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Senior Member
May 10, 2010
I have a Bearded Dragon namde Jynxy. She's almost 1 year old. I also have 2 fish named Boa and Totem (they're neon tetras). I also might be getting an American Bulldog puppy. I'll probably name him Budda (like the chinese guy LOL) or Miko. I used to have an orange tabby named Buddy and a Bichon Frise named Max. I MISS YOU MAX!!!!!!!!! *gasp* Jynxy isn't moving. Oh ok. *whew* She just turned her head. POst here if you have or have had any animals!
right now i have 2 dogs and 2 cats


pepper - mutt = 2 years old
faline - chihuahua - 1 year and a half


abbey - calico - 1 year
niles - tuxedo - 10 years
2 dogs, 4 cats and others I don't know the names on.

Dogs - Kiwi & Ozzy.

Cats - Lukas, Goldie, Pelle & Nilo.
I have 2 dogs and a couple of cats.I found out that i got 2 kittenes.

Dogs = Holly and Rocky (both sheepdogs)

Cats = Donaghcat (we call our blind cat blind cat) we didn't name the rest
4 cats (european shorthairs)
Moortje (12), Spotje (6), Remi (3), Kleintje (3)

We had 2 red-eared sliders (Bert & Ernie) both were females but we found that out when they were 10 xD. they both died last month due to some sort of bacteria in the water :smilefrown:
I have a dog named Lola. She's a mix of Chihuahua and Entlebucher Mountain Dog. <3
I have a dog (a cavalier king charles spaniel) named Kingston, who's 2 years old, and I've had at least 10 fish in the past. Lol.
ogawd we have so many cats.

Toffee, Bramble, Stanley, Purdy, George, Charlie, Lola (our new kitten =) and a stray that comes for food. We also have two dogs, Harvey and Alfie, and my hampster Gary.
I have a dog named lucy and a cat named deiter and a hampster named scoodles. i had another cat named goony but he ran away I MISS YOU GOONY!!!! my sister also has another hampster named buddy. :p
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