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League of Legends

Also sidenote to everyone; how does ranked work? I feel like I've only ever played a couple of them and played one for fun the other day and went from unranked to silver. How come I didn't get place in a bronze tier? Did it glitch? (my first time playing ranked ever fdsjnfkjdsdfs)

Well, you jumped from unranked to Silver because you aren't bronze. It's as simple as that.

You've mentioned that you played a couple of ranked games before, and then suddenly played one and found your rank. Essentially, when you start your ranking process, you have to play 10 games every season to be given an initial rank. These are called your provisionals. You did well enough in your provisionals that you outright skipped bronze, it's not unusual, but congratulations nonetheless.

After you get your starting rank, you play games to rank up/down. To rank up, you need to meet two conditions: accumulating 100 LP, and completing your series.

With your initial rank, you start off with 0 LP in whatever division you placed into. (For example, Silver 5). When you win or lose a game, you respectively gain or lose LP based on how your skill rating compares to your division - the higher your skill rating, the more LP per win, and less LP per loss. This makes it so that if you're really good, you'll climb really fast, and if you are where you deserve to be, you'll have to improve to climb.

Once you hit 100 LP, you enter you series, which is simply a best of 3 series of games you have to play. Win 2 games, and you go up in rank. Lose 2 games, and you automatically drop around 50 LP and have to start again. When you hit 100 LP of the top rank for any division (Bronze 1, Silver 1, Gold 1, etc), your series is best of 5 instead.

Hope I cleared up anything you weren't sure of.

Unrelated, but if you're looking for new supports you could try out Nami. She has a playstyle that's a good mix between Sona and Leona. (Poke and Sustain with the potential to hard engage although reliant on skillshots to provide CC.)
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I just opened up league for the first time in two months haha. Overwatch has consumed my life *-* I do miss league though.. It just takes too long to finish a game a lot of the time and can get so frustrating. Also the majority of the community is beyond toxic..
I recently started playing League again for the first time since about November 2015, I'm fairly new to MOBAs in general and every time I play with my boyfriend (who is an elite, extremely competitive DotA player) he yells at me when I do something wrong and it makes me feel bad that I cant impress him, I want to learn how to play and I'd be willing to take any advice or play with anyone! I really only play support because I dont like getting too much into the action.
I recently started playing League again for the first time since about November 2015, I'm fairly new to MOBAs in general and every time I play with my boyfriend (who is an elite, extremely competitive DotA player) he yells at me when I do something wrong and it makes me feel bad that I cant impress him, I want to learn how to play and I'd be willing to take any advice or play with anyone! I really only play support because I dont like getting too much into the action.

Your boyfriend sounds like he wouldn't be fun to play with.

My suggestion? Find some other people to learn the game with. If you're new to MOBAs and he's getting mad at your over mistakes, then you shouldn't play with him and it might even give you a very negative attitude with the game in general.

Hmm... the best thing I can suggest in terms of actual improvement though is to practice last hitting. (For reference, about 15 minions is worth the same gold a kill gives you) Not a lot of people who are new to the game realize just how much of a lead you can pull just from that income alone. What I like to do is to go into a custom game and try to CS as well as I can with only my starting item. Every lane I try to do a little better, and eventually I add a bot to harass me in lane so I can simulate a lane opponent.

Honestly, if you get good enough at your last-hitting, I imagine that'd be enough to impress your boyfriend if that's what you really want to do. When playing in a game, you can generally tell how good a player is by how much farm they have 10 minutes into the game. If he were too look at your farm and see it at around 80 by 10 minutes, I think he'd be incredibly impressed.
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Your boyfriend sounds like he wouldn't be fun to play with.

My suggestion? Find some other people to learn the game with. If you're new to MOBAs and he's getting mad at your over mistakes, then you shouldn't play with him and it might even give you a very negative attitude with the game in general.

