How many permanent rocks do you have?

- 1 by town hall (admittedly the most annoying rock for me to work with but surrounding it with trees helps so much)
- 1 by the train station
- 1 by retail
- 1 by the left bridge (again, used trees to hide its appearance)
- 1 by the town plaza (I used water paths + flowers to surround it)
- 1 by Tangy's house

6 rocks total. Most aren't bad.
i have 7

i have one in front of my town hall a little that's annoying bc i want to put an illuminated arch in front of my illuminated clock to the entrance, but i'll deal bc i still have my illuminated clock/trees in front of town hall that look cute. the rest of them don't get in the way of PWPs.
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Around 6 I think? Still a lot more than I'd like but way better than my last town.
Trying to think without opening my game. 1, in the neighborhood (uggggghhhhh), one in the park, one by the big area of the train station, on WAY to near my plaza and I think that's it, so 4 I believe. :)
I have 6 permanent Rocks, that are just too many. The most annoying thing about their placement was when I wanted to set my paths..
I have 8 in both of my towns, but I'll take the trade-off for a short river.
I have 8 in my secondary town Chocolat and 9 in my main town, Vista; I'm not sure about my new town since I have it on hold.
The placement of them in Chocolat is great, while in Vista it's ok...
I have like 9 permanent rocks in my town. Luckily they're not that badly placed, except for two. I have been able to work around it, though.
Too many. -.- But luckily, they're in okay spots because if they weren't, they would bother me for a reaaaaally long time.
I have 8 in my secondary town Chocolat and 9 in my main town, Vista; I'm not sure about my new town since I have it on hold.
The placement of them in Chocolat is great, while in Vista it's ok...

Log into my new town today, not for the rocks.
Moonview has 7 rocks, all in nice spots..but one. D: