• We're Celebrating Diversity on TBT! Join our new mini-event this month by making a 3D craft that represents what diversity and inclusivity mean to you. For your hard work, you'll receive a newly released villager collectible and the chance to win the latest addition to our plush series! See the Celebrating Diversity 2024 thread to get started.
  • Thanks for playing! The closing ceremony for TBT World Championship 2024 has been posted. Congratulations to the winning team, Squirtle Squad! Update: The Master Ball raffle winners have now been announced and rewards have been distributed. Time to spend your Arcade Tokens!

how much have you changed since you joined TBT?

I joined TBT when I was 16 and have had the usernames AnimalCrossingExpert(ACE), Riley, Ryu, Space Dandy, DoubleR, Spike Spiegel, xRileyx, Shinichi, and now this. I’m 23 now. It’s fair to say I’ve grown a ton and changed quite a bit. I’m not as naive and gullible as I was when I was younger. I’m also not as innocent either. I’ve been through a lot since then. Actually, when I left the site in 2015 I went through some of the most difficult times of my life. I’m glad I returned in 2018 though.

Despite everything that has changed, one thing has remained constant for me. I’m still the same kindhearted, humble, friendly person I was back then. I love having seen how much the forums have changed and I love the community as well. ❤
Since joining TBT 11 years ago, I've definitely been through a lot (and grown a lot).

I remember always wanting to fit in and tried to appeal to others. My worst fear was being hated/disliked because I already didn't have friends in school. TBT introduced me to a lot of great, helpful people with shared interests. I even have friends here now that reach out when I'm quiet to check-in to make sure everything is OK. :)

2015-17 were two of my worst years. An immediate family member was going through cancer and I was going through anxiety/depression while anorexia was taking me over. I tried getting back into New Leaf around this time and had a lot of fun with a few TBT members that all restarted their game on January 1, 2017.

Nowadays I'm less focused on worrying what others think about me and don't conform or restrict myself. I've also graduated from both high school and college since then and have had a decent career in HR/post-secondary for a couple years. :)
I joined back in 2013 so I had just turned 13 at the time... I'm almost 19 now!
I can say I've changed a lot. Going from somewhat cringey and okay-ish grammar to sounding less child-like.
Also I've gotten more active on here with conducting trades with other members. I'm pretty sure back then I did trades but I also feel like I would just ask very obvious questions xD
i joined when i was fifteen and am now twenty. a lot has changed, everything from my personality to my mental state to what i feel like writing on the internet. i used to argue with people here all the time and now i just don't care enough. i also used to be mega depressed but now i am not. and obviously i was a cringy teen when i started out here, not saying i'm not embarrassing now but i used to be worse
I joined shortly after my 13th birthday. I’m nearing 20 now and it’s absolutely insane looking back on my time here, as sparse as my activity may be nowadays. Since then, I’ve been through homelessness, sexual assault, therapy, suicide attempts, and somehow I’ve made it to the other side. It is what it is. I don’t think I’ve changed as much as I’ve simply experienced more.
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I haven't changed too much from a personality perspective... I have been some through unbelievable hardships since joining, but I like to think I've come out of it stronger and, I guess more importantly, wiser.

I hope you're keeping well despite the trials. I remember seeing your face a lot "back in the day," very glad to see you're still around. Take good care of yourself.
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When I joined here I was around 14~15, and now I'm 21. Yeah reading my old post is cringy now, but I think most people's are.
2017 - 2018 were the hardest years for me because I become severely depressed. I took a break from everything and broke off contact with nearly everyone in my life.

I came back here for NH. I honestly thought bout making a new account and starting fresh but decided it wouldn't really matter.
I've had to learn that I can't keep worrying about things I did (or things I was too afraid to do) that happened in the past and just push forward.

I just want to say, I thought about you the other day! I don't know if you remember me but I remember seeing your post quite often. Good to see you're okay!
I joined back in... I think 2015? Like the very beginning? So it's over five years now.

It's been pretty wild, I guess. This ain't even the tip of the ice berg.

