Selling How Much Does A Rare-Colored Wetsuit Usually Go For?

For green usually 100k for any other color could range from 100k- 600k like elfsong said c:
I know you were trying to buy a white wetsuit for 10k yesterday lol

I usually see them going for 450k-600k, that's why I said something

It's not like I have one though lol
OK thanks everyone because I just got the Club Tortimer application and maybe I'll start a business selling them :)
OK thanks everyone because I just got the Club Tortimer application and maybe I'll start a business selling them :)

Lol also from Club Tortimer, some people buy Sanshins, Ukeleles, and kitchen islands for over 1 mil

Then there's silver axes for about 50k each and toy hammers that go for like 100k-200k

It's just that you'd have to hop from island to island, which people may hate you for doing lol. I'd imagine that it can be really annoying to wait for a person, you see they come in for the items, and then they just leave.