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Other Races


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
The racists at Nintendo don't like blacks, asians, indians, or latinos in their games like Mario and Legend of Zelda so we need the option to be another race besides whitey in Animal Crossing series.
I honestly thought the cracker launcher in Super Smash Bros. Brawl would shoot white people at the opponent.
Anyway, we need moar options.
If you put a mii mask on which is a different skin colour it changes the colour of your arms too.
Right, Nintendo doesn't like races such as Asians... even though Nintendo is an Asian company, ran by Asians, where Asians make the games....

lol <.<
stormcommander said:
Right, Nintendo doesn't like races such as Asians... even though Nintendo is an Asian company, ran by Asians, where Asians make the games....

lol <.<
What about blacks and latino? ;o
How are they racist? Just because you can't pick your skin tone? You can't do that in almost every game :0

And obviously the majority of AC players are Caucasian / Asian... both of which have lighter color skin.... not a big deal
Just because they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series doesn't mean they're racist. It just means they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series.

Most video games out of japan lack that in fact, most animes, mangas, tv shows, and movies too.

Know why? Because its Japan, they dont have much racial diversity there.

As it stands, it couldnt hurt them to put that option in, but I wouldn't put it as something likely to happen anytime soon either.
Zephent said:
Just because they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series doesn't mean they're racist. It just means they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series.

Most video games out of japan lack that in fact, most animes, mangas, tv shows, and movies too.
Mario? All white
Legend of Zelda? Ganondorf/Gerudos are black but Ganny is evil so thats racist.
And guess what? There has never been a black Pokemon character considering how massive those games are.
Hell, Sony's PS Triple repersents blacks better
I dont think it matters much. It's a game for crying out loud -.-;
(Dont get me wrong, AC is still more than a game to me)
RoxyChic175 said:
I had a friend who was outside so much on WW that his skin color got darker.
that's as far as it's gonna go. And besides, again, like Zephent said, the people in Japan really don't have any racial diversity. They've probably never seen a black, or more likely, never seen a hispanic before. And so what if Ganon/Gerudos were black and evil, you're saying that anyone who makes a black person evil is racist? Well then, any black person who makes a white person evil is racist also? That's what you're inferring there. And in Animal Crossing, so what if they don't have any black choises, a) what is cap'n/rover/etc. gonna ask you? what is your race? "Are you black, white, asian, hispanic, eskimo, etc?"
b) So if they're racist cause they left out a skin tone, does that mean they're animalist for not having certain animals in there? capibaras, kinkajous, snakes, etc?
Bacon Boy said:
RoxyChic175 said:
I had a friend who was outside so much on WW that his skin color got darker.
that's as far as it's gonna go. And besides, again, like Zephent said, the people in Japan really don't have any racial diversity. They've probably never seen a black, or more likely, never seen a hispanic before. And so what if Ganon/Gerudos were black and evil, you're saying that anyone who makes a black person evil is racist? Well then, any black person who makes a white person evil is racist also? That's what you're inferring there. And in Animal Crossing, so what if they don't have any black choises, a) what is cap'n/rover/etc. gonna ask you? what is your race? "Are you black, white, asian, hispanic, eskimo, etc?"
b) So if they're racist cause they left out a skin tone, does that mean they're animalist for not having certain animals in there? capibaras, kinkajous, snakes, etc?
Yea that can be true. And that they don't have holdays for other religions, like Hanukkah for example.

Maybe they don't want to encourage racism.
Bacon Boy said:
RoxyChic175 said:
I had a friend who was outside so much on WW that his skin color got darker.
that's as far as it's gonna go. And besides, again, like Zephent said, the people in Japan really don't have any racial diversity. They've probably never seen a black, or more likely, never seen a hispanic before. And so what if Ganon/Gerudos were black and evil, you're saying that anyone who makes a black person evil is racist? Well then, any black person who makes a white person evil is racist also? That's what you're inferring there. And in Animal Crossing, so what if they don't have any black choises, a) what is cap'n/rover/etc. gonna ask you? what is your race? "Are you black, white, asian, hispanic, eskimo, etc?"
b) So if they're racist cause they left out a skin tone, does that mean they're animalist for not having certain animals in there? capibaras, kinkajous, snakes, etc?
Zephent said:
Zephent said:
Just because they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series doesn't mean they're racist. It just means they lack a Hispanic or Black character in their series.

Most video games out of japan lack that in fact, most animes, mangas, tv shows, and movies too.
Kolvo said:
Mario? All white
Legend of Zelda? Ganondorf/Gerudos are black but Ganny is evil so thats racist.
And guess what? There has never been a black Pokemon character considering how massive those games are.
Hell, Sony's PS Triple repersents blacks better
You obviously misinterpreted my post.

What I basically said was not including a race in a game doesnt mean they're racist, Most of these games are from japan where there arent many races other than Japanese.

Also happening to not include races in their games isnt racist unless they're deliberately doing it, which nobody can really prove, Like I said, I think its more because of the area of development of their games, Sony and Microsoft are based out of America for the most part, so of course they'll have more multi-racial characters, the area of development is a lot more multi-racial then japan.
hey.... there were good gerudos too... one was a sage! Along witha perpetual child, a blue skinned fish, a goron, a sheikian ( think this is wrong I forget what they were called), and one ordinary fat white dude.

Anyways, i think skin color could be a choice in AC... but the way it was made they probably couldn't think of a good way to ask about it.... although they had something to determine your sex... iono why it isn't an option really...
You just have to say its burly or its cute, then correct him if you say either or pertaining to something else. I just confused myself...