Has Anyone Else Thought of How Their Pets Would Be as Villagers?

I've always named Mathilda's baby joey after my cat, Pebbles. :)
Brady is a lazy flame point cat. He's very nice and always wants food. Plus he often likes to sit with us and he's very affectionate. None of the personalities match that, but you can turn that into a love of sleeping.

Jojo is a sisterly black and white dog. She's afraid of strangers (and kind of mean to them) and overprotective of us. So sisterly fits really well.

He's not alive anymore, but I want to mention Rockee, the cockatiel (or I guess maybe an eagle for game sake). He's definitely cranky. Not cranky as in New Horizons, I mean cranky like in the old games. He definitely wanted to kill me and pretty much everybody else. Also, it's hilarious to imagine him with a deep voice.
snooty cat! everyone who sees her says she's fabulous and a supermodel cat lol