Opinions on Christianity?

Your position on Christianity?

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I strongly relate to this. I'm accepting of other people's beliefs, but once I was able to think for myself and realised that there's this thing called science, I was outta there. I'm also gay, so if I did decide to get back into religion, I wouldn't be accepted because

i have sinned.

I am heterosexual biromantic (starting to realize I'm a bit homosexual), so I know for sure I wouldn't be accepted if I were to ever go back either, which I can say without a doubt, I won't. My family is unaware of my self-discovery, and my atheism, and I'd like to keep it that way, because I'd rather not deal with the comment "you've sinned." I understand not all Christians say this, but I can assure you my family would if they were to find out, because they are very... extreme. I have a fondness for other sexualities as well (I watch Shadowhunters, and MagnusxAlec are adorable), which I have become less wary of showing, and actually enjoy doing so. My mother has realized this I think; she used to complain about the shows I watched because of gay relationships, but now she barely utters a word, because she knows I don't give a f--- what she thinks.

this turned into a rant, when it was supposed to be an agreeing reply. oops
I think yes religion does cause schisms... the word schism literally derives from religious separation, and by looking through history a lot of, if not all, wars have some sort of religious component or affiliation with it. However, I think this derives from religious people though. There is an underlying arrogance with religious people I've noticed, each thinks their way of thinking is better than anyone else's and everyone should follow theres and the world would be a better place. However, no, there is nothing to say one is better than the other... not to mention all of them are based on supernatural events that happened 2000 years ago from a book comprising stories that before hand were only passed on by word of mouth.

I don't care about people following a religion, its a personal relationship with whoever as far as I know, so keep it that. We all have an innate spiritual need that we need to fulfill for our lives, and lots of people do that through religion, i can respect that. However, I am more science based and believe in evidence based everything, so I can't justify following anything that to me just doesn't make sense.
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I don't care you made a thread for people to share all opinions towards Christianity, but this statement right here made me angry. I've already shared my opinion on Christianity in the other thread. Based on your opinion, you know nothing about Christianity or what it's about. It's just God, by the way. Not God/Goddess I don't know where you're getting that from.

Well you didn't need to be a dickhead about it either. Go slither back to Raskell's thread then, snake. Hiss hiss.

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I am heterosexual biromantic (starting to realize I'm a bit homosexual), so I know for sure I wouldn't be accepted if I were to ever go back either, which I can say without a doubt, I won't. My family is unaware of my self-discovery, and my atheism, and I'd like to keep it that way, because I'd rather not deal with the comment "you've sinned." I understand not all Christians say this, but I can assure you my family would if they were to find out, because they are very... extreme. I have a fondness for other sexualities as well (I watch Shadowhunters, and MagnusxAlec are adorable), which I have become less wary of showing, and actually enjoy doing so. My mother has realized this I think; she used to complain about the shows I watched because of gay relationships, but now she barely utters a word, because she knows I don't give a f--- what she thinks.

this turned into a rant, when it was supposed to be an agreeing reply. oops

Embrace the gay. Find people who understand and support you. I get 'family matters' and all, but what if your family hates you for something you couldn't decide? It's a bit cheesy, but RuPaul said it best, the LGBT community can choose their family and who they surround themselves with. There's so many people who've been kicked out because of all the stigma and there's lots of people who understand.

Christianity is supposed to spread positivity, love and acceptance, the heck is up with that?
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Don't have a strong opinion on Christianity or any other major religions either. People are welcome to believe whatever they'd like to believe with the caveat that they don't try to beat me over the head with it in the process.
Christianity is a beautiful religion.
Agreeing with this ^^

I personally don't like Christianity, but I won't hate on it, either. I'm an atheist, I believe in no god (though I do believe there is something out there more than us). I was forced into religion at an early age, when my mom used to make me go to church, fill my head with notions of what god is, and at one point, I did believe it. Until I realized that I didn't actually believe in god, and went my own way (she isn't aware of this, and would probably have a heart attack, as would the rest of my Christian family, if she were to find out). I am welcoming of everyone regardless of their beliefs, skin color, origin (sexual and otherwise), but I refuse to follow any religion, especially Christianity.

