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Opinion on Disney's "live action" remake trend?


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
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I just saw the trailer for the Litttle Mermaid, which was part of my childhood, and ehhh

I mean in my opinion Lion King was aweful, so I didnt even give them the credit of seeing it. When I was little it was a huge movie for me, and I practically watched it every sleepover or movie night. So I hope people go and watch the orginal to really experience it.. I guess the only live action remake I sorta. By a pinch liked, was Jungle Book, but im still not a fan.

I wish they would stop with them, and come up with something original, and not used from another story. But they've got a list of others their working on,

Bambi (Because you know, CGI talking animals did so well the first round) Hercules, Hunch Back, Atlantas, to name a few

Whats your personal opinion on them?
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they're so dumb lol. I can think of two big reasons specifically: 1. many animated movies do not translate well to "live action" at all (Lion King and Pinocchio are great examples of this), and 2. they pick and choose what parts of the movie they want to change and what they want to keep true to the original, and it honestly makes the stories more incoherent and less interesting.

it's pretty obvious that they're just doing it to minimize workload/creativity and maximize profit, which is pretty shameful imo. I wish they would just leave the old movies alone.
they're so dumb lol. I can think of two big reasons specifically: 1. many animated movies do not translate well to "live action" at all (Lion King and Pinocchio are great examples of this), and 2. they pick and choose what parts of the movie they want to change and what they want to keep true to the original, and it honestly makes the stories more incoherent and less interesting.

it's pretty obvious that they're just doing it to minimize workload/creativity and maximize profit, which is pretty shameful imo. I wish they would just leave the old movies alone.
We all just gotta face how darn lazy they've become
We all just gotta face how darn lazy they've become
well and the worst part is that we know that Disney is capable of creating some amazing IPs and movies. I think Encanto was pretty fantastic! but it seems they would rather spend most of their time taking the easy route and making super uncanny "live action" remakes of older movies.
ive never liked disney a lot, just kinda casually watched as a kid.

we watched the beauty and the beast remake/live action and it was probably one of the worst movies i've watched. not even going to bother touching the other remakes. i'm not a remake fan in general.
well and the worst part is that we know that Disney is capable of creating some amazing IPs and movies. I think Encanto was pretty fantastic! but it seems they would rather spend most of their time taking the easy route and making super uncanny "live action" remakes of older movies.
Yep agreed, Encanto was amazing, Esspecially the music. Not sure if they'll be making original movies like that for a while.. Its like they ran out of ideas lol
I'm fine with it...but, it also seems highly unnecessary. I mean...the classic animated ones are always the better of the two. And if the animated ones are still preferable...then the live action ones become pointless, IMO. A remake or remaster should have an actual point to it. If it's 99.99% the exact same story, then I fail to see the point. Like...I thought the live action Lion King was actually okay (a lot of people hated it)...but I thought it was a neat thing for what it was. I think this was an exception for me, however (just because it was more about the novelty of seeing the animals than anything else).

Also, I get the perception that time and resources are being wasted to make these live action films instead of quality traditionally animated ones. But I don't think there is much (if any) truth to that. Disney is a HUGE company. I'm sure the live action remakes have about the same level of impact on the traditional animation as things like the Marvel movies or ABC news, or 'Dancing with the Stars' do...
ive never liked disney a lot, just kinda casually watched as a kid.

we watched the beauty and the beast remake/live action and it was probably one of the worst movies i've watched. not even going to bother touching the other remakes. i'm not a remake fan in general.
Im not a huge fan either, there are a few I like. But there are many other studios I like better,
As a rule, I try to avoid devolving into hyperbole whenever discussing media that I sincerely dislike. I feel that in today's age, we've nurtured an environment where people feel the need to discuss media in extremes, where things are either the pinnacle of modern entertainment, brilliantly crafted by masterful artisans tirelessly dedicated to their craft, or the singular most unwatchable rubbish ever put to screen and that we are morally obligated to call the police if we ever see them playing at an airport, with absolutely no in-between to speak of.

