Opinion on Employees Wearing Masks?

Opinion on Employees Wearing Masks?

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Professional Phone Hoarder
Apr 17, 2021
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This is a topic I've recently become curious about, and I want to see you guys' thoughts on it. Basically, let's say you go to some shop (doesn't matter what kind) and all of the employees are wearing masks, how does this make you feel? I only ask because at my job I still wear a mask even though it's technically not required and I'm fully vaccinated against COVID-19, however I believe that me wearing a mask may make customers feel more comfortable while shopping, and I want to promote a safe environment for the people who come in. You don't have to, but I encourage anyone to discuss their answers further! : )
I really, really hope this thread doesn’t go in the wrong direction lmao, but I will exercise my first amendment right and express my opinion on this matter. This is coming from a conservative. I personally do not care what a store’s policy is nor do I get uncomfortable when other people are or aren’t wearing a mask. I’ve been in places that have a mask policy that require you to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status, stores that consider it optional for vaccinated individuals, and ones who don’t require it at all. My place of employment doesn’t have a mask policy and doesn’t require anyone to be vaccinated or wear a mask. You can if you want, but it isn’t required. Obviously, I see how wearing a mask can make others feel more comfortable if you are in customer service and interact with people. My job position is a dishwasher, so I don’t have any interaction except sometimes with other employees when putting dishes back. Our servers do not wear masks with an exception of one person, but he is free to do what he wants. He’s also vaccinated.
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I personally prefer it when everyone is wearing masks in public places, whether they are employees or customers. But I live in an area where a large percentage of people are anti-mask so there are usually several people not wearing masks even in places that supposedly require them and nobody seems to enforce the rules. Can't say I blame them considering how angry and violent some people have gotten when asked to put on a mask. I wouldn't want anybody to get injured or assaulted over it.

I am vaccinated, but I still wear my mask for my own personal reasons as well as to help those around me feel more comfortable and safe. My husband is vaccinated and has stopped wearing his mask unless it's required, which I understand, but I've known a few people now who have gotten Covid even after being vaccinated. It wasn't as bad as it might have been if they were unvaccinated, but I'd still prefer to not catch it at all. Thus, I still wear my mask and keep my distance from those who are unmasked.
I’m going to say that it doesn’t matter to me, however, I DO care that the employees are vaccinated, especially if it’s the type of job where they’re around other people a lot. If you’re not wearing a mask and are also not vaccinated I do not want to be around you (sorry, but not sorry). It also just bothers me that if more people had been vaccinated from the beginning, then masks probably wouldn’t be required for any employees. Anyway, that’s just my take on it. For the record, I’m vaccinated and wear a mask when I’m working.
to be honest i like it when everyone wears masks inside places where people gather, it doesnt matter to me if they are working or not. i dont feel comfortable being in stores and such with others who dont want to wear a mask. if they cant breathe enough then they can wear a face shield
masks are more or less optional here. shops have the sign in the window, but a lot of people stopped wearing them as soon as the mandate dropped -- employees included. since you can't tell someone's vaccination status just from looking at them, i steer clear of people who don't wear a mask. which, unfortunately, tends to be a fair amount of people -- and a lot of the same kind of people. i'm double vaccinated. i still wear my mask in every store. it's not like doing so is causing me harm, but the opposite still may -- or someone i love. my mom, nan and granddad are all in the vulnerable category. my girlfriend is double jabbed, and she still got COVID recently. i'm not taking the risk, thanks, so i appreciate when customer service people will wear one. it makes me feel more comfortable and tells me they probably care about others or at least take this seriously, both of which i appreciate.
I feel a lot safer when myself and others are wearing masks in indoor areas like supermarkets and other shops. However if a staff member is behind a screen not wearing a mask I'm completely fine with that because of the screen being there to protect everyone from spreading germs. Right now in my part of the UK Covid is at it's highest (due to a fault at testing centre sending out false negative results) and I wish the rule to wear masks was implemented properly as oppose to it just being optional.
Coming from someone who had to and still has to wear mask to work, meh. The state I'm in dropped the mandate for some areas, but because where I work is a nationwide chain they have not dropped the mandate for employees. I personally hated that it was made the responsibility for store employees to make sure every customer had a mask on at all times. The amount of times I got rude and ugly comments from people who didn't want to corporate with mandates, and store managers coming up to me asking why a certain customer wasn't wearing a face covering when I literally couldn't leave my booth and had no control over that that made me so demoralized.
As a customer in other stores, I don't really have a strong preference if employees do or not, though I still wear mask myself, more so as a way not get ready all the way in the mornings. I've also had Covid and know 100% for a fact that I did not catch it from anyone from work or in public (from who I live with). I think it's actually much harder to contract it from a public place like stores if you're just looking at stuff on shelves and not in super close contact with anyone, as opposed to bars and concerts.

