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Ferguson: Your Thoughts.

Do you believe that Officer Darren Wilson is guilty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 103 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 19.4%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 32 20.0%

  • Total voters
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context please? r u really putting this to me when u cant even be confident that ur recalling the "facts" correctly?

there r many justified reasons for shooting someone at point blank, it doesnt have to be an execution style shooting.

It's hard to tell or even remember what's fact and what isn't when the "facts" have been changing constantly for this case. Can you honestly blame me for not being entirely confident?

But even ignoring that, I would like to hear your justification. Because trying hard as I am, I'm coming up with a complete blank.
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It's hard to tell or even remember what's fact and what isn't when the "facts" have been changing constantly for this case. Can you honestly blame me for not being entirely confident?

But even ignoring that, I would like to hear your justification. Because trying hard as I am, I'm coming up with a complete blank.

someone is trying to take control of an officer's gun, officer is completely justified in shooting him.
someone is wrestling with the officer on the ground, officer is justified in shooting him

in this case, the officer's account is that brown punched him while he was in his car and tried to take control of his weapon. witnesses could corroborate the first part but not the second. if u want to automatically assume that wilson was lying, it still begs the question why was brown attacking him in the first place?
someone is trying to take control of an officer's gun, officer is completely justified in shooting him.
someone is wrestling with the officer on the ground, officer is justified in shooting him

in this case, the officer's account is that brown punched him while he was in his car and tried to take control of his weapon. witnesses could corroborate the first part but not the second. if u want to automatically assume that wilson was lying, it still begs the question why was brown attacking him in the first place?

ah yes he "punched him in the face" yet was shot almost 150 ft away from the car??


and wow his "injuries" are so life threatening

and the grand jury issue, the grand jury not indicting is extremely rare, around 0.008% fail to indict http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/ferguson-michael-brown-indictment-darren-wilson/
not only that but the fact that a case involving racism has 9 white jurors and 3 black ones (http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/answers-questions-ferguson-grand-jury-27144761), when hey the majority needed to indict is exactly 9/12 is extremely sketchy??

+ the fact that even ppl who kill ppl in car accidents get charged with manslaughter and this pos didn't???
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someone is trying to take control of an officer's gun, officer is completely justified in shooting him.
someone is wrestling with the officer on the ground, officer is justified in shooting him

in this case, the officer's account is that brown punched him while he was in his car and tried to take control of his weapon. witnesses could corroborate the first part but not the second. if u want to automatically assume that wilson was lying, it still begs the question why was brown attacking him in the first place?

I don't believe he was trying to attack him. The autopsy report shows no sign of struggle [x] He did not reach for his weapon either [x] Also eyewitness accounts if you even want to take the time to listen. [x] You're saying these things as if you know for certain they are true when there is evidence that proves otherwise. I've given you many sources and yet you're saying the same things which causes me to believe you don't even want to take the time to educate yourself and you have already chosen that Wilson should not be punished for what he did and no logic, reasoning, or proof can lead you to believe otherwise which is such a shame.
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ah yes he "punched him in the face" yet was shot almost 150 ft away from the car??


he fired once when he was in the car. brown fled, and wilson after in pursuit.
i post again the testimony of a witness
Witness 10 said:
Roughly I wanna say 8:40, I mean not 8:40, 11:40-11:40 is when that-when I first seen these two guys. And, my initial thought was, "wow, that's a big dude." Because Mr. Brown, Mike Brown, my initial thought was he's a big guy. He's tall and like stocky build and that's it. He-he, they both walked passed me. I took my tools, went into I came back outside to get some more stuff and I looked down the street and I seen the police car at a slant and I seen Mr. Brown in the window of the police car looked ...it appeared as they were wrestling through the window and one gunshot had let off. And, Mr. Brown took off running and my first thought was like "oh my gosh" did I actually just witness a police officer being murdered because it took a while for the police officer to get out of the car and pursue the-the suspect. And, I wanna say maybe six seconds, but it seemed like it was forever after the-the-the first gunshot. So, the police officer exited the vehicle with his weapon drawn pursuing Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was quite a distance and he stopped and when he stopped, he didn't get down on the ground or anything. He turned around and he did some type of movement. I never seen him put his hands up or anything. I can't recall the movement that he did. I'm not sure if he pulled his pants up or-or whatever he did but I seen some type of movement and he started charging towards the police officer. The police officer then returned fire, well, not returned fire, open fire on Mr. Brown. Um, if I had to guess the shots and the-the distance between him and, a, Mr. Brown, it would have to be five to ten yards and the shots that were fired was four, five to six shots fired and Mr.
Brown was still standing up. Um, and my thoughts was while he's missing this guy this close, is he-is he hitting him or because Mr. Brown there was no reaction from him to show that he was been hit. Um, after that, Mr. Brown then paused. He-he-he stopped running and when he stopped running the police officer stopped firing. And, then Mr. Brown continued, started again to charge towards him and after that the police officer returned fire and um well not returned, I'm using wrong ...a started to fire once more at him. Um, if I had to guess the rounds that were fired then it would be four to five more shots and after that Mr. Brown collapsed and fell to the ground.

source: http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1370768-interview-witness-10.html

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I don't believe he was trying to attack him. The autopsy report shows no sign of struggle [x] He did not reach for his weapon either [x] Also eyewitness accounts if you even want to take the time to listen. [x] You're saying these things as if you know for certain they are true when there is evidence that proves otherwise. I've given you many sources and yet you're saying the same things which causes me to believe you don't even want to take the time to educate yourself and you have already chosen that Wilson should not be punished for what he did and no logic, reasoning, or proof can lead you to believe otherwise which is such a shame.

i have read through the testimony and evidence presented to the court here: http://apps.stlpublicradio.org/ferguson-project/evidence.html

have u done the same? or r u just gonna cherrypick news articles and ignore the proceedings of the court?
and I posted a video earlier disputing that EXACT witness???????

he was the only witness that corroborated wilson's story, and gave 2-3 diff stories until he finally gave one that "fit" the story???
he fired once when he was in the car. brown fled, and wilson after in pursuit.
i post again the testimony of a witness

source: http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1370768-interview-witness-10.html

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i have read through the testimony and evidence presented to the court here: http://apps.stlpublicradio.org/ferguson-project/evidence.html

have u done the same? or r u just gonna cherrypick news articles and ignore the proceedings of the court?

