Playstation 4 discount codes?


May 27, 2017
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
I rlly need to know where i can get one or find one thats work because im 1 one dollar and 45 cents of a game i want to buy but dont plan to buy another card so please help me : (

- - - Post Merge - - -

Please help me anyone i only have 2 days before the sale dies : (
Pro tip (don't tell anybody else, it'll be our little secret)

If you're not Gamerpaul10, please follow the honor system and stop reading here, k thnx bai.

You need to start by going to your local Game Stop on a Thursday afternoon at precisely 13:27, stand by the 3DS games and perform the mating call of the female Albino African womble. It's important that you perform the male mating call, otherwise you could end up with Nintendo store credit.

When a member of staff comes over to ask if you need assistance, you need to respond with "the infidels march upon the legs of Venus" whilst performing the Batusi. They'll pretend they don't understand what you're talking about, but they do, that's just the signal that the transaction has started.

You need to ask for Dave. They'll insist that nobody works there called Dave to which you respond "could you check in the back?". It's important that you insist they check in the back as this is them testing to make sure you're not an undercover Sony executive.
Note: If a Dave does """"work there"""", that's the signal to abort. Sony are monitoring that store and anything you do from here on out could result in fatalities.

Once they return and apologize that a Dave really doesn't work there, that's the code that they're now willing to perform this transaction with you. You shall now place your index finger on their lips and whisper the word "shhhhh" into their ear.

Now here's the key part, do NOT mess this up: Head towards the checkout and tell the man behind the counter that you would like $10 PSN store credit (do not accept service from the woman. She deals only with XBL store credit). He will ask you for $10. In return, you must give him $20 to show you trust him, basically a promise that you will keep this process a secret. In return, he will hand you $10 and a voucher with a super secret code that will give you $10 PSN store credit. You now have $10 PSN store credit and $10, so you're making real money here too.

But keep this between you and me. I might be breaking some rules here as this sort of transaction is highly illegal, especially in France. Keep your identity a secret at all times and if they ask, you've never heard of me.
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