I understand this is a nationwide health safety risk, but I don't think you should rely completely on other people following guidelines to make you feel safe, there will always be people who ignore public safety standards. If you still feel you need the mask to feel safe, you need to wear one as a precaution.
I'm fully vaccinated but I still wear a mask to protect myself and others. I always very much appreciate when employees wear masks, luckily most places here still require employees to wear one despite the mask mandate being lifted. the ones who dont wear masks don't really bother me much but it makes me want to stay as far away as possible.
As long as it's proper one-use masks and they handle them properly I don't care.
At my job they’re still making us wear masks even though the mask mandate was lifted last month. I’m sick of wearing one but on the other hand I really don’t like customers looking at me at all. So in a way the mask is a good thing. The only issue is that now since the mask mandate is lifted I’ll get annoying old men who are like “you still wearing that piece of paper?” Then they like to go on a mini rant about biden and how covid is dumb and blah blah. Very irritating because I really couldn’t care less nor did I ask about your irrelevant opinions.
I would feel much safer and happier if employees masked up when interacting with me. I don't like getting spit on by strangers, even if it's not on purpose. Beyond COVID, I hope masks are made more normal just so I don't get spat on :(
Honestly same. I don't want to go in public without a mask now. I haven't had a cold since masks and I wanna keep it that way. Washing/sanitizing hands too.
For the most part, it doesn't really matter to me. Around here, some people wear them, some don't. I do tend to avoid crowds and being right next to people in public, lol, and not just because of covid. After all:

It's the moosst germiest tiime of the year.
(Tune- it's the most wonderful time of the year).

I get that stuck in my head this time of year, lol. Way too many different germs out there. But at least the mosquitoes all croaked....
masks are more or less optional here. shops have the sign in the window, but a lot of people stopped wearing them as soon as the mandate dropped -- employees included. since you can't tell someone's vaccination status just from looking at them, i steer clear of people who don't wear a mask. which, unfortunately, tends to be a fair amount of people -- and a lot of the same kind of people. i'm double vaccinated. i still wear my mask in every store. it's not like doing so is causing me harm, but the opposite still may -- or someone i love. my mom, nan and granddad are all in the vulnerable category. my girlfriend is double jabbed, and she still got COVID recently. i'm not taking the risk, thanks, so i appreciate when customer service people will wear one. it makes me feel more comfortable and tells me they probably care about others or at least take this seriously, both of which i appreciate.
I can echo this. I'm also double vaccinated, and my mom (who's also double vaccinated) is 63, so she's considered to be in the vulnerable category. My nephew can't get vaccinated yet, as kids below 12 can't get covid vaccines yet in my country. That puts him in sort of a vulnerable position as well.

I barely left my home during these almost 2 years of insanity, and only now, almost a full month after getting my second shot, I'm feeling more comfortable going outside. Even then, I don't leave my house without a mask, and I feel uncomfortable when I have to interact with people who aren't wearing a mask (as we can't know if they're vaccinated or not unless we know the person well enough to know about their vaccination status).

I'm getting anxious because my city is kind of a hotspot for tourists, and with New Year's festivities and especially Carnaval coming up soon, and with the amount of people who aren't using masks anymore because they "already used them for long enough and there's no need to use masks now that the pandemic is over", I can't say I'm optimistic about next year.
It's a personal choice, I don't judge people who wear masks. I work in retail and deal with loads of people to a day to day basis, when I started a lot of the employees were wearing masks and were scared and judgmental about me not wearing one, however they soon warmed up to me and in fact started mimicking my actions because of how confident and positive I've been to customers. Some even asked me how am I getting so much good feedback.

I know this sounds so corny but it's true. Smiling especially in customer serving jobs is good practice. :)
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