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Negative/Strange Club Tortimer Experiences

Mayor Monday

Senior Member
Sep 29, 2019
Disclaimer: This thread is not meant to shed a negative light on Club Tortimer as a whole, nor is it a place to attack those mentioned as uncourteous within the community. What is done is done. I just figured- if such a thread is useful- I could ask about personal experience. I do apologize if there is already a thread like this.

My experience isn't necessarily too negative. I just used Club Tortimer Island for the first time today. I was catching bugs until all the trees disappeared. This guy starts floating around, placing red roses and bamboo out of nowhere. I almost got stuck in his bamboo forest since I don't hack, and could not go through the now solid objects. It was kinda weird. I know hacking has been going on for ages. It's far from being a new or unique experience. But this is literally the first time I've ever used the service.

I thought it was my game goofing up. I ended up leaving since I didn't want to get trapped.
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I found a rare item I had been looking for after multiple island hopping trips except the connection cut off. Whoever d/c it's a frustrating experience when the data is not saved...:( Other experiences include when people beg.
on multiple occasions i have had people yell at me via game chat because i would go onto club tortimer to do island tours and apparently that really annoyed these people. its been very strange
Club tortoise makes me anxious like I never wanna talk because I get all shy even though I'm fine when it's stuff like this which is weird, a few times I've run away lol when I'm island hopping for items I run away a lot tbh lol
on multiple occasions i have had people yell at me via game chat because i would go onto club tortimer to do island tours and apparently that really annoyed these people. its been very strange

Seriously...? Isn't that oh, I don't know, part of the feature? People oughta lighten up.
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Seriously...? Isn't that oh, I'm don't know, part of the feature? People oughta lighten up.

im not entirely sure why they do but ive just ignored them, i like the fishing tours and if they arent avalible on my island i go to club tortimer
I've had both positive and negative experiences on club Tortimer. Nothing so bad that I'd want to quit, but definitely enough to make question some players' sanity.

What I do, if I happen to find a rare item that I want to buy on my island expeditions, is I immediately go to any tour (to disconnect from any potential connection error trolls) and once I've cleared it, I talk to Leilani to pick another tour to go on and not take a seat. That way, no other players/possible trolls/someone with really bad internet connection can enter. I then buy the item I wanted and precede to leave the island in order to save the game. (I stock up on medals on my own island whenever I see the Giant-Dragonfly tour available or use the same trick, that way I save time when using this method.)

I've had a few good instances where I encountered hackers that dumped items/bells for players to pick up at their leisure and other instances where they tried blocking paths or saying obscenities. I always found each experience entertaining--one of the many reasons why club Tortimer is among my favorite things to come out of New Leaf.
I once went to Club Tortimer and a hacker had replaced the gift shop items with the abd, postman hat,and some gold tools.
On another occasion there was a hacker sitting in the side of the building with his head morphing through it.
And after two years of playing I finally find the toy hammer for sale, I buy it and then a hacker prevents me from leaving the island.

I haven't had many people begging surprisingly but a lot of times I get asked if i'm a hacker.
Which makes me think that a lot of people are looking for hacker's to beg from,which is just a terrible idea.
Haven't really had any bad experiences aside from someone asking for my fc in exchange for an item and someone asking me something political, but nothing too bad. I've run into more positive then negative fortunately.

I will say this; don't be scared to go to the island. You do not have to talk to people, you do not have to go on tours with others, it is not full of mean people, and you do not have to listen to anyone there. I've run into two hackers and both were nice and gave everyone there items. I'm not saying everyone who goes there is a saint, but it's not as bad as the horror post make it seem. Go have fun and be safe. :3
Most of my experiences on Club Tortimer have been uneventful. Nothing overwhelmingly positive, like I haven't met my BFF there. None of the negative experiences have been super bad, but they are usually super annoying. I've been prevented from leaving, I've been blocked into a corner in the hut, I've had people nag me for IGB, I frequently meet people who actively try to scare away bugs & fish. The "go home" button they added with the WA update is nice if you need it. I usually only do Club Tortimer to see if it's a different time than I'm at or just to see what's in the gift shop.
Never had a negative experience up to now. I'm using CT pretty frequently lately and I've met some pretty nice/respectful people. Sometimes we all just leave each other be to catch bugs/fish. Tours can be fun too.
The only thing I can mention is people begging for bells, but I usually just ignore them.
I've really only had people not talk to me or just stand there idling haha which is fine because I'd rather just do my business LOL.

