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Is your state opening up? Do you agree with it?

Idk what the heck my state is doing. Parts were opening up and then cases surged, it's real bad here. We're said to be the next 'epicenter' after New York.

I do not agree at all with places opening back up like nothing is wrong cause people act like that. They want to go out, not washing their hands, not wearing masks, not distancing or just being clean, then they go and infect people and loads of people get sick. I still watch what I do, what I eat and where I go. It helps now that I don't work for a **** company that literally does near to nothing for its sick employees and cases, but there is still a virus out there and it is still rampant. I get that people have to go back out and work to earn money from a government that does not care about its people either, but it's still wrong. People are literally risking their lives just so others can go party🙄
My state is on phase three as of yesterday, and no I don't agree with it. :/ We had been managing cases pretty well, but I feel like the solution to a steady case load isn't to reopen but to keep doing what we were doing. Wouldn't be surprised if it gets walked back in the next week or so, the way the other states that are opening up have been doing.

EDIT: Oops I didn't realize I'd already replied to this thread! This is just an update I guess haha.
Where I live (Canada) we've just started phase two which means outdoor patios and services such as hairdressers have opened. Dropping under 200 daily cases seems to have been a benchmark for this phase. Some regions are also making masks mandatory indoors. I think we've been handling it alright, the only thing I disagree with was the government saying you can choose 10 people to be a part of your "social bubble" and not have to socially distance around those people. There's no way of tracking that and making sure you're only in contact with 10 people, and now everyone on my Instagram is posting pictures hugging their friends. 🤦‍♀️
My province is slowly opening up. I dunno how to feel about it. I’m glad people are able to go more places though.

I’m pretty much forced to stay home 24/7 (with the exception of going to close families houses) due to the fact that I’m considered high risk. I’ve already been on a ventilator once, I don’t want to be on one again.
I don't know if it is open or it's not and it will be soon. Where l am, we went through the phases pretty fast imo, all l know that we are far, l wish l can remember which phase we just went to next. Scratch that out, now l remember, phase 4 we're in right now.
Texas over here regretting every decision they made about opening up early .-. Governor saying it might have been better to reopen bars at a slower rate (you think?). Most people here don't know how to care for others... but since they mandated face coverings, almost every one here has been wearing them but I feel like it's kinda late... cases are skyrocketing!
facecoverage is not everything though. it reduces the risk but does not take it away and only if the mask or cover is handled properly after use, which is often not even discussed.

I live in belgium myself. I have a feeling that we're opening up too quickly but for now the cases have not increased yet. although the rate of new cases is no longer dropping either.
Also, we just had our first case of the government reverting one of the "exit" decision and closing open markets again
facecoverage is not everything though. it reduces the risk but does not take it away and only if the mask or cover is handled properly after use, which is often not even discussed.

I live in belgium myself. I have a feeling that we're opening up too quickly but for now the cases have not increased yet. although the rate of new cases is no longer dropping either.
Also, we just had our first case of the government reverting one of the "exit" decision and closing open markets again
You said it, it reduces the risk. I'd much rather have someone cough into their face mask than all around them (which people do... all the time). I know it's not a fool proof method solution, but anything to reduce risk and exposure is necessary.

I hope cases don't surge where you're at. I understand the economy is important, but if you open up too quickly and then everyone is sent home because they're sick... then that beats the purpose of opening up imo.
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Texas over here regretting every decision they made about opening up early .-. Governor saying it might have been better to reopen bars at a slower rate (you think?). Most people here don't know how to care for others... but since they mandated face coverings, almost every one here has been wearing them but I feel like it's kinda late... cases are skyrocketing!
Our governor is an idiot :/
My state is opening up gradually soon but.. it never really properly shut down. The numbers in my country are sky high, still. The streets are crowded.
My state never closed because we're stupid LOL

I don't really agree with this because basically my entire state just acts like it's a hoax and didn't do anything to prevent spread, and the businesses that did try to keep their employees safe were shunned like they were evil or smth

so I just go out in public as little as possible : /
Most people in my state don’t wear a mask at all.
Our governor is an idiot :/

I live in a yeehaw state near Texas so I empathize with you! Things are reopening in my state way too fast and although most stores and hairdressers are social distancing and wearing masks, I’ve seen way too many people who act like nothing is happening. It’s sad, really.
I generally approve of how our governor in Minnesota has been dealing with COVID-19. He was fairly aggressive at closing almost everything down early and reopening things very gradually. We haven't really seen an explosion in cases from the George Floyd protests. I think most of the protesters were responsible and wore masks and tried to socially distance. It also helped that they were outside. People hanging out in bars are another story. People packing themselves in a small indoor space and getting drunk and stupid is a recipe for disaster. It's one thing to say that we need to return some sense of normalcy but still be careful; it's another thing to say it's summer and it's party time.

