yixing- omg, this room is super cute too! the minimalist is so dry that it makes any added touches pop more, so the whole studio apartment vibe is great! very simplistic and clean, but def room to add more personality, which I know you have a ton of....

You have a great eye for style, tap into it more to find those little things that will make your town pop even more! :D :D :D
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You have a great eye for style, tap into it more to find those little things that will make your town pop even more! :D :D :D

:blush: you are so sweet. yes i'm more so a fan of the darker bushes, and eventually will changed almost if not all of my bushes to just dark starts instead. <3 it's a huge work in progress for now. but gah i'm glad you've enjoyed your visit.

my rooms are currently blocked off in my main house until i decide if i want to keep them or not. they're all weird ass sets i used for HHA points and since i finished that **** i want to re-do all of them. baek/yixing's houses are both completed and i probably wont expand on them at all at this point, but i plan to get rid of the sloppy set in yixing's bedroom and replace it with classic. <3

THANK YOU FOR VIEWING INCHEON FINALLY. you're great and i hope you look forward to eventually seeing it's finished product. you insight really helped spark a few ideas of mine and hopefully i can nail em so i don't disappoint. ;')
Tae you totally cut in line O:<


Can you still review mine, Toad? :D would be much appreciated!