Questions about gossip/rumors.


Seven, Seven--
Jun 12, 2016
Cherry (Fruit)
So I'm not particularly adventurous when I time travel. I do it day by day for the sole purpose of moving villagers I hate out. As such, I'm careful and meticulous when it comes to talking to my villagers in search of gossip or the rumor of a moving villager. If I go through town and hear Merry ask me for juicy gossip, or Apollo say that rumors are scary, or hear someone has ticklish feet or was gossiping about an uchi's notoriety in sports... I move on.

However, right now, Kabuki is sick. Obviously he's not going anywhere, but I know others still can. I'm paying attention to pings, but sometimes, a ping about something silly can put a timer on what would have been another villager's ping about moving. I feel safer talking gossip... But no one in town can seem to talk about anything except Kabuki's terrible summer cold.

When a villager is sick, I know other villagers can still move, but will they still gossip about a villager moving, or do I have to rely on pings? On the same level, will villagers still spread random rumors in lieu of "I heard ___ is moving away soon!" gossip?
i think they will still gossip about another villager moving but im not 100% sure, since i dont think ive ever been in your exact situation
It certainly doesn't help that even with TTing day by day, I have Merry and Apollo, whose birthdays are within a week of each other...
Yes villagers will gossip when another villager is sick. It's happened a few time because I was due for a mover ping or rumor ping just after the villager got sick. Some times they wouldn't talk about anything but the sick villagers. Other times they don't even mention the sick villager which is sad.
Here is another thing to try: I am not sure if Erik just got magically cured within a day or if this actually works and I noticed it on accident.

When I was TTing Erik got sick, I gave him medicine once but then TTed into the past (I was 2 days ahead of the real date) and he wasn't sick anymore. Perhaps try going back and see if it cures the villager.
yes i believe they can still gossip about other villagers, make sure to talk to a villager (preferably snooty) at least 10 times.
Why call it "gossip"? It's all true. Except for the fact that the jocks claim they've been hearing rumors that they're some sort of prince from another planet...

They tell you that "_______ caught a cold", you go into that person's house, there they are, hacking and sneezing like the apocalypse is happening.

They tell you that "_______ is moving out soon", you go near that person, PING, they're prompting you the decision on whether or not they should leave the town and never come back.
I think the best way is to just keeping to villagers until they tell you who is moving out if you know its time that someone is ready to move