Help with my town


barely active
Sep 1, 2017
Blue Hybrid Violet
Blue Hybrid Violet
Ever since I've been visiting a lot of towns and watching ACNL videos, my town compared to everyone else's is naked and boring :/ I'm looking for some paths that I want to use and I found a few, but I don't know how to get started or where to lay them down.

Here are two paths I like:


I don't have a DA for this exact reason, I feel like my town isn't good enough for people to come over and see it yet. So I was thinking that I could have some people over just to take a look at my town and get a good idea of what they think would fit best or help me with paths? I know you can't lay them down for me but I just need help.
Those are nice paths, I think they could complement each other. Do you have many PWPs? They could be a starting point, that and villager homes, to start creating paths around. It's really trial and error - plan, if you haven't already, what kind of landscaping you hope to do in your town and reserve those areas. Personally, I built all the projects and arranged villagers homes where I wanted first before putting down paths/bushes. It kinda fell into place after that.
Wishing you luck - try not to compare, see it as an opportunity to be creative and create what you want :)
Those are nice paths, I think they could complement each other. Do you have many PWPs? They could be a starting point, that and villager homes, to start creating paths around. It's really trial and error - plan, if you haven't already, what kind of landscaping you hope to do in your town and reserve those areas. Personally, I built all the projects and arranged villagers homes where I wanted first before putting down paths/bushes. It kinda fell into place after that.
Wishing you luck - try not to compare, see it as an opportunity to be creative and create what you want :)

thank you so much! I'm trying to build a park right now, I have a fountain and a bench in front of my Brewster's. I guess I'll start placing paths around there first and then seeing where it takes me
the paths you included are really nice, but i just wanted to add that you dont need to make your town the way everyone else does ^^ dont compare yourself to others, your town is great with or without paths and top DA landscapes. it took me a while to get over the jealousy driven need to make my town full of paths and plan my layout and plot reset every villager to come into my town, and frankly i like it a lot. if you want to decorate your town this way its perfectly fine but dont think that you need to make it look a certain way for it to be good enough for DA ^^