Never have I ever...

I have. Dozens of times.

Never have I ever preferred a shiny Pokemon over the original.
i have not
never have i ever stapled my fingers together (oddly i know a lot of people who have done this)
I haven't, but I'm cringing just thinking about how bad that would hurt.
Never have I ever gotten my finger stuck in a pencil sharpener.
I have. It was good.

Never have I protested lawfully in the streets.
I think once when I was like 10.
Never have I ever eaten raw sushi
I think I have, but I haven't really paid attention to whether or not my sushi was cooked or not.

Never have I ever liked pomegranate.
Never have I ever made lemonade.

and also I'd like to say those of you wanting axolotl's please don't buy one, they are an endangered species because of the high demand on pets, I owned one and they are a lot harder to take care of than you think and rarely breed in captivity, the less we buy the more safer they are! I know this wasn't a part of the game but I just wanted to say.
I have, a long time ago. And it was gross

Never have I ever gone ice skating (I dont really know why, especially since I live in a cold area...)