Hmm... the best thing I can suggest in terms of actual improvement though is to practice last hitting. (For reference, about 15 minions is worth the same gold a kill gives you) Not a lot of people who are new to the game realize just how much of a lead you can pull just from that income alone. What I like to do is to go into a custom game and try to CS as well as I can with only my starting item. Every lane I try to do a little better, and eventually I add a bot to harass me in lane so I can simulate a lane opponent.

Honestly, if you get good enough at your last-hitting, I imagine that'd be enough to impress your boyfriend if that's what you really want to do. When playing in a game, you can generally tell how good a player is by how much farm they have 10 minutes into the game. If he were too look at your farm and see it at around 80 by 10 minutes, I think he'd be incredibly impressed.

I only play Support, and I know not to hit the creeps and such-- also it is very hard to play with him because I end up playing against higher level and more skilled people anyways when I que with him
I only play Support, and I know not to hit the creeps and such-- also it is very hard to play with him because I end up playing against higher level and more skilled people anyways when I que with him

Would you mind telling me his in-game-name so I could see exactly what you're getting matched against? If you're not comfortable with that that's also okay.
Would you mind telling me his in-game-name so I could see exactly what you're getting matched against? If you're not comfortable with that that's also okay.

sure, it's 1Kifa, mine is Skilithe-- i may just be complaining or overthinking it but they just feel like harder players compared to when i play alone
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sure, it's 1Kifa, mine is Skilithe-- i may just be complaining or overthinking it but they just feel like harder players compared to when i play alone

It doesn't look like you're getting matched with anybody terrifyingly good at the game. (Your boyfriend and you hover around High-Bronze/Low-Silver skill-rating) The Zed you played against a few matches ago was Platinum though, which is really weird.

But, you are still level 21 and these people have probably played the game much longer. There's also the possibility that the people you're getting matched against are smurfing because of your boyfriend's experience with dota.

You could try playing with similarly leveled people or by yourself, but once you hit level 30 you'll notice a spike in the difficulty. If they're smurf however, you'll notice a drop in difficulty as they'll have likely swapped over to ranked.

You definitely are playing against much harder people when you play with him though.
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It doesn't look like you're getting matched with anybody terrifyingly good at the game. (Your boyfriend and you hover around High-Bronze/Low-Silver skill-rating) The Zed you played against a few matches ago was Platinum though, which is really weird.

But, you are still level 21 and these people have probably played the game much longer. There's also the possibility that the people you're getting matched against are smurfing because of your boyfriend's experience with dota.

You could try playing with similarly leveled people or by yourself, but once you hit level 30 you'll notice a spike in the difficulty. If they're smurf however, you'll notice a drop in difficulty as they'll have likely swapped over to ranked.

I noticed though, by going through your match history, that even when you play alone you get matched with people of similar skill as when you do play with him. Maybe you just underperform because of nerves?

I have a very hard time playing MOBAs of any kind because i really crack under pressure and alot of League players yell alot and it makes me feel bad and not want to play in fear of ruining someone's game, it's something I need to break because I really want to try something new and get better at just being confident and smarter when i play, i have learned alot in my endeavors so far but i have alot of room to grow, also on the topic of smurfs-- ive noticed that around my level now most of them are in draft anyway
I have a very hard time playing MOBAs of any kind because i really crack under pressure and alot of League players yell alot and it makes me feel bad and not want to play in fear of ruining someone's game, it's something I need to break because I really want to try something new and get better at just being confident and smarter when i play, i have learned alot in my endeavors so far but i have alot of room to grow, also on the topic of smurfs-- ive noticed that around my level now most of them are in draft anyway

Yeah I definitely feel you. When I first started playing I had ridiculous amounts of anxiety about my skill level and it made it hard for me to focus on my classes.

Maybe what helped me could help you too?


This is a subreddit with by far the most helpful community I have ever found. If you have any questions, or want to find guides, or anything pertaining to learning the game, you can likely find it on there. It helped settle my anxiety about it ridiculously fast, and helped me get gold on my first season.

