Official Turnip Prices Thread

143 bells per turnip today!

PM if you're interested!

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Looking for someone to help me make 10,000,000 bell profit for the turnip trader badge. Will help you get it in return (or give you half of the profit if you already have the badge).

If possible, if anyone needs the bell saver badge I will also help in return for helping get mine, but the amount needed will then be 100,000,000 bells instead. (around 4mil bells less for myself since I already have that much in my account). Again if you already have the badge I will give you half of the money that I make.

PM me if interested and we can arrange a time to make some dollah dollah yooo
Anyone has a price 200+ today? I could share the profit if you help me not waste the money I spent on this week's turnips
141 bells in my town now! Re-tail closes in 3.5 hours. PM if you're interested.

Edit: [CLOSED - no longer this price]
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Turnips are 125 here! Please VM me if you are interested!
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Reese is selling turnips for 144 bells.

PM if you're interested.

Closing in 3 hours.
Cut your losses maybe? Turnip prices in Haven are at 75 per.
My current turnip price is 619 in my second town. I'll possibly stay on that day for quite awhile. PM me if interested.