Gamer team help/advice please


🔥The Spicy Prince🔥
Oct 14, 2020
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So I had to take a leave from my team for a few weeks,

Now that I returned I found out that a person on the team, who I dont really get along with and we dont talk about it became second in command...

Were all a really good team its just the one guy who crossed the lines fot me. I tried to talk to him and he won't, and flat out blocked me.

I still talk to the main leader and other co-leaders. But I dont know if I could work with a co-leader who wont talk to me. Ilour leader took the week off and left him in charge. But this guy wont answer my questions or even talk to me.

I mean if you get along or not, if your the second in command you still gotta include everyone right?

I was gonna talk to my leader, but Im not sure what to do. I think me and him gotta talk or he has to at least be open to talking to me again.

Any advice?
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I've been in many guilds/clans/groups in the past in online games, and honestly, if there's management there that resents you, I would always just leave the place, since it's not worth my time.

I currently own a Discord server and all the current staff team is excellent and very respectful of members and certainly doesn't ignore them. Something I've learned over time is that sometimes people just don't get along, especially in more concentrated groups, and it's better to just leave than to stay somewhere where management/staff doesn't respect you.

Leaders are supposed to be respectful of all members or at the very least respond to them, and if that guy isn't even responding to you or giving you the time of day, I'd honestly just leave them. Especially because the #1 leader apparently thinks that they were a good promotion (which is a whole other subject on people sometimes promoting the wrong people).
Ahh, clans. I think @/Midoriya explained it very well. I strongly feel that some people shouldn’t be working in teams, especially as leader if they can’t respect everyone. I tend to steer clear of team based gaming and competitions because of this.

I think it’s in your best interest to leave the team. You creating this thread already shows me that you know it’s the best choice right now.
@Midoriya @Croconaw

I forgot to thank both of ypu for your advice, thank you very much.. Its hard. But I possibly will leave my team.

Beacause you are right, if a co-leader isnt there for me, then yeah. The others are all open, but. Well.

Your right, and thank you very much for your advice. I do think Ill be done joining teams after though :(
Tbh I would personally leave. The fact this situation is not being resolved by any of the other leaders appropriately means it probably isn't a team you want to be on. Those aren't leaders you can trust to have your or other members' best interests at heart. Plus, the problematic behavior of the second in command also seems like a red flag to me. Why would someone who would just casually, outright block someone on the team when they attempt to communicate with them be allowed to be the second in command in a fair group or situation?

But, that's just based on what little I know about the situation.