If You had unlimited funds; what would you do with your money?

Well with the way my health is I would definitely be paying for some private healthcare first of all.
Would pay off my car and buy something newer, really don't like the big flashy Lamborghinis etc. so I would go for a nice Audi or something. Get a slightly bigger house
Would want to use a significant amount into researching the condition I have, since it's very rare and serious but there is hardly any reading on it.
Anything else would be used on living comfortably and making sure the people I care about will be well looked after
I would probably just buy a nice house somewhere, and donate lots to charity. Spend all day with my work. And that's about it. Money should go to those who need it most, not those who already have a roof over their head and food. There are people dying, and they would kill for bread, never mind anything else.
If I had unlimited funds (or at the very least, more money than I knew what to do with), I'd start by try to help as many people as I possibly could by providing clean water and food to those that don't have it, building homes for homeless people, providing vaccinations and medicine to those that need it, and education for those that don't have access to it.

If I had any money left after that, I'd fund medical research of all sorts. And after that, I'd donate tons of money to animal shelters (like Vet Ranch). After that, I'd buy a bunch of land, build a nice victorian style house and foster and adopt kids and animals for the rest of my life.
Donate to poor homeless people.
Buy really expensive things for family
Put some in the bank
Buy a load of Cosplay
Buy myself a laptop
Buy myself my own home
I think unlimited funds might get to my head, so I'd start my own line of charities, buy a fair sized house with a game cave and a pool, and leave it at that. Don't want to cause inflation, after all
Travel and support my family

adding to this,

I'd buy a mobile home (somewhere around 200-250 sqft) and since I have unlimited funds I'd make sure I deck out the inside with super cool space saving features. Get a dog. Travel with my dog. Since I probably don't need a lot of money with this lifestyle I'd make sure my family are set for life and probably donate the rest. Heh... kinda into tiny houses right now.
The 2 year bump :p

I would buy everything. c: I'm just that greedy, I would just buy everything xD
honestly i dont think id be any different except i wouldnt have to check my funds when i want something. id set a monthly payout to loads of charities, and then just chill
I would share my unlimited money with everyone and watch society collapse as people have no reason to sell things anymore due to free money and there's nothing left to buy or anything really being produced anymore.
I would get mansions built for me in Queenstown, New Zealand, Oslo, Norway, and somewhere close to ?lesund, Norway (by the water), I'd get a beach house in Wellington, New Zealand and I'd have a big log cabin mansion on a private island on a lake in Finland, and I'd donate $1,000,000,000,000 dollars a day to different charities and buy lots of diamonds and sapphires and use them as decoration in my houses and buy nice furniture and get a penthouse in Singapore.

Oh and travel to like everywhere that is safe to travel to and collect every type of currency with all the coins and bills, and get a super tiny pomeranian puppy and a super tiny kitten and I wouldn't work or go to college.
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I would get an apartment, a car and a turtle, save some, donate some and give some to friends and family.
Pay off my student loans and my boyfriend's student loans. Throw some money into savings. Share with my parents and brother as well as my boyfriend's parents. Save some more. Invest. Buy a house/condo. Buy a car. Travel with my boyfriend~ and save save save invest invest invest!
I would adopt all the lonely N64s in the world :rolleyes:

Oh, and I would also make sure that there is an HD remake for Super Mario 64. That game deserves an HD remake more than any other game.
Pay for my best friends', my uncle and his future wife's, and my own college loans and all that good stuff @v@
Wow, unlimited?? I would get my mom in-home care with the best equipment and nurses money could buy. I would get my dad a home with her so he wouldn't have to always leave his house just to visit her. I would open bank accounts for my nieces for their education after high school. I would always treat whenever I go out with family and friends, and always take away lots of food to give to people who need it. In fact, since it's unlimited, I would give money and rent rooms for all the people who need to get back up on their feet and need help with finding jobs. They will get nice suits and outfits to help with interviews, and a warm place and food :) I will distribute the wealth to all countries that need it, and will use it to remove all the corrupt leaders and place good people in power. I will fund all disease and illness research so that we can cure everything eventually. Oh and I want to buy a really big house with a giant library of books and lots of dogs and kitties that will be spoiled to death <3
I'd donate a **** ton to mental health awareness; I'd buy all of my family their own houses and cars and whatever else necessities that they need; I'd take my girlfriend and I out on a really fancy and long cruise; I'd repay my gym membership. That's only the tip of the iceberg.
well, it's unlimited, so i really can just do anything i could. after covering the necessities i could give everyone the wealth they need to live happily and i could buy foster homes for cats and dogs and i could buy big luxuries for the people i care about to show my gratitude. the idea of having that kind of power is overwhelming, though. i don't want to be a billionaire. i could build an extra house just for cats, but otherwise i don't think i'd want much for myself. i'd give myself a cat house, then spend the rest on necessities, and people who really need money. and since it's unlimited, i can do it till i die! then i'll leave lots and lots of money for someone i trust to inherit my enormous spending power...

this is probably incomprehensible but, whatever. it's what i feel.