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Portal 2!

i think it's fair enough.. ps3 didn't get left 4 dead.. that was kinda unfair.

two wrongs don't make a right, but at least they're spreading the love around.

they may add in some kinda steamworks feature for the xbox release.. but i'm not holding my breath.
Quite true.
Gabe Newell once said in the past that Valve's games just wouldn't work on the PS3 (One of the reasons why The Orange Box was not ported by Valve). So I guess it's just a bit of making up for past events.
If this feature is going to become a trend on the PS3, I may consider finally investing in a PS3. I have a few reasons already to buy one.

I just hope they release the next left 4 dead on ps3 and maybe add l4d1 and 2
It's nice to know it's actually possible. That 25 gig Blu-ray could hold the first two games and maybe even the third AND maybe even the DLC too.
Quite true.
Gabe Newell once said in the past that Valve's games just wouldn't work on the PS3 (One of the reasons why The Orange Box was not ported by Valve). So I guess it's just a bit of making up for past events.
If this feature is going to become a trend on the PS3, I may consider finally investing in a PS3. I have a few reasons already to buy one.
It's nice to know it's actually possible. That 25 gig Blu-ray could hold the first two games and maybe even the third AND maybe even the DLC too.
i would say upgrade your PC since you already own a 360. so long as you don't have to upgrade both the processor/motherboard, you'll probably save more money by simply buying a decent graphics card, and you'll DEFINITELY save money if you wait for some good steam sales. the ps3 really doesn't have much in comparison to what xbox live offers, but xbox live can't touch the fact that PSN's free (aside from that PSN plus stuff)

they could have had L4D on the ps3, but with all the tuning to port it over to the ps3.. (see orange box, like you said) i think it was more hassle than valve saw worth in. the whole "ps3 has like 8 hyperthreading cores that MUST be in sync or the game just wont work for some magical reason no one knows" deal. i dunno. if/when we play as the midnight riders, hopefully they'll port it over to both consoles this time. not that it'll affect me too much.. (pc master race :J) but it's good to know my brethren are getting their share.
I still think the PS3 hardware is great, Sony has been ****ing up lately though. Messing in DRM territory I don't like. But I can't entirely blame them I suppose.

I don't know how it will link with steam, but I buy some games for PC because it is just easier to control, other games are just better with a controller. But for me my PS3 will always be a handy dandy bluray player :)
Have you heard that EyeBot thingy you meet in the beginings voice?

I mean cmon you have to get it just for that!
i would say upgrade your PC since you already own a 360. so long as you don't have to upgrade both the processor/motherboard, you'll probably save more money by simply buying a decent graphics card, and you'll DEFINITELY save money if you wait for some good steam sales. the ps3 really doesn't have much in comparison to what xbox live offers, but xbox live can't touch the fact that PSN's free (aside from that PSN plus stuff)
I've already got that covered. I've already got a good performance computer. It's a about four years old, but it can still run TF2 with high settings.
It's a 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo Processor with 3 gigs of RAM and an ATI All in Wonder GPU. It runs awesome, but I would love to upgrade some things on it to bring it fully up to date. Although, keeping up with technology is really hard to today. New technology is always being put out so anything new becomes obsolete so fast. That and the price some of the new stuff goes for makes it more beneficial to just buy a whole new computer.
But one thing I should upgrade is my HDD. It's only about 150 GB and it's running out of space fast.

I also noticed something that kind of annoyed me: Portal 2 is coming out on a Monday :/ I just pray my Math and Physics courses don't load too much homework that night. Regardless though, I'm gonna play Portal 2 that night.
I've already got that covered. I've already got a good performance computer. It's a about four years old, but it can still run TF2 with high settings.
It's a 2.6 GHz Core 2 Duo Processor with 3 gigs of RAM and an ATI All in Wonder GPU. It runs awesome, but I would love to upgrade some things on it to bring it fully up to date. Although, keeping up with technology is really hard to today. New technology is always being put out so anything new becomes obsolete so fast. That and the price some of the new stuff goes for makes it more beneficial to just buy a whole new computer.
But one thing I should upgrade is my HDD. It's only about 150 GB and it's running out of space fast.