Muting toxic players also helps - I imagine you encounter more of them as a support main.
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Well, you jumped from unranked to Silver because you aren't bronze. It's as simple as that.

You've mentioned that you played a couple of ranked games before, and then suddenly played one and found your rank. Essentially, when you start your ranking process, you have to play 10 games every season to be given an initial rank. These are called your provisionals. You did well enough in your provisionals that you outright skipped bronze, it's not unusual, but congratulations nonetheless.

After you get your starting rank, you play games to rank up/down. To rank up, you need to meet two conditions: accumulating 100 LP, and completing your series.

With your initial rank, you start off with 0 LP in whatever division you placed into. (For example, Silver 5). When you win or lose a game, you respectively gain or lose LP based on how your skill rating compares to your division - the higher your skill rating, the more LP per win, and less LP per loss. This makes it so that if you're really good, you'll climb really fast, and if you are where you deserve to be, you'll have to improve to climb.

Once you hit 100 LP, you enter you series, which is simply a best of 3 series of games you have to play. Win 2 games, and you go up in rank. Lose 2 games, and you automatically drop around 50 LP and have to start again. When you hit 100 LP of the top rank for any division (Bronze 1, Silver 1, Gold 1, etc), your series is best of 5 instead.

Hope I cleared up anything you weren't sure of.

Unrelated, but if you're looking for new supports you could try out Nami. She has a playstyle that's a good mix between Sona and Leona. (Poke and Sustain with the potential to hard engage although reliant on skillshots to provide CC.)

Yes this helped out A LOT!
Thank you for taking your time to explain it ;u; !!!
I was thinking about nami! I've played her a few times, still trying to get the hang of her LOL
Yeah I definitely feel you. When I first started playing I had ridiculous amounts of anxiety about my skill level and it made it hard for me to focus on my classes.

Maybe what helped me could help you too?


This is a subreddit with by far the most helpful community I have ever found. If you have any questions, or want to find guides, or anything pertaining to learning the game, you can likely find it on there. It helped settle my anxiety about it ridiculously fast, and helped me get gold on my first season.

Muting toxic players also helps - I imagine you encounter more of them as a support main.

thank you so much for all your help, im sorry for pestering you with my noob-ness xd ill take a look at the link
I recently started playing League again for the first time since about November 2015, I'm fairly new to MOBAs in general and every time I play with my boyfriend (who is an elite, extremely competitive DotA player) he yells at me when I do something wrong and it makes me feel bad that I cant impress him, I want to learn how to play and I'd be willing to take any advice or play with anyone! I really only play support because I dont like getting too much into the action.

Hi ! My suggestion is play by yourself! My boyfriend was like that at first too (he is A LOOOT better at league than I am) to the point where we would get in fights during and after playing a norms xD So we took a break from playing norms together and would only play bots and ARAMs with each other; on the side I would play norms alone with people that I don't care much for impressing, and only played to get better. I am now confident enough in myself to play along side him without feeling that I am the one holding the team behind/carrying my lane when I can if I get stuck with a not so great ADC.
Practice bots and even 1 v 5ing bots in a custom! Look at videos on youtube of champs you like to play and study up on what items and build are good for them as well as who has good synergy with which support/adc.
Just tell him you're doing your best, that's all he should ask of you ;u;
I recently started playing League again for the first time since about November 2015, I'm fairly new to MOBAs in general and every time I play with my boyfriend (who is an elite, extremely competitive DotA player) he yells at me when I do something wrong and it makes me feel bad that I cant impress him, I want to learn how to play and I'd be willing to take any advice or play with anyone! I really only play support because I dont like getting too much into the action.
if you're ever looking to play norms with someone, im always open. Im silver 5 but i mean im not the best player out there. I still have a ton to improve on. If you want to play lmk c:
my user is hyliancrown
if you're ever looking to play norms with someone, im always open. Im silver 5 but i mean im not the best player out there. I still have a ton to improve on. If you want to play lmk c:
my user is hyliancrown

ive added you ^^ my IGN is Skilithe