Giveaway • ❤ ❥ Illyana's 9th Giveaway ❤ ❥ • Winners Announced!

1. Tell me something you're thankful for! I'm thankful for AC:NL and my amazing Limited Edition 3ds XL ^-^
2. Tell me which prize (by number) you want. Choose any prize. Um.. the Golden Tools set. If I come 2nd, then the no 21, the BELL PRIZE. Third, is Gracie set, 4th is um.. Princess set and the last is Golden Set
1. Tell me something you're thankful for!
I am thankful for my best friend ❤, who lives far away, and for video games like Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pok?mon X/Y that bring us closer together.
2. Tell me which prize (by number) you want. Choose any prize.
I want prize (4).
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! Not just to Canada, but to all!
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1. Tell me something you're thankful for!
I'm thankful for the wonderful girlfriend I have. We've both been through a lot and without her things wouldn't be anywhere near as bearable as they are. I'm hoping we can get married and have our own family later on. I love you! :D
2. Prize by number: 24
Snowtyke set becaaaaause, I like being ready for Christmas early (although I'm not someone who spoils it!) and I think it's super cute. ^^
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I'm thankful for my family, my fabulous husband and for those wonderful games like Animal Crossing~ I'm also thankful for this giveaway ;)
I'd like the prize 18 (zodiac set)

I'm thankful for my wonderful pets and friends who've made life so much better.

I'd like number 18.

Thank you for considering ! <3
1. I'm thankful for my family. They're not perfect, but I know they love me <3.
2. I'd like to win prize 18.
♥ 1: I'm thankful for my all of my family and friends, especially my best friend Frankie. I'm also thankful for having the free time to play AC and be a part of this community. :)
2: I choose prize number 6! ♥
1. I am thankful to be living with my boyfriend so we can play Animal Crossing Together ❤
2. I'd like number 4.

I am thankful for my amazing friends and family who have helped me in the last year since my accident with my teeth.

I would love to win prize 4 ❤

I almost lost someone very close to me the other day, I'm so thankful I found them before anything bad happened
I appreciate the importance of family so much more now

I love to win prize 6. Princess set!
1. I am thankful that have so many friends (including family members) who are there for me.
2. I would choose prize 10, since I am devoted to my beautiful town ordinance so can never earn these on my own.

I am also thankful for all the people here on TBT who help each other out!
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heart.png would love hybrid bags...thankful to be alive ( had MRSA pneumonia and almost died)

- - - Post Merge - - -

sorry, brand new to this site and I don't know where the heart is located in messaging.. T_T
1. I am thankful for another year of living. Today is my birthday. :3
2. I would love to have the Cabana Set as a prize, if I win!

You're so awesome for doing this giveaway! :3
1) I am most thankful for being healthy and for having a loving family ❤
2) Prize No 20
(different time zone, so we might need to postpone the pickup. In case I win PM please. THX!)
1. I am so ridiculously thankful for my wonderful husband. He is my one true soulmate and I am so grateful that we found each other again after being apart for over 10 years. I wouldn't trade these last 7 years for anything!

2. I'd luv to have #20!
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1. I'm thankful for still being strong, after going through a tough year of moving and missing my country- I learn to adapt and be thankful to be with family even though I may not be comfortable at school and be happy wherever I am. It makes me so thankful to have my best friends in Canada who still remember me, and moving didn't make our friendship end- it only made it stronger. ❤
2. I'd like prize number 11 please. :) It is soo pretty!!

1 - I am thankful for all the people who stand by me and support me in my transition into my future career, and life.
2 - I would love #4, the 7/11 set!