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Most Painful Experience?


Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
Apr 11, 2015
Black Famous Mushroom
Black Famous Mushroom
Toy Hammer
I was just thinking of this stuff (yes, I'm weird) and I wondered if this type of thread was made here yet. Didn't see anything... so, here I am making this thread. Anyways...

What was your most painful experience, physically? Be it a broken bone or a nasty fall you had. Nothing gore-y though. Keep it tame, please. I'll start it off.

One of my most painful experience that's not too gross or gore-y was probably being bit by a fairly large dragonfly. I had heard it was pretty painful, but my lord... I have pretty high pain tolerance but this bite made me tear up big time from the pain. It felt like someone dropped a dozen hot irons on my arm then decided to kick me on top of it.

So, uh, yeah. If this thread isn't allowed... just lock it, I guess.
When I was a kid, I tried to show off to my sibling's friend by jumping off of this ramp I owned with my bike. The handle bar stabs me right in the stomach and it hurt so, so bad. It left a bad bruise mark for awhile.
I've been stung by a paper wasp. They're pain level 3 (second highest) on the Schmidt sting pain index. I am not exaggerating when I said this hurt for literally days afterwards. I've been stung by honey bees and yellow jackets... They're nothing in comparison to a paper wasp. I would rather be stung by a yellow jacket 30 times (I was once stung by one about 5 times, so I'm partway there!) than a paper wasp once.

I got a root canal once too. The root canal was not as bad as the paper wasp either. But I had braces as a kid and got a bunch of dental work done, so I feel like I'm oddly tolerant of dental pain now, so maybe I'm just weird.
The worst pain I ever had was last year when I got really severe menstrual cramps. I still don't really know what happened, but it was possible that I had a cyst that broke or something. Regardless, the pain was so intense I couldn't move and constantly felt like I was going to pass out. The worst of it lasted for like 30 minutes, and by the time I got to the emergency room it was dying down. The doctor there said that the pain I felt was basically the pain you feel giving birth. So much to look forward too......
The pain itself was similar to normal cramps but amplified 1000x. It felt like I had a machine inside me that was grinding up my insides and I was very hot and very cold at the same time. I felt like my body couldn't handle the severity of the pain and I was going in and out of consciousness. It sucked lol.
After my wisdom teeth (which had become impacted) were taken out and got infected and I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks and was slightly high on codeine the whole time and still in constant agonising pain ;-;
I fell on my left wrist when I was much younger and broke it cleanly in half. Thankfully it was a clean break though, so it didn’t require surgery.

I haven’t experienced much physical pain in awhile, but I’m usually one of the fastest at recovering from it. The day I had my wisdom teeth removed I was up and walking like nothing had happened to me.
The worst pain I ever had was last year when I got really severe menstrual cramps. I still don't really know what happened, but it was possible that I had a cyst that broke or something. Regardless, the pain was so intense I couldn't move and constantly felt like I was going to pass out. The worst of it lasted for like 30 minutes, and by the time I got to the emergency room it was dying down. The doctor there said that the pain I felt was basically the pain you feel giving birth. So much to look forward too......
The pain itself was similar to normal cramps but amplified 1000x. It felt like I had a machine inside me that was grinding up my insides and I was very hot and very cold at the same time. I felt like my body couldn't handle the severity of the pain and I was going in and out of consciousness. It sucked lol.
I recently went through the same thing and honestly I have never felt pain like a cyst breaking in my abdomen. I puked on my doctor because the pain was so extreme. I cannot describe it to others cause my explanation doesn't do the pain justice. I have slammed my fingers in the car door, I've had my fingers pinched in a load at work and had my nails go purple but nothing compares to uterus pain. I stepped on a rusty nail in bare feet and it went all the way into my big toe. I pulled it out myself and that still hurt less then severe uterus pain.