The current situation in the U.S. emphasizes that wishful thinking is no substitute for science. The summer heat isn't stopping COVID like the flu, there is no magic drug to cure COVID, and there are no super COVID antibodies or herd immunity to 100% protect you from the virus. There is only washing your hands, wearing a mask whenever you're out in public, and staying away from other people to protect yourself and others as best as you can before we have a COVID-19 vaccine and hopefully a new president competent enough to distribute that vaccine as quickly as possible.
I generally approve of how our governor in Minnesota has been dealing with COVID-19. He was fairly aggressive at closing almost everything down early and reopening things very gradually. We haven't really seen an explosion in cases from the George Floyd protests. I think most of the protesters were responsible and wore masks and tried to socially distance. It also helped that they were outside. People hanging out in bars are another story. People packing themselves in a small indoor space and getting drunk and stupid is a recipe for disaster. It's one thing to say that we need to return some sense of normalcy but still be careful; it's another thing to say it's summer and it's party time.

The current situation in the U.S. emphasizes that wishful thinking is no substitute for science. The summer heat isn't stopping COVID like the flu, there is no magic drug to cure COVID, and there are no super COVID antibodies or herd immunity to 100% protect you from the virus. There is only washing your hands, wearing a mask whenever you're out in public, and staying away from other people to protect yourself and others as best as you can before we have a COVID-19 vaccine and hopefully a new president competent enough to distribute that vaccine as quickly as possible.
People started going to bars here as soon as they got the chance, several bars had to have police intervention because they were violating regulations (whoever says alcohol isn't a drug... well... I have to disagree, that or people are starved for human interaction, which I get, but it doesn't excuse the potential of endangerment). Just today I went to pickup some groceries and drove past a gym that is still taking in patrons .-.

I agree... the thing I fear the most atm (besides the virus) is potential of re-election, but that's not really part of the topic and I do not wish to go into a discussion about politics.
People in my state were really good about wearing masks for the first month of this in the US (so about end of March to end of April). But the longer this goes on, the more you don't see people wearing masks anymore. Mostly it's elderly people still wearing them now. I wear them still, even though I have never been sick this entire year. It feels like the responsible thing to do. At this rate, I will probably wear them until the end of 2020, but we'll see. The US isn't doing a good job with this in general, but my state is pretty bad with people just not caring at all anymore. It's frustrating.

What I do find interesting is the one place that makes you wear a mask to enter the building is my local post office. They have a sign on the door that wearing masks is mandatory. I really appreciate that. Not only does it keep the postal workers safer, but I feel safer too. I have to go to the post office once every week or so to check my PO box and possibly mail things. All of my important mail goes to my PO box, not my house, so I can't just not go.
some parts of my state has opened up/partially opened but there has also been a surge of covid cases and honestly, after 4 months of quarantine, we’ve just circled back up to peak. people have been disregarding masks and social distancing and generally living life like how it used to be and i am so-
i hate it here.
Where I live, we actually have a multi-province bubble that went in place yesterday. We can travel to certain nearby provinces since all three provinces have such low numbers. Given the numbers we are at, it makes sense to open up. Stores and restaurants are all properly equipped for social distancing and encourage you to wear masks and use hand sanitizer before entering. I'm glad I live in a smaller population area so that this is all possible safely 😊
I live in Canada and my province (Ontario) is opening up, I think we're doing alright atm, but (and this isn't the governments fault) why, why do people who live near me not even care anymore and think COVID's done, cause it's not, there's a party at someone's house almost every day now and it seems like there's more people in my city going out now more than ever before and getting close to each other. I get that mine and many others cities are doing somewhat fine now but that doesn't mean people shouldn't be aware of their surroundings