impossible to buy gracie sale items?


Hola Brola
Jul 1, 2014
New Leaf Token
Red Rose
Tasty Cake
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
October Birthstone (Opal)
Happy Home Designer Token
June Birthstone (Pearl)
July Birthstone (Ruby)
I'll load up my town on a sale day like 5 minutes before the emporium opens, then I stand outside the door until it opens and run straight up to Gracie's floor, and all the discounted items are already gone? I've seen people buy discounted stuff at Gracie's before, so why wont it work on my game?
Do you mean that there are no items at all? That would be weird. But if there are a few sale items and a bunch of "sold" spots, that's normal. As it gets later in the sale period, fewer items show up and there will be a lot of empty "sold" spots. It isn't that anyone's actually buying them; it's just that the game is coded to put out fewer items to make it seem like things have been sold.
Do you mean that there are no items at all? That would be weird. But if there are a few sale items and a bunch of "sold" spots, that's normal. As it gets later in the sale period, fewer items show up and there will be a lot of empty "sold" spots. It isn't that anyone's actually buying them; it's just that the game is coded to put out fewer items to make it seem like things have been sold.

everything that I can still buy, Gracie says "That's not one of our discounted items"
Yeah she says that. but the items that are there during her sale are pretty rare so therefore they're not discounted. if you see anything that's normally there when she's not having the sale it'll be discounted.
The stuff on the right (e.g., the card furniture) is not discounted, but anything on the left side (the soon-to-be-ended season's furniture) should be discounted. If none of it at all is discounted, that seems weird.
The stuff on the right (e.g., the card furniture) is not discounted, but anything on the left side (the soon-to-be-ended season's furniture) should be discounted. If none of it at all is discounted, that seems weird.

What I mean is, there are discounted items, but they've all been bought. everything on the left is gone, but everything on the right is still there
Haha, well that happened to me too! I didn't get a chance to buy any furniture from the princess series. Once I checked, there was a princess bed and I didn't need one because I already had one!
I think it has to do on the day that you went. Maybe on the first day of the sale, thats where all the discounted items are at. And when the next day of the sale comes, if you didn't buy it, one item goes away and replaced with sold sign.
Usually when it's my sale time I rarely see any of the furniture that should be discounted :( it's always card furniture, I feel your pain!
During sale time I usually see a few discounted pieces in the shop everyday, so your game is acting strange. Do you time travel?
It happens. Sometimes there will be an item in every spot. Next day--none. Day after that, maybe two. It's random.