Games Day=Teh Win


Senior Member
Mar 11, 2007
Today my school had games day, which was awesome. We spent the morning outside playing tug-of-war and two-minute football passing drill. My homeroom lost all three matches of tug-of-war, but we were the school champs in the two minute drill! :lol: I won it for my team. There were for lines- 5, 10, 20, and 30. Catching a pass from 5 was 3 points, 10 was 5, 20 was 10, and 30 was 20 points.

Anyways were we in second place by 5 points and had like 3 seconds left. The rule was if somebody started before time ran out they could keep going until they caught or missed the ball. Lucky me, I went last. So I figured what the hey and went fpr the 30 yard-line and actually caught it, winning it for my class.

The afternoon kinda sucked because we just watched Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest, which I've seen at least a dozen times. But this morning rocked.
Koehler said:
Dead Man's Chest rocks. Anyways, good job about the football.
Thank you. And DMC was good the first few times, but it got boring after a few dozen.

And UB, no offence, but solely for the reason you were'nt in school, I think I would have rather gone.
UltraByte said:
JJH0369 said:
And UB, no offence, but solely for the reason you were'nt in school, I think I would have rather gone.
You'd want to go during a huge fire?
Oops. Sorry, I meant I would have rather gone to my school in western PA than stayed at your house in southern CA. Once again, no offence.
JJH0369 said:
UltraByte said:
JJH0369 said:
And UB, no offence, but solely for the reason you were'nt in school, I think I would have rather gone.
You'd want to go during a huge fire?
Oops. Sorry, I meant I would have rather gone to my school in western PA than stayed at your house in southern CA. Once again, no offence.
Ohhhhh. Yeah, that would make sense. xD