But that said, I haven't been on often enough.
Prevented you from leaving? That's... concerning.

So going into more detail about it.
I get to the island and there's 3 other people, 1 of them is buying from the gift shop I then wait and then buy the toy hammer.
The hacker was asking the other 2 what their dream items were, he gives them quite a lot of items and then they leave the island.
Then the hacker ask's me what my dream items are, I decline the offer and say that I like to earn thing's on my own but thank's for the offer.
He keeps asking me and I keep saying that I don't want his items.
I move to the counter to talk to Leilani, and then he starts flying in the air and gets to the counter whilst in mid air(and he isn't talking to Leilani).
For 5 minutes he stays in the same spot floating at the counter, he then returns to the ground and sits on one of the chairs.
I go to talk to Leilani and I can't talk to her, it's as if there is an invisible object in front of the counter.
I keep trying for 10 minutes, but then got fed up and gave up on it.
Disclaimer: This thread is not meant to shed a negative light on Club Tortimer as a whole, nor is it a place to attack those mentioned as uncourteous within the community. What is done is done. I just figured- if such a thread is useful- I could ask about personal experience. I do apologize if there is already a thread like this.

My experience isn't necessarily too negative. I just used Club Tortimer Island for the first time today. I was catching bugs until all the trees disappeared. This guy starts floating around, placing red roses and bamboo out of nowhere. I almost got stuck in his bamboo forest since I don't hack, and could not go through the now solid objects. It was kinda weird. I know hacking has been going on for ages. It's far from being a new or unique experience. But this is literally the first time I've ever used the service.

I thought it was my game goofing up. I ended up leaving since I didn't want to get trapped.

Nothing against the club, just the hackers on it. It is possible for someone to trap you within trees or rocks they pull out of their pockets. Or even trap you in the hut by spamming emotes Dr. Shrunk doesn't give you. Those emotes lag your emergency exit on the lower screen the amiibo update gave us. -Like the above post.
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i've been to a ton of islands. heres some of my notable ones

- due to my character being tan, some 9 year old kid kept calling me the n word until i told him to be quiet. then i left.
- some dude wearing an inappropriate outfit and ran around. it was kinda funny tbh.
- a hacker that trapped me on the island. i couldn't leave cuz 1. i stupidly went fishing so and ended up with tons of whale sharks and 2. i couldn't even talk to leilani cuz he used items to block me off.
- i was bullied by some girl cuz i didn't give her 1 mil bells.
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I haven't had really bad experiences, just some that were annoying. For instance, I've had some people come to the island and it seems like all they come there for was to cause an argument or drama because as soon as they arrive they try to argue with you and so I'm just glad that in cases like this that Nintendo added the feature to turn off the persons chat so you don't have to see it.
i've been to a ton of islands. heres some of my notable ones

- due to my character being tan, some 9 year old kid kept calling me the n word multiple times until i told him to be quiet. then i left.
- some dude wearing an inappropriate outfit and ran around. it was kinda funny tbh.
- a hacker that trapped me on the island. i couldn't leave cuz 1. i stupidly went fishing so and ended up with tons of whale sharks and 2. i couldn't even talk to leilani cuz he used items to block me off.
- i was bullied by some girl cuz i didn't give her 1 mil bells.

This is disgusting. I'm so sorry all this happened to you. For the love of God, who thinks up this absolute garbage and thinks its a good idea? Some maturity would be nice. Even with the younger kids- they have zero respect.
This is disgusting. I'm so sorry all this happened to you. For the love of God, who thinks up this absolute garbage and thinks its a good idea? Some maturity would be nice. Even with the younger kids- they have zero respect.

i know. im glad that these have only happened once, especially the first one. after that, i honestly got scared of the international island but i got over it for the sake of grabbing island-exclusive items. i just hope they dont happen again :(