Have any hopes for 2023?


Finding the joy in small things is not weakness.
Feb 28, 2020
White Hyacinth
Orange Hybrid Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
Have any hopes or goals for 2023? I don't want to say new years resolutions per say... but a casual what you wanna do/see in 2023.

I hope to start growing some of our own veggies this year. The plan is to start with some potatoes for this year. I got the potato bags for them already!
I am hoping to spend more time outside in general this year. Growing veggies will help with that, as it gives me a reason to go outside.
I am hoping to see more of certain family members this summer.
I am still working on learning how to make a video game. I'm still making progress, but molasses style. If I ever get something fully made, I am sure it will be something small but hopefully fun or at least a little interesting. :)
I hope Palworld comes out this year. My spouse and his friend have been really looking forward to playing the game together.
I hope to get through a nice chunk of my back log stuff. ( I don't have tons, but I don't spend tons of time playing games either)
I hope we can get the pond going this year, but I am unsure if we will get around to it this summer or not. The hole is started for it though.
That's all I can think of off of the top of my head right now. It does sound a little bland, lol but it is what it is. It isn't bland to me.
I hope to find a different job as well as saving up for a new computer, so I have more access to video and photo editing programs. And games...
But I would also like to explore more, focus on my creative writing and photography.
I've never really had a proper theatre experience or picked fruit with my mum; which I think would be nice to do.

And also try my best to meet up with my friends more, just have more fun and catch up with things I enjoy and make me, well me. :D
No new goals for me. It’s the same old goal of landing a stable job.

Honestly, I just want 2023 to calm the eff down. So much negativity happened this year. If all of my relatives can live to see the end of next year, then that would be more than enough for me.
Mainly just that 2023 is more positive/kinder to me than 2022 was. Yeah, 2022 did have some good things, but overall it sucked and I've probably cried enough this year to fill a small lake. If 2023 is less chaotic and I don't lose any friends or family members, it'll be a win for me.
honestly, my only hope is that it’s better than the past 2-3 years have been. 2021 and 2022 were honestly the worst years of my life between losing 3 cats (one of whom was my best friend), my grandmother, and a bunch of other stressful personal stuff. it’s been hell, and it’s felt like my family and i just can’t catch a break. it’s exhausting having things go wrong so often lol. i have a good feeling about 2023, though. there’s lots of good stuff that i’m looking forward to, and today has been wonderful so far, i just hope 2023 is as good as today has been. 🖤 my family and i just need some peace after the craziness of the past year.

i’m not really one for setting new year’s resolutions or goals anymore (mostly because i never follow through lol), but there are a few things i’d like to work on and accomplish.

be kinder to people.
reach out to my friends more.
take care of myself better.
work towards becoming independent.
finally graduate high school.
try to be more positive.
No not really. I don't expect anything to be better. I hate saying that and I know I sound like a being a debbie downer, but I just cannot expect this year to be any better. I guess I just have to learn to accept things for how it is. It is out of my control and I just have to learn to live with it. I don't have much of a choice these days but it is what it is.
Not to be dramatic but 2022 was pretty much the worst year of my life so far, so I am hoping to just go up from here! I'd like to do some more reading and writing, the latter of which I've already started on. I'm also going to start going back to school and try to figure out if I want to pursue grad school or perhaps another career. Social aspect wise I hope to join a club or something to make some new friends!
Honestly, I'm just going to keep my expectations low again like last year


On the other hand, there's some things that I do want to accomplish

-Improve on my hobbies
-Have a more positive year
-Be more successful
- Get into new interests
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I managed to all of my hopes done this year, so for next year here are what I'm aiming for:

- Finally pass the JLTP-5 test for Japanese proficiency.
- Read even more books than I did this year.
- Remember to stay in touch with my friends more.
- Make actual progress in therapy towards resolving my trauma.
- Focus more on completing my backlog of games rather than mostly playing new titles.
- Improve my college GPA.
My main hope for 2023 is that my family and I will be able to safely through our first major move up north without too much struggle and get settled in comfortably. Anything that gets us closer to getting into Canada after that would just be the icing on the cake for me. ;v;

As for more personal goals/hopes... I'm not too big on New Year's resolutions, and I usually only make a couple small attainable ones so I don't stress over them. But I far exceeded the ones I'd set for myself this year, and I'm really, really proud of how far I've come in terms of personal growth and self-improvement. Between that and how major a year 2023 is looking to be for me and my family, I think I just want to keep up what I've been doing for now. If I can stay consistent with the progress I've made, I think that would be really good for me.
I'd also like to continue practicing being kinder to myself and learning to relax more in certain aspects of my life—I have a terrible habit of getting super uptight with myself over very silly, trivial things that no one else is worried about, ahahaha. 😅
I always say these things every year but I would like to:

- draw way more.. like daily, if I can manage it
- spend way less time scrolling on social media.. I should really just uninstall these apps from my devices
- completely quit sugar-y snacks
- take up jogging (and maybe some other exercise, like pilates)
- get a stable source of income for myself 😓
- make some of my dream bags come true.. I need to sew more and learn more about crafting my own patterns for bag-making
- pet a cat.. that would be cool