Yes I have done the same. I'm not just taking the evidence provided in the court hearing, but the entire case itself throughout the last 4 months. The hearing provided a very small filtered version of the evidence provided by a biased prosecutor. He was tied to Wilson from the beginning, even raised funds for him. His father was an officer who killed on duty as well. He certainly was not neutral in this case and only quoted one eyewitness on live television that suited his own outcome. Nowhere does the transcript mention Wilson's lies, the police department's attempts to cover up the issue, or the photos of Brown's body at the crime scene. Why? Because conveniently the on site medical examiner's "batteries were out" And where were these cigarettes that he apparently stole? They would have still been on his person and be an important bit of evidence since so many want to justify his murder because he was a "thief" and yet there is nothing. There's more to this case than what has happened over the last week, there have been lies circulating since the beginning.
if ur position is trial by media, then i have nothing more to add to this.

ok fine. idgaf what you believe but tell me this. do you think he should've been indicted at least? or no, do you think he was completely justified in shooting and murdering this kid.
if ur position is trial by media, then i have nothing more to add to this.

My position is a fair trial through uncorrupted government. It's a shame you choose to ignore all the evidence and just stick to being spoonfed by what mainstream media and a single hearing by a biased prosecuting attorney is telling you to believe. But that's your choice I suppose.
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Yes I have done the same. I'm not just taking the evidence provided in the court hearing, but the entire case itself throughout the last 4 months. The hearing provided a very small filtered version of the evidence provided by a biased prosecutor. He was tied to Wilson from the beginning, even raised funds for him. His father was an officer who killed on duty as well. He certainly was not neutral in this case and only quoted one eyewitness on live television that suited his own outcome. Nowhere does the transcript mention Wilson's lies, the police department's attempts to cover up the issue, or the photos of Brown's body at the crime scene. Why? Because conveniently the on site medical examiner's "batteries were out" And where were these cigarettes that he apparently stole? They would have still been on his person and be an important bit of evidence since so many want to justify his murder because he was a "thief" and yet there is nothing. There's more to this case than what has happened over the last week, there have been lies circulating since the beginning.

All this and more speaks far more volumes to me than any amount of "evidence" could.

If Wilson was truly justified in his actions, then there would be no reason for the story on the investigator's side to flip-flop and have so many shady areas as it does.

Even though I have my doubts that it would, I'd absolutely love to see this entire situation go to the supreme court. But not just Wilson for his actions; I want to see the entire personal that's been involved in this mess stand trial for their "investigation".
All this and more speaks far more volumes to me than any amount of "evidence" could.

If Wilson was truly justified in his actions, then there would be no reason for the story on the investigator's side to flip-flop and have so many shady areas as it does.

Even though I have my doubts that it would, I'd absolutely love to see this entire situation go to the supreme court. But not just Wilson for his actions; I want to see the entire personal that's been involved in this mess stand trial for their "investigation".

well even the national bar association is calling BS on this sham of a trial so

hopefully it'll go to supreme court and Mike Brown can get the justice he deserves.
I was burning up looking through the last thread so I'd rather not read through the spooned opinions some of you have. This kid did have a future and if he weren't shot he would be attending college. Michael may have stole a pack of cigarettes but if you believe that he deserved being shot and killed that's like saying his life amounted to about $5. There was also no need to shoot him in the back 6 times, it's clear to me that the officer was shooting to kill and not so much for self defense.

I think the whole thing is sickening and tbh I can't stand thinking about this anymore so I'm going to end my rant here.
Seriously, why is almost everybody on this site liberal biased? People who believe that both Michael Brown is only a kid and Wilson is guilty tend to be left-wing. On Wikipedia, it actually said that Michael Brown and his friend were walking out of the store, but it also said that he was 18 and stole cigarettes. But I don't think Brown is the guilty party. It's the people that both supported him and rioted about it that are the real guilty party. There's no need to riot over this.
Guys just as a reminder. Your opinions will not matter in this case. So as this may be a interesting topic to discuss don't go too far.
Guys just as a reminder. Your opinions will not matter in this case. So as this may be a interesting topic to discuss don't go too far.

Public opinion may not be able to affect this case specifically, but it could affect future policies that help stop cases like this from happening again. Public opinion could also take this case to Missouri's Supreme Court, so, you know.

Besides, people discuss things they can't change all the time. I don't see how this is any different.
Not meaning to start a riot or anything, but that kid probably didn't have a future to live for in the first place anyway.

How have you come to this conclusion?
Have you drawn it because of the colour of his skin? Because of the place where he was raised?

He was going to go to university. He probably had a better life planned ahead of him than you do.
Seriously, stereotyping somebody based on their race is a disgusting thing to do. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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Head injuries can be fatal though, so I can't see how it's not life threatening.

The joke is that there weren't any injuries. Brown was shot SIX times, how on earth anybody actually believes that brown got to the cop after being shot six times (may I note that one of those shots hit him in the face, fatally killing him) is stupid.

Tumblr and twitter have been deleting a lot of pictures and posts regarding the ferguson case. Doesn't that tell you something?
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