Last year I had a temporary tube put into my ear (for drainage) with no freezing and they made an incision inside my ear for the tube to fit and I was completely awake for it. That did not compare to uterus pain. Just incase anyone doesn't understand having a sick uterus lol.
Getting a potassium IV. That stuff burns your veins like crazy. My left arm was numb for three days afterwards.

Getting a feeding tube. Stiff thick plastic tubes shouldn’t go up your nose and down your throat! It honestly felt like I was getting choked and drowned at the same time.
When I twisted my knee over 10 years ago..that hurt like hell yes.. Also can confirm wasp stings are also very painful, got stung when I was 18 when I stepped on one and also once as a kid I got told.

Luckily I haven't had too many physical ones which is good I suppose...
when i was 7, my friend dropped a concrete slab on my bare foot. by some miracle, it didn't break anything but my big toe was bleeding from under the nail (with said nail falling off a week or two later) and i remember screaming my head off while my mum took me to the hospital. i don't remember the pain but i've no doubt it hurt like hell, especially given my age.

next worst thing would probably be some of my worst period cramps since i tend to get unusually severe ones. thankfully i haven't had many painful experiences because i don't have any pain tolerance to speak of so the idea of getting hurt gives me a lot of anxiety.
Oh and also my former co-worker accidentally drove a large and heavy "reserved books" wagon over my left toes once that was stuffed with books. I didn't feel it much at first but then I was like hnghglkfhngfh this hurts lol. Luckily only outcome was a bleeding and flat toe which doesn't bug me really but I felt really sorry for her...
Sorry should share mine but had lots? Watching my dad die from brain tumour, mum many years later advanced dementia. Not physically painful so possibly not relevant
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Yikes. My mum had a similar experience. She's not a fan of pain anymore.
It was worth it as it got me my beautiful son 💕
Pneumonia with a pluracy. It felt like I was being stabbed by hot-pokers every time I took in breath. Spent two weeks in the hospital, and it took months before I was fully “well”.

Aside from that, I also have UC which can be...an experience, let me tell you. I used to get cramps so bad that I would nearly vomit or pass out on the toilet. Fortunately, I haven’t had a flare up in a few years and hope to keep it that way.
Getting all four of my wisdom teeth removed. I got nitrous oxide (laughing) gas and local anesthesia, but I suppose the dosage wasn't enough? I felt all the pain throughout the procedure until maybe my dentist got to the fourth and last tooth. It was the most pain I've ever experienced, and I had tears unconsciously streaming down my face.

Runner-up would be getting bronchitis, after my S/O came back from Dubai in January 2019. Breathing wasn't painful per se, but it was very challenging. It didn't help that when my S/O took me to the ER, the bronchitis hadn't set in fully, so there wasn't anything unusual from the ECG and checking my breathing. A couple days later is when it fully set in, and the doctor I saw in the local walk-in clinic near my university immediately recognized it as bronchitis and prescribed me antibiotics.

ETA: got my dates mixed up. Thankfully, my brush with bronchitis was last year.
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Any time I have ever hit my little pinky toe on an edge of a table leg and/or chair leg (or pretty much anywhere really); feels like death for a good minute or two.

Also the contractions I had from labor before the epidural. Plus almost drowning on one of those water tube slides at six flags when I was younger. It was due to the fact that I flipped over off my tube and then slid down the rest of the way without one not knowing how to swim. Safe to say I have not been on one of those attractions since then, I have no idea what I was even thinking in the first place!
the most pain I’ve been in was a when I had a bad bout of stomach flu. Normally, when I’m sick I can still go about my day. Not with a stomach bug. I was flat on my bed for 2 whole days because I was aching all over. The hot water bottle we had was an utter lifesaver!
Second worst pain I had was when I was pretty sick with a bad sore throat during my first semester at community college (keep in mind this was years before COVID happened so sick days worked like unless you were vomiting a ton or were carrying a high fever you need to go in). I tried my best to keep up but I didn’t take enough Advil with me so by the time of my last class I was feeling so rotten that I was crying, so my teacher dismissed me. I felt really bad about that but in hindsight I should’ve brought it up earlier.