NaNoWriMo 2019


Senior Moderator
Jun 11, 2013
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Sky Clouds Scenery
Orange Hybrid Rose
Gold Hybrid Rose
White Rose
White Rose
Golden Watering Can
For those of you who don't know: National Novel Writing Month is an annual event where participants are challenged to write 50,000 words in 30 days.

Who else is participating this year - and what are you writing? :)

This is my fourteenth year participating in NaNoWriMo and my third year as the municipal liaison for my region. I've hit the 50k goal every year. This year I'm writing a novel that is a mash-up of LGBT+ themes and contemporary Christian fiction. The story centres on a Christian transman and his newly single pregnant friend as he supports her through her darkest hour.

My nano profile is Vrisnem and I'll be tweeting my nano experience @Vrisnem. If you're taking part please also drop your profile links below so we can buddy up!
I've always wanted to try this challenge but I don't know if I have the talent. I usually cant force myself to write. I'll do my best this year by not officially "signing up" but instead just having some fun writing and pushing myself more! I have so many stories needing to be written!
Good luck, and have fun at least. I think in terms a requirement under a time limit, it also limits creativity making the purpose of being a challenge best it being about writing, so I'll never attend one myself.
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I remember trying ages ago but I didn't get far. Maybe this year will be my year
Good luck! Your story sounds very interesting.

I love writing, but I've never participated in a challenge like this because I write too slowly. It's something I need to become more disciplined about. I can finish short things like poems and short stories, but whenever I try to write a novel of that size, it drags on forever and I eventually get distracted by a new idea.
Oh, hey! I'm participating (my username is CambriaSpeedRacer). I'm writing a Pok?mon fanfic inspired by a dream I had. This is my first time actually going for the 50K in November, so hopefully this works out!
We were required to last year for school. I clocked in at about 25,000 words and hated every second of it, but it was an easy 100 and A+ for that quarter.
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It sounds like it'd be fun!
Maybe I'll have to try it one year... I've never actually participated in a writing event before.
I'm probably gonna be attempting it but not necessarily officially joining/doing community stuff, more just focusing on the actual writing a book part.

I don't wanna share too much info on my book, but it's gonna be a psychological horror.

I've never written a book before so I'm curious how this'll all go, haha.
This would have been my 15th NaNo (I have 12 "wins" under my belt), but I'm currently recovering from hand surgery, so I'm not participating this year.

I am still attending my local write-ins, because I've just gained use in my thumb and first two fingers, so I can handle a needle and work on a counted cross-stitch during word wars. I've also volunteered to be a sounding board for anyone in the group who needs to talk over a problem with their story - character won't do what they should, not sure how to get party from A to C, etc. It makes me feel a little more like I'm part of things this year.

Best of luck to everyone participating! I'll be cheering you on throughout the month!
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