My parents (and grandparents, when I visited them) also took me to church every Sunday and raised me to believe. For me, church was only ever going through the motions. I never felt God, Jesus, or anything that they were all feeling. For a long time I assumed it was something wrong with me, and/or God/Jesus would reveal themselves to me someday.

That never happened. I joined internet forums where I got exposure to quite a few more viewpoints. The funny thing is that my first exposure to an atheist was very negative, and I was deep in my "belief" and scoffed at him. He was a former member of the church I attended as a child and had become a complete jerk to me. While my parents weren't deeply religious, I was still raised in a very insulated environment. It was an environment that (perhaps not really intended by my parents, who certainly have strong disagreements with the values of many Christians) led to me believing that Christianity was this force for good.

It's very hard for me to believe I ever thought like that, but I documented it out in my diary, so I once thought like that. This former-church member only served to reinforce this belief. However, very soon, with me becoming more active on forums (and also taking European history), this belief would be completely and utterly shattered. I think when I learned that sexism and homophobia had many roots in Christianity, it finally did me in. In my middle school years I had endured a ton of harassment. If I had known that their hate was rooted in the religion I held so high up on a pedestal... I was so disgusted.

Of course, if there had been reason for me to believe in God, if I had ever been actually communicated to by this supposed being, I wouldn't have been able to let the religion go. But there was no reason to believe. Suddenly I was able to reason and find myself at the natural belief I had always had but denied - there is no reason to believe in God or any religion.
Like any religion, Christianity is not expressed the same depending on its branch? (do you have a better word?) and the country.
It certainly did terrible things in the world through the ages but it's not just evil. My relatives are Catholic, where I live it's the religion of the majority. My generation didn't learn about the old testament which was "according to the religious teaching us" just the old book of Jewish laws that had nothing to do with us. Another interesting thing was St-Paul not being a real apostle when he's pretty much the poster boy for the Roman Catholic church lol, I remember a priest saying that Paul said something bad about homosexuals twice and women as well but then saying, "Well, Paul was an opportunist anyway that never met Jesus and other apostles didn't like him much so..." (funny priest) Well anyway, never in my 14 years of Catholic school, a religious teacher said anything against gays or women, quite the contrary Jesus loved everybody and we were better to do the same, love them, forgive them for whatever sin, never judge them and let them beat us if they feel like it, because you know, only selfless persons are going to be saved in the end. I don't think people got the message right though :p

I read the bible for fun at school when I had nothing to do and thought it was full of contradictions and didn't make much sense, especially in modern times. I thought Jesus was harsh sometimes, like why people couldn't divorce, then I've been told it was common for the men at that time to get rid of their spouses and throw them in the streets with nothing, so Jesus told them they couldn't divorce and because he feared that men where going to kill women instead to take another, he added that they couldn't remarry either when widowed. Apparently is was an attempt to help women then.

The problem with religion and not just Christianity is that it's old stories/laws written for some reason in ancient times that have little to do with us. We kept what we wanted, forgot the rest, gave them new significations and made people believe it was said by some alien (sorry I'm atheist). Forcing those old laws on people now without knowing the story behind them (and even knowing them) is ridiculous. Just keep "what Jesus would do" and you should be fine...or maybe not, because some people would probably not like seeing you wandering around in dress with a bunch of guys doing nothing all day long. XD

Why did some religious burned and banned all books about homosexuals? Because at some time in history homosexuality was not a big deal, some think it was because of political alliances, just like why the Pope is not allowed to marry anymore, because mrs was meddling too much in his affairs. Well whatever.. Today things didn't change much, religion meddle in politics way too much in some countries, Christianity in USA and where I live is not the same, I guess it's also different from South America, Africa, Europe, Asia... it can be negative or positive depending of what people are doing with it.
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They can be positive, negative or neutral, it really doesn't matter, say what you really think.

There is another thread that only allows positive feedback towards Christianity here: X Post here instead if you don't want a debate and you just want to express a positive opinion.