2014-2016 were some really rough years. If I'm remembering right, I forced a custody battle to get myself re-homed and put in the foster care system. Boyfriend of like 5 years dumped me because I was toxic and a literal plague to be around because I was so traumatized, depressed, anxious and toxic. Nearly lost all my friends. I graduated around that time and I wasn't happy.

Later 2016-2017 I moved out pretty much the day I turned 18 from my aunt's who was fostering me and I moved in with my friend. I hardly touched the internet around this time because I reconnected with a best friend and we just did a lot of terrible and illegal things together. She ended up being abusive, I got shunned by our friend group for some petty toxic thing that happened that her friend convinced me to leave. I went to college, had a drug abusing boyfriend who I didn't stop sexual assault, etc.

2017-2018 I broke up with the drug abusing boyfriend, dropped right out of college, and met my current boyfriend on a video game. I was a train wreck. Dependency issues, no friends, horrible attitude, depression, failing college, etc. I just dropped out, moved back in with my old best friend, we kept doing drugs and doing hood rat things. My current boyfriend flew out to meet me, we met, and then we felt like we liked each other. Friend got abusive again, I was forced to move back in with abusive mom, decided I'd had it after I got into a car accident that totaled my car and just flew across the country to be with my current boyfriend who'd I'd known for only like 5 months at that point.

2018-2019 Had really bad depression, withdrawals, etc. Basically I had to relearn how to be a normal and functioning, non toxic human being. Boyfriend's a saint and he stuck through the absolute worst of it when I was damn near abusive, jobless, and mentally unstable. At some point things just started to click. I guess the way it can be stated is "I grew up." I recognized the things I did hurt and impacted people around me. I acknowledged lots of bad things that were done to me. I started actually feeling again and learned how to form opinions and develop a personality outside of being abused.

2020 It's been really good so far. I don't have meltdowns. I can hold a job. I can speak rationally. I haven't been depressed for months, just occasionally have some blue days. Sometimes I slip up and do some toxic things, but I'm quick to listen when people point it out and am really self observing. I can think and talk for myself now, I can make opinions, and am comfortable saying 'No' and utilizing free will. My boyfriend and I have a really strong relationship and although I don't have any IRL friends, I've made two online friends I treasure more than anything really. They're amazing.
i've definitely matured more from my first stint here lol, i still can be a ****head sometimes but i'm a lot more reserved now, i do miss my old friend group i had here but going at it alone here is pretty fun i must say, i had just turned 16 when i joined and now i'll be 20 in a few months.... time really flies
...i literally joined when i was 12. i was an internet 12 year old. lol.

anyway, i don’t type using proper capitalisation/punctuation/grammar anymore because i’m lazy. i have severe burnout from school; i went from being a straight A+ student to one with...usually bad grades. still managed to graduate, though. i got diagnosed with ADHD (finally). i got glasses for light sensitivity. i now have knee problems and asthma, too, which is absolutely wonderful. jesus, what has become of my health? on a lighter note, i don’t read (books) as often as i did back then. that is all i can think of.
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I joined in 2014, I was 20 and confused about what I wanted in life. Didn't know if I wanted to go to college or not. Had some struggles with my mental health. Now 25, I'm working my way through college, no longer depressed, learned how to deal better with my anxiety. I've changed a lot and it hasn't been easy. I'm a stronger person now than I was before and I have a great support system.
I joined like 2 or 3 months ago and I feel like the only thing that changed is I know my way around the forums a lot better and im really vocal about my love for O'Hare now
I joined in 2014 when I was 17. I severely depressed and was in a toxic "friendship" with someone back in highschool. Went to a psychologist over the years, made genuine friends with people who aren't guilt tripping me 24/7 like my "best friend" back in 2014. I've also graduated from both highschool and university and I'm much happier nowadays. I also rediscovered my love for AC through New Horizons, I'd put it down for a long time because of school and now that I'm done with school, I'm just trying to enjoy my life. 🥺
i was 14 when i joined ive changed a lot i used to be a lot more serious and had so many stupid views id go back in time and beat my younger self