Selling My extras of Fall/Winter/Frozen/Flower DIYs!

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I got really lucky and got the Mush Lamp DIY out of a balloon!
So could I buy Cool Hyacinth Wreath, Fancy Rose Wreath, Chic Mum Crown, Gold Rose Crown and Tree's Bounty Mobile DIYs for 60 NMT?
Woo! Good job šŸ„³
And yep, you can! Let me know when is a good time for you to trade!

Can I get a snowflake wreath and iceberg flooring diy?
Sure! That'll be 13 NMT!
Sorry you missed me yesterday! I'm usually not around by then but I can keep an eye out today/tonight around the same time!
Work has gotten a bit crazy and I see some people are interested - I'm not sure when I'll be back to trading regularly, so feel free to trade away!
Could I please get your pile of leaves and forest flooring? Also, are both of your mushroom lamps on hold?
Time disclaimer: I'm available between 13:00-19:00 EST/18:00-00:00 GMT on weekdays!

Hi there!
I helped out a friend with finishing fall recipes and as a result, have a bunch of extra!
I also have extra winter, flower, and wedding recipes for sale.
I am not looking for forum bells (TBT), so please refrain from offering.
Everything is 12 NMT each, or 6 NMT + the only item from this list!
If it's in red, it's only 1 NMT each :lemon:

Thank you for looking!

Edit: a sorting system!
interest shown, possibly taken

Edit 2:
Due to the demand of the seasonal recipes, I will give you 48 hours from the time I respond to you to claim it before it's available again!

Tree's Bounty Little Tree
Yellow-Leaf Pile
Pile Of Leaves
Tree's Bounty Lamp
Tree's Bounty Mobile
Mushroom Wreath
Forest Flooring
Forest Wall
Mush Lamp (x2)
Mush Log
Mush Screen/Partition
Mush Wand

Mush Wall (x2)
Red-Leaf Pile (x2)
Tree's Bounty Big Tree
Maple-Leaf Pochette
Leaf Stool (x2)
Colored-Leaves Flooring (x2)
Snowflake Wreath
Iceberg Flooring
Holiday Candle
Illuminated Reindeer

Jingle Wall (x2)
Ornament Mobile
Illuminated Snowflakes

Wedding Fence
Wedding Wand
Cosmos Crown (x3)
Lovely Cosmos Crown
Hyacinth Crown

Lily Crown
Cute Lily Crown
Chic Mum Crown
Simple Mum Crown
Pansy Crown
Cool Pansy Crown
Gold Rose Crown (x2) (x1)
Tulip Crown
Chic Tulip Crown (x2)
Cool Windflower Crown
Windflower Crown
Purple Windflower Crown
Cute Cosmos Wreath (x3)
Hyacinth Wreath
Cool Hyacinth Wreath (x2)
Lily Wreath
Fancy Lily Wreath
Natural Mum Wreath
Pansy Wreath
Blue Rose Wreath
Fancy Rose Wreath
Tulip Wreath
Cute Tulip Wreath
Cool Windflower Wreath
Hi! I'd like the illuminated reindeer and holiday candle, if you still them. Total: 24NMT
Im in PST, so I should be on by 12PM.
Work has gotten a bit crazy and I see some people are interested - I'm not sure when I'll be back to trading regularly, so feel free to trade away!
Thank you for keeping me updated, and I'm sorry it didn't work out!

Could I please get your pile of leaves and forest flooring? Also, are both of your mushroom lamps on hold?
Of course! The mushroom lamps are not on hold anymore, BTW!

I didnā€™t get the time to make it today, sorry. Is it possible to do it tomorrow because itā€™s less hectic for me. Iā€™m est btw
Yes, of course! Just let me know when you're available!

Hi! I'd like the illuminated reindeer and holiday candle, if you still them. Total: 24NMT
Im in PST, so I should be on by 12PM.
Yep, still have them! You can PM me when you're ready, then!
If still available, I'm interested in the Snowflake Wreath, Holiday Candle (possibly taken), and Iceberg Flooring for 25 NMT
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hello! Iā€™d like to buy the wedding wand recipe pls