How much faith in Humanity do you have left?

How much faith?

  • I have a ton left and hope for the best.

    Votes: 14 13.9%
  • Meh.

    Votes: 23 22.8%
  • Going down slowly

    Votes: 30 29.7%
  • Absolutely none

    Votes: 34 33.7%

  • Total voters
To be honest, I do have some faith. I'm surrounded by great people and I'm sure one day we'll make the world a better place! :D
Sometimes there are people who are great. Unfortunately, those numbers are shrinking.
Lunatic, I lost all hope in humanity when you lost the ability to twerk.

It's that dreadful!
A little faith left. I think about humanity quite a lot. Every animal lives in order to survive long enough to produce off-spring, so I like to think that humanity's 'selfishness' can't be helped. However, we ought to be aware enough of our own purpose and the universe to give ourselves a new meaning to live. I think that should be to look into survival in the future and to preserve our only habitable planet. We know that the universe and Earth is all we have got, and yet we insist on killing each other, destroying our planet very quickly and treating ourselves as the most important thing. People ignore that actually, we are no more important than anything.

I find everything too overwhelming. Humans are no different than any animal that will do anything to keep their life, apart from we have the ability to end our own life, if we should choose. I think it should be a lot easier for someone to ask to die without pain, but that's a whole other thing.

I think humans are both amazing and absolutely worthless at the same time. Our bodies are amazing at keeping us alive despite us treating them badly. At the same time, I think we are very, very weak and can be killed easily by diseases or other humans. In my opinion, humanity is dangerous, self-destructive and upsetting.
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A little faith left. I think about humanity quite a lot. Every animal lives in order to survive long enough to produce off-spring, so I like to think that humanity's 'selfishness' can't be helped. However, we ought to be aware enough of our own purpose and the universe to give ourselves a new meaning to live. I think that should be to look into survival in the future and to preserve our only habitable planet. We know that the universe and Earth is all we have got, and yet we insist on killing each other, destroying our planet very quickly and treating ourselves as the most important thing. People ignore that actually, we are no more important than anything.

I find everything too overwhelming. Humans are no different than any animal that will do anything to keep their life, apart from we have the ability to end our own life, if we should choose. I think it should be a lot easier for someone to ask to die without pain, but that's a whole other thing.

I think humans are both amazing and absolutely worthless at the same time. Our bodies are amazing at keeping us alive despite us treating them badly. At the same time, I think we are very, very weak and can be killed easily by diseases or other humans. In my opinion, humanity is dangerous, self-destructive and upsetting.

I think I've found my doppelganger.
Life made me a very negative individual. I very easily see the negative in people and use it as a defense mechanism, to prevent people from coming close enough to hurt me. I don`t believe in friendship, I believe its temporary and based on ultimately egocentrical purposes (stroking ones own ego), until a person can`t find a positive reflection in the other and moves on to a new prey.

I get annoyed by pretty much everything I see around me, ranging from people not understanding small gestures they can make but not see towards other people from the general annoyances people get confronted with.

I believe in general that the masses are even worse then people indivually. I probably watch to much news related programs and look up far to much information on history. I tell myself I don`t understand why there is war, hunger, no acceptance of religion, sexual preferences, etc, but I know all to well and in some cases I`m the worlds biggest hypocrite. Shouting from the rooftops the world is doomed with such uncaring individuals, while at the same time I do absolutely nothing to change it either. I`ve given up in that sense and don`t believe if you hand out answers the people raising questions are capable and willing enough to accept them.

There are exceptions, I do feel some positiveness towards children and people who went through a lot of psychological hardships. I believe I find more normality here then with regular people. Children are refreshingly honest and conceive the world with a completely different perspective which both fascinates me as well as give me a glimmer of hope. Until they turn around 16/17 and become as useless as the rest of us.

In the end, people hold very little value to me. Some family members aside who I hold very close to my heart, I walk this planet alone and most of the time I think thats my destiny. There is a somewhat mutual lack of affinity between me and others and I haven`t met anyone significant enough (outside close family) to make me re-evaluate my chosen direction in life. Live alone, die alone and make sure you don`t suffer to much in between. Thats my motto. Welcome to Depressionville, population; me.
I have plenty of hope for individuals and think people are gorgeous, but as a whole, I have no hope whatsoever. When the government of my home country is keeping people fleeing from torture/murder in other nations indefinitely in detention camps, depriving them of food, water and medical care, violating multiple international laws, the UN won't do anything and the people in the country think it's perfectly fine/justified thanks to a fairly decent number being dumb, drunk and racist ... yeah, I can't possibly fathom any hope for humanity as a whole. Don't even get me started on their plans to purposefully destroy the environment in the process (oil rigs on great barrier reef, destroying Tasmania's forests for financial gain, etc), their reluctance to believe in anything scientific, and trying to publicly shame and shut down any media/people that speak out against them. Mini Nazi party is in power in Australia atm. (Y)
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I still have some while there a lot bad people
There are still good people out there.

Maybe I just have too much optimism
WW3 can happen within a decade because one country's government didn't fall when the Soviet Union did. Current music and art get worse and worse. More and more people are doing drugs and thinking of nothing but sex. There are corporations everywhere trying to control your life. There still a lot of people who ignore the effects of global warming. The future is not looking good. So many ignorant people around me, it's like that society in Brave New World.

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I have plenty of hope for individuals and think people are gorgeous, but as a whole, I have no hope whatsoever. When the government of my home country is keeping people fleeing from torture/murder in other nations indefinitely in detention camps, depriving them of food, water and medical care, violating multiple international laws, the UN won't do anything and the people in the country think it's perfectly fine/justified thanks to a fairly decent number being dumb, drunk and racist ... yeah, I can't possibly fathom any hope for humanity as a whole. Don't even get me started on their plans to purposefully destroy the environment in the process (oil rigs on great barrier reef, destroying Tasmania's forests for financial gain, etc), their reluctance to believe in anything scientific, and trying to publicly shame and shut down any media/people that speak out against them. Mini Nazi party is in power in Australia atm. (Y)
The UN's going to fail like the League of Nations. They can't even do much about the Syrian Civil War because they let two countries who don't have any respect for human rights have the permanent seats. History tends to repeat.
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I've seen a lot of bad things, I've been a bad dude in my past and I have diagnosed ptsd from some of the things I've come to see, but I have a firm belief that in order to evolve that the world can't collapse into total nihilism, a belief of growth is necessary for any progress or else we'll never eradicate all the horrible issues that we face and the future generations face.