Lucky is in my campsite and refuses to move to my town


Jun 21, 2017
Lucky has played at least 5 games with me and continues to refuse to move to my town. Will he change his mind or once they win the game and say they aren't moving, is that it?
Are you just playing random games with him or the ones where he says he'll move to town if you win? Just keep talking to him until he brings up moving to town and pester him until he agrees to play a game to determine his fate lol. Usually if it's an easy game like charades you've got him for sure ;)
Try going out and coming back in, and only carry cheap things you don't mind losing on you
That happened to me trying to move Ankha into my side town. I lost at the "if you win this game, I'll move to your town!" and she completely refused to move in afterwords. I ended up exiting my game, coming back, and then she agreed to move in. :)
Go outside and empty your pockets of everything including bells and anything in your letters. Just drop it all outside the tent.

Go back in and speak to him again. He won't play any games with you since your pockets should be empty.

Just talk to him and ask him to move in. He may refuse or agree then change his mind, but just keep talking to him, he'll eventually agree - as long as you have the space for him of course. ;)
Are you just playing random games with him or the ones where he says he'll move to town if you win? Just keep talking to him until he brings up moving to town and pester him until he agrees to play a game to determine his fate lol. Usually if it's an easy game like charades you've got him for sure ;)

Yup! This always is what happens to me haha.
Just keep talking, and make sure you have no items or money on you. He'll probably deny a few times at first, but eventually he will move in. Somethimes they will do it on the first try.
This happened to me as well when I tried to adopt Fauna from the campsite, it look me literally 15+ times to finally get her to say yes, so just keep asking until he gives in lol.
Hm. I didn't realize that villagers could say no even after you win the game. I'm new to the amiibo update, heh.