o3o Favorite Foods? o3o

Chocolate covered strawberries. Pomegranate seeds. Spinach. Mochi. Frozen Yogurt. Tiramisu. Any kind of noodles especially udon. Sushi with shrimp, salmon, or eel. :3 Margarita pizza. Black olives. Vegetarian stuffed green bell peppers. Hummus and pita bread. Guacamole. Curly fries with ranch (sounds so awful but is so good hnhnhn). Vanilla milkshakes with a banana blended in or chocolate milkshakes with a banana. Banana, peanut butter, honey sandwich. Eggy in a basket. Stuffed mushrooms and mushrooms in general. Bread <3. Vegetarian pot pie. Quiche. Coconut cream pie. Onigiri. Vegetarian dumplings.

I could go on for forever... :|

Chocolate bars, chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream, chocolate candies, chocolate everything.
Chicken curry. Anything with chicken. Anything spicy. Anything with spicy chicken.
And rice. I eat so much rice... maybe too much rice. I should live in an Indian restaurant.
hmmm... can I give the entire category of shellfish? I can't choose between shrimp, scallops, muscles and lobster -.-
Italian and Mexican food!

But specifically..
Chocolate covered ANYTHING
Mexi Fries
Chicken Fried Steak
All fruit except for peaches. Peaches do not taste good to me for some reason. >~<
Pizza! ;0 and fries and burgers
I love love love french fries, garlic cheese fingers and fried potato slices omg
I like
  • spinach, cucumber, avocado, rice, mini sweet bell peppers, soy milk, babybels

Why can't I fix my bullet points? :'(
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I love brown rice with vegetables, strawberries, blueberries, and alfredo pasta (which I don't eat a lot anymore).
My favorite type of food is definitely seafood. But my favorite of all is shrimp roban pasta.