Hiya (o´ω`o)


Junior Member
Nov 16, 2016
I am Hiro~ I've been playing ACNL since last year (my first AC), I don't have a lot of time for it (college+interships take all my day) but I visit my towns whenever I can and I like to keep them pretty. I lurked round TBT some times, and decided to create an account after this update because why not.

My main town is Swamp - Mayor Hiro, originally based on Shrek's swamp. can't believe this username was available here. I bought a second copy of the game after the update and started a town themed after OFF by Mortis Ghost (N?ant - Mayor Eloha).

Both are still WIPs, but Swamp is nice enough to visit if you're curious, DA 4C00-0010-8F43. The random flower beds are just there to stop random move ins from destroying flowers and paths btw, and I still need lots of PWPs. N?ant will be covered in neon colours and black&white villagers, and the houses will be horror-ish owo

Eh, I guess that's it. Hope I find some people to play with~ :3
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Welcome to the forums! Don't forget that you can use paths to keep villagers from moving in on certain spots, so you don't have to waste Isabelle's time placing and destroying PWPs!