The reason why I'm posting this is for everyone to share their opinion, I feel like the other one is trying to silence people who have something negative to say because they can't handle it. (This is just how I feel, it may or may not be true.) So don't be afraid to share your opinion here, you won't be bashed here.

I advise people to not reply to someone if they feel like insulting them, being snarky to them and so on, debates are fine but being rude isn't.

Otherwise you will most likely have a infraction for your behaviour.

My Opinion on Christianity

It brings negativity to the world, no...it brings destruction to the world in my opinion.

Most of the things in the Bible are horrible, the flood that killed the majority of Earth's life (Genocide), the support for slavery, the abuse of women who want to learn, the punishment women get for being raped, if two men lay in the same bed (homosexuals/bisexuals) they will be punished, if a child is disobedient they will be stoned to death e.t.c that's barely even half of it.

The Old testament and New testament is about the same God/Goddess, so if you support them and worship them that literally means you support the things I have listed above. People come up with the excuse "that was then, this is now", God/Goddess knows all and sees all, meaning they know the past, future and present so the rules in the Bible still apply today if you're a true Christian. Another excuse is that the Old and New testament have different rules, so what? Its still the same God/Goddess. You wouldn't support Hitler if he had a different set of rules for you because "you're special" would you? No. You would be against him for all the terrible things he has done, so why should this be different? Oh that's right because you're brainwashed to believe in the Bible and that God/Goddess is perfect. I wouldn't call someone who kills most of the life on Earth perfect and supports slavery, abuse and murder, yep their pretty perfect aren't they? Don't forget most Christians don't even practice their religion, now do they? They don't devote their time to it (that's the meaning of religion). So why should you actually believe in it if you barely read the Bible (just because you own one doesn't mean you read it, lol), attend Church/ a place that worships God/Goddess and so on.

The reason why I'm calling the biblical deity God/Goddess is because I think their gender is based on sexism during that time and assumptions. How do we know it has a gender? We don't have proof and a book certainly isn't enough proof.

Despite all of this, I'm okay with every Christian I know personally, they just believe in God/Goddess they don't worship them. This could be said for most Christians though.

I identify as an atheist so naturally I'm going to be very critical towards religion.

This is just my take on things, I won't reply if you decide to be rude to me so don't waste your time.

I believe It's the same deity for everybody, Christians, Jews, Muslims, and older religions, they just don't agree on the prophets and what they said.
I also think that believers know very well it's humans who wrote the laws and even Jesus who was an human (they said) didn't agree with all of them. The bible was the politic of that time and maybe God sent his son because humans got it all wrong ;) Most of people believe in their own God not the one in the book written by humans. They believe in a higher being. My theory would be that first humans thought the sun was God and then interpreted all natural disasters by being act of God, maybe it's just that, stories on things they couldn't explain, then stories to teach or control.
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Personally, I do not see anything beneficial in Christianity as a whole. I think its teachings are filled with hypocrisy and far too strong of a reliance on writing about 2000 years old that frankly (as others have mentioned) should serve more as a collection of historical documents than something to base every freaking life decision on. With that said, I still try to be accepting of Christians and their faith because it gives some people a purpose and something to believe in. That's all fine and dandy, but it certainly does absolutely nothing for me. The only thing that makes me furious about the religion is this sort of herd mentality and blind faith. Far too many followers of Christianity are so close-minded because they have been taught to only accept the things they read straight from the Bible. I find this really disconcerting since this provincial viewpoint on life and certain issues such as sexuality is the thing that leads to wars and fighting and whatnot all in the name of some "God" because people are too scared of what they don't know thanks to the teachings of a narrow-minded religion.
I don't have a problem with Christianity or any religion in general. I do have a problem with the fervently devout and ultra religious, because they're the ones who ruin everything for everyone. I see religion used as a justification to hurt people for any number of reasons, all under the excuse that they have "religious freedom" and having people who don't live their lives exactly the way the feel they should is an "obvious attack on their religious morals and rights". I just happen to live in the United States, where I can't walk fifteen steps without someone trying to bludgeon me with a bible for my wicked, lesbian, feminist ways, so I'll admit I'm a little more anti-religious towards Christianity than I am towards the other major two.
i chose other

im not religious but there are many people who are and their religion is very important to them. christianity and other religions are great because people feel helped by their faith.

at the same time there are a lot of people who are ignorant because of their faith. people who dislike gay people because they're christians and all that.
but i think that it is unfair to say that christianity brings negativity to society, like ueah sure it does but also it brings joy and the christians who are crappy people are probably not crappy because of their religion. people who twist the bible to fit their own views so they can defend themselves with "the bible says this!!!" are the problem. not christianity as a religion

i think everyone is allowed to have their own religion (or no religion). religion makes me personally feel really uncomfortable but that's my problem and i shouldnt disrespect others because of it, just like how they shouldn't disrespect me because i'm not religious
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It's a great thing.

People need to realize the fact that the Bible was written hundred of years ago, and that most of "today's problems" weren't really a thing back then. So if you claim that the Bible is "against homosexuals" than realize that it wasn't even a topic when the Bible was written!
Religion causes more trouble than its worth, in my opinion. You can sit and say "God has brought so much love into my life" and stuff, but meanwhile there are men, women, and children getting their whole heads cut off with small knives for incorrectly converting to Islam. Religion as a whole (Christianity included) should not exist. Unfortunately, it does, and nothing can or should be done about it now, 'cause everyone should be allowed to believe what they want to believe and stuff, but I think it's horrible.
It's a great thing.

People need to realize the fact that the Bible was written hundred of years ago, and that most of "today's problems" weren't really a thing back then. So if you claim that the Bible is "against homosexuals" than realize that it wasn't even a topic when the Bible was written!

Therefore it shouldn't be a topic now. Christians seem to idolise the "man shall not lie with another man" bit to justify their hatred, so if that's the case why do so many Christians use the bible as a shield to defend themselves for homophobic comments?
It's a great thing.

People need to realize the fact that the Bible was written hundred of years ago, and that most of "today's problems" weren't really a thing back then. So if you claim that the Bible is "against homosexuals" than realize that it wasn't even a topic when the Bible was written!

Religion made gay rights an issue. Back then, people may have not cared if someone was attracted to someone else of the same sex, but then these books came along that said being gay is wrong and evil and then people started discriminating against gay, lesbian, and bisexual people in large numbers as religion spread.
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Religion causes more trouble than its worth, in my opinion. You can sit and say "God has brought so much love into my life" and stuff, but meanwhile there are men, women, and children getting their whole heads cut off with small knives for incorrectly converting to Islam. Religion as a whole (Christianity included) should not exist. Unfortunately, it does, and nothing can or should be done about it now, 'cause everyone should be allowed to believe what they want to believe and stuff, but I think it's horrible.

So you're saying that we aren't allowed to say that we appreciate Christianity because there are others out there who are getting tortured by other Religions, and that's Christianity's fault?
It's a great thing.

People need to realize the fact that the Bible was written hundred of years ago, and that most of "today's problems" weren't really a thing back then. So if you claim that the Bible is "against homosexuals" than realize that it wasn't even a topic when the Bible was written!

It's actually thousands of years old by this point. I forget exactly when the newest documents were written, but it was centuries over a thousand years ago.

As I stated back in my original post in this topic, equality of women, the blatant immorality of slavery, etc., all of these things should have been prescribed by an all-knowing, absolutely good God. Instead, we see laws typical of cultures of the time - blood sacrifices, prescription of slavery, treating women like property/punishing a rapist by marrying him to his victim, etc., etc. Including no matter context the "laying with another man" passage can be put into, it is barbaric for God to claim that they should be stoned.

I don't care if these things "weren't issues" back then. To an all-knowing, absolutely good God, the status of those issues to humans of the time should have been irrelevant given his knowledge.
So you're saying that we aren't allowed to say that we appreciate Christianity because there are others out there who are getting tortured by other Religions, and that's Christianity's fault?

It's not you exclusively. It's religion as a whole. If religion didn't exist, then there would be none of that happening. But like I said, there's nothing that can be done about it now.

The negatives far outweigh the positives either way.