So you simply must believe that I do not speak lightly when I say that Disney's live action remakes are some of the most miserable dreck I have ever had the misfortune of enduring, and we are all, collectively as a species, worse by virtue of their mere existence.
Disney used to produce premium entertainment but now what they give us is mostly bargain basement.I understand the thinking: built-in audiences for existing,popular titles = built-in cash,but they don't seem to care about the damage these inferior versions of their classic titles are doing to their reputation,now and into the future.
They're terrible and Disney should stop making them, lol.
This lol. I just don't get the point. Live action versions of animated shows/movies are just awkward to me. I think they're a waste of time but at the same time, I just won't watch them and ignore they exist so whatever. I just wish Disney would make something better.
I feel like they are hit or miss. Lion king was awful in my opinion but Aladdin was amazing and I actually like it more than the cartoon. We watched the live action Aladdin many times and will still be happy to watch it. They did an amazing job with that one.

However this is Disney and the whole point of Disney is cartoons. Walt insisted to always have cartoons in his productions, even Merry Poppins had cartoons in them.
But I wonder if some of the reasons Disney is doing live action (beyond reselling a story) is because cgi or other computer art is "modern cartoons?" Or just the next step from computerized art? I know that using these forms can be cost effective compared to hand drawing everything, but I cant imagine actors also still being cost effective too?
I am also curious about the availability of artists who hand draw cartoons and things today vs computer creations vs cgi skills.
They're all pretty bad in some way honestly. I'm sure that Disney is doing this to renew the copyright (for their own versions) of their IPs. They're probably also doing this to get the newer generation of kids to be familiar with the classics.

You all ready for the live action Thunder Mountain Railroad movie/show coming soon? lol
the only live action remake of theirs i’ve seen is beauty and the beast, and i actually really enjoyed it. i don’t know, i don’t know enough about movies and cgi and all that to judge what’s good or not, but i thought it was well made for the most part. i haven’t seen any of the others because honestly, not a single one has interested me. i think i might have seen cinderella as well, but obviously it wasn’t very memorable. 😅

i was initially planning on saying that the remakes don’t bother me, but i’d be lying if i said i‘m not slightly annoyed whenever a new one’s announced. i’d much rather see new stuff or even sequels/prequels to older stuff if they’d work and are done well (very excited for disenchanted) than live action remakes. i’ll be watching the little mermaid because those movies were a huge comfort to me when i was a kid and i’m curious to see how it is (and i’m very tired of hearing people complain that ariel’s black in the remake, but that’s a different issue), but that’s where my interest in remakes ends. praying that they never try to make tangled or frozen live action because you just... you can’t outdo the animated versions.
However this is Disney and the whole point of Disney is cartoons. Walt insisted to always have cartoons in his productions, even Merry Poppins had cartoons in them.
In the interest of fairness, Disney as a company has a long and storied history of live action. Pirates of the Caribbean is a recent-ish live action franchise from Disney based on the ride at Disney parks, and one I would argue wouldn't work nearly as well in (traditional, 2D) animation. But they have no shortage of live action films dating back to the 1950's.

This doesn't make these films any less egregious in their frequency and poor quality, but I wouldn't say that Disney as an entity mandates the films be animated or even have some crossover with animation as in Mary Poppins. In fact, I would argue that live action versions of Mulan, Aladdin, and a few other classics--if told through a more mature lens and produced with the intent of being a completely separate entity from their animated counterparts--could make for a very entertaining movie. The problem is that they just... aren't.
In the interest of fairness, Disney as a company has a long and storied history of live action. Pirates of the Caribbean is a recent-ish live action franchise from Disney based on the ride at Disney parks, and one I would argue wouldn't work nearly as well in (traditional, 2D) animation. But they have no shortage of live action films dating back to the 1950's.

This doesn't make these films any less egregious in their frequency and poor quality, but I wouldn't say that Disney as an entity mandates the films be animated or even have some crossover with animation as in Mary Poppins. In fact, I would argue that live action versions of Mulan, Aladdin, and a few other classics--if told through a more mature lens and produced with the intent of being a completely separate entity from their animated counterparts--could make for a very entertaining movie. The problem is that they just... aren't.
Oh I'm not bashing non cartoon Walt Disney movies. I was just pointing out that Walt's vision for Disney was to be cartoons and he disliked live action (something that was mentioned in some thing I watched a long time ago that went over Walt's life on cbs), and the company is known for cartoons, so to me anyway it would make sense to stick with cartoonist styles for thier movies.

Edit clarity Walt the person founder