I also noticed something that kind of annoyed me: Portal 2 is coming out on a Monday :/ I just pray my Math and Physics courses don't load too much homework that night. Regardless though, I'm gonna play Portal 2 that night.
i have about the same, 2.4 instead of 2.6
integrated graphics, or a real GPU? cuz i'd assume it would be kinda choppy without a dedicated gpu. otherwise, that's my comp in a nutshell.

i have a 1tb hard drive that i put in it, two years old.. good stuff. price point is why i said you'd be better off UNLESS you have to buy a new processor/motherboard. that's what costs $300/400 alone. but, it's top notch stuff. anything over quad core is just gravy at this point, since most games only use two cores as is.

my advice = buy a new HDD, upgrade your PSU when one goes on sale, and pick up a cheap graphics card. all that shouldn't cost you more than $150 if you look at the right places.. depending on which HDD you get. i don't see the point in blowing all the money a bleeding edge GPU costs, but your call i guess.

My version of expensive is anything over 100 dollars XD I'm actually quite happy with what I got now. It's just me trying to thrive for everything at max settings with 60 FPS :p

The only thing holding me back from buying a new HDD is the operating system. I'm not sure if I can transfer it without affecting the license. I'm pretty sure it would work, but even so, I would prefer to start fresh as Windows is getting really slow. Could be one excuse to upgrade to 7. If I do ever get a HDD update, I'm going to make sure it is 1 TB or more.
i'd recommend using a solid state drive for your OS if your other parts will take advantage of the huge speed boost.

i made a backup disc of vista whenever i first set it up.. so i used that to reinstall it on my bigger hard drive (shouldn't have done that, since it's made for storage, not speed/constant use)

PC version will be able to have higher settings than ps3/console, if it's tricked out enough. :p

and yeah.. i know where you're coming from. a ps3 isn't cheap either, though. :p saving 100/200 bucks.. not bad at all.
To be honest, I haven't even passed the Test Chamber or whatever after you get the Orange Portal Gun in the first game. I'll get Portal 2 though for the potential Bro-Op.
i'd recommend using a solid state drive for your OS if your other parts will take advantage of the huge speed boost.

i made a backup disc of vista whenever i first set it up.. so i used that to reinstall it on my bigger hard drive (shouldn't have done that, since it's made for storage, not speed/constant use)

PC version will be able to have higher settings than ps3/console, if it's tricked out enough. :p

and yeah.. i know where you're coming from. a ps3 isn't cheap either, though. :p saving 100/200 bucks.. not bad at all.
Yeah, my laptop has a partion made to keep a backup of Windows. I've been meaning to burn a copy of it to a CD for about two years. I wish I did that on my performance computer, but oh well.

Oh and I should rephrased the part where I said I was considering on getting a PS3 in the future. I was more saying that because there are some other games on there that intrigued me. I would never consider a PS3 version of a game as a replacement to the PC version. That's plain mad :p

To be honest, I haven't even passed the Test Chamber or whatever after you get the Orange Portal Gun in the first game. I'll get Portal 2 though for the potential Bro-Op.
I now then challenge you to beat my Portal 1 speedrun of 35 minutes and 45 seconds from start to finish :p
I'm just going to wait until I can rent it from a game rental store. I'm skeptical about how long the game actually is, and how well the co-op will do, and I don't want to buy a game I'll beat in two days and the co-op being boring. So renting, and if it's worth purchasing, then that.
But judging how they are treating this release, I feel Valve may release DLC in the future. For how much is going to be they key question if they do.
But judging how they are treating this release, I feel Valve may release DLC in the future. For how much is going to be they key question if they do.
i'll be very disappointed if they go that route/if there's pay-to-play DLC. free stuff = **** year valve.
But judging how they are treating this release, I feel Valve may release DLC in the future. For how much is going to be they key question if they do.

Ummm how are they treating it in a way that makes it seem like there will be dlc you need to pay for?
Ummm how are they treating it in a way that makes it seem like there will be dlc you need to pay for?
It was just a guess. I'm just basing it off of how serious they're taking the release this time around.
I was thinking more along the lines of free though. Well at least for the PC/Mac and PS3.

Speaking of additional content, since the PS3 is going to feature cross-platform multiplayer for this, what happens if a user on the PC is playing a custom made map? I'm going to safely say it will not allow you to join their session, but one could only hope...
I don't think length is going to be a problem, since Steam lists that Portal 2 needs at LEAST 7.6 GB, while, as far as I know, Portal only needed 2.0+ GB.
still, how do you replay a puzzle game? :/

Well the replay value was more in completing the challenges. which included some extra chambers, and some rather hard to perfect things.

Now one thing I hope they try to do is form a map making community, that would help, but honestly I liked picking portal up to play through it a few times after my first run through. It was just fun really, and I tried to see things I didn't before.