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Ferguson: Your Thoughts.

Do you believe that Officer Darren Wilson is guilty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 103 64.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 19.4%
  • I do not know

    Votes: 32 20.0%

  • Total voters
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I'd demonize those too. They're not right either. I can also gaurentee you that not every person in those riots were white.

I understand that, however the point is that they weren't demonized nearly to the same extent by the media and the general public, particularly seen by the fact that militarized tanks and sound cannons were not brought in try to end them. And I am very aware of the fact that the riots listed did not literally consist of 100% white people (just as the ferguson protests are not 100% black people), but the fact remains that they were instigated by groups of people and/or fan-bases that consist primarily of white people, and that most images you can find of people participating in violent acts during these riots were white.

EDIT: I make the distinction between Ferguson as protests and the examples I mentioned above as riots because Ferguson protestors are working towards a cause of social change, whereas sports riots are riots because???? ??? who really knows why they do it
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Nice, another Ferguson thread.
Accidentally voted "IDK" when I voted yes. Oops.

I'm angry that this is trying to be covered up. Tumblr staff and youtube are deleting stuff related to Ferguson. Posts have been circulating where there's proof of Wilson having ties with the KKK. A day later? Deleted. Dox of KKK members? Deleted. But when trans/queer youth get doxed? Staff doesn't give a ****. Staff doesn't give a **** about child porn on people's blogs either. It's even worse that in Boston rn they are targeting queer/trans POC who are protesting atm.

Wilson is guilty. He murdered a kid. Do not bring in weight and height because they were literally the same anyway. Brown was killed for jaywalking, are you kidding me? He did not steal. There is film evidence he paid for his cigarettes. But even if he did steal, Wilson would've had no knowledge of that.

Brown was not a criminal. His teachers have spoken about him, and he was described as sweet. Hell, he didn't join the football team even tho he could because he didn't want to hurt anyone. He was a child. He was innocent. But it doesn't matter if he was an angel or not. No matter what, his life still mattered. He did not put his hands on Wilson. He never attacked Wilson. Wilson has no injuries, but he's claiming the birthmark on the back of his neck is an injury so lol.

Protests have been mostly peaceful. It's just the anarchists causing **** as always, because anarchy man! Or it's people from neighboring towns who are using this as a chance to steal.

But I'm honestly sick by some of you. He was a child. No one deserves to get shot 7 times and then to have their body left out in the street. Brown is not the first to die from police brutality, and he isn't the last. If you honestly don't think this has anything to do with race, then wow. I've heard the argument "HOW COME NO ONE TALKS ABOUT BLACK ON WHITE OR BLACK ON BLACK CRIME?!" uh maybe because most of the time in those cases they're brought to justice? white on black crime is a huge problem.

A 12 year old black boy was shot for holding a toy gun. (He didn't ****ing aim it at the police.) His name was Tamir Rice. And already, I see people justifying his death. A 12 year old gets shot and people are congratulating the ****ing police. Tell me this isn't racism at it's finest.

Or how about when 12 year old Dymond Milburn was severely beaten by 3 police officers because they thought she was a sex worker? They caused her injuries to her spine, neck, and head. She was later charged with assault and one of the cops were rewarded with "cop of the year" award. I don't give a **** if she maybe fought back, it was one little 12 year old girl vs 3 grown men with weapons. In what world does that ****ing make sense.

Black people are targeted by cops. It's a thing. How people choose to ignore it astounds me. There's proof of him being somewhat connected to the ****ing KKK. His supporters are tied to the KKK and he can be seen talking to them. The ****ing KKK started a gofundme fund for him and got MORE money than the MICHAEL BROWN MEMORIAL FUND did. I'm even more ****ing disgusted people are PAYING to interview him. There are people below the poverty line who will never make as much as him, but he ****ing gets paid in hundreds for murdering a young black boy.

If this doesn't anger you, then I don't know what to say to you.


Actually, this case sounds much worse than the Ferguson one. By most accounts, Michael Brown attacked the officer that shot him, but Taylor did nothing even close to that. He was apparently listening to music with headphones on when the police arrived. He ignored their commands briefly because he didn’t notice them. Eventually, the cops got his attention and he turned off the music
Boy if you don't...

did i say that white people who are murdered always get justice? but these are rare compared to the amount of black people getting shot for the most absurd reasons. i feel sorry for the guy, cops are violent nowadays. i could bring up more cases of black people getting shot like holding a toy gun in walmart, or cosplaying with a toy sword. yes, sometimes white people get shot for bad reasons. but thats very little compared to the amount of black people getting shot for doing ordinary things
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Also Bingo..try not posting irrelevant information thats not true..like at all
Body cam helps justify fatal south salt lake shooting

Dillon Taylor, 20, is clearly looking at the officer but refuses to take his hands out of his waistband as he was ordered to do and continues to walk backwards.

"No, fool," Taylor is heard saying.

Moments later, Taylor quickly lifts his shirt and takes his hands out of his waistband. Salt Lake police officer Bron Cruz reacts by firing two quick shots, striking Taylor in the chest and stomach. Taylor died as a result of his injuries.

and also from body cam footage

As Taylor continued to walk away from the officer and refused to show his hands, Cruz said, "I was 100 percent, 100 percent convinced when I saw him turn around it was gonna be a gunfight. I knew he had that gun, that he'd be trying to kill us."

The officer told investigators that Taylor wasn't just "pulling up his pants" when he had his hands in his waistband.

Now back to the OP please? :)
Also Bingo..try not posting irrelevant information thats not true..like at all
Body cam helps justify fatal south salt lake shooting

Dillon Taylor, 20, is clearly looking at the officer but refuses to take his hands out of his waistband as he was ordered to do and continues to walk backwards.

"No, fool," Taylor is heard saying.

Moments later, Taylor quickly lifts his shirt and takes his hands out of his waistband. Salt Lake police officer Bron Cruz reacts by firing two quick shots, striking Taylor in the chest and stomach. Taylor died as a result of his injuries.

and also from body cam footage

As Taylor continued to walk away from the officer and refused to show his hands, Cruz said, "I was 100 percent, 100 percent convinced when I saw him turn around it was gonna be a gunfight. I knew he had that gun, that he'd be trying to kill us."

The officer told investigators that Taylor wasn't just "pulling up his pants" when he had his hands in his waistband.

Now back to the OP please? :)

but but the video didn't show what he claimed. It was his word though, right? But okay I'll just go back to reading haha
but but the video didn't show what he claimed. It was his word though, right? But okay I'll just go back to reading haha

Regardless of how this story really played out, black teenagers are statistically 21 times more likely to be killed by police than whites, and that's also taking into account the crime rates of both races. This one case you mentioned doesn't disregard the real problem here of racial profiling. [x]
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Regardless of how this story really played out, black teenagers are statistically 21 times more likely to be killed by police than whites, and that's also taking into account the crime rates of both races. This one case you mentioned doesn't disregard the real problem here of racial profiling. [x]

I have no argument, continue on
Not meaning to start a riot or anything, but that kid probably didn't have a future to live for in the first place anyway.
Not meaning to start a riot or anything, but that kid probably didn't have a future to live for in the first place anyway.

he was going to go to university before he got shot but ok :lemon:
not to mention it doesnt matter bc u know, he was still a human being who wanted to live
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Not meaning to start a riot or anything, but that kid probably didn't have a future to live for in the first place anyway.

That's kind of a cruel thing to say. You're basically saying it doesn't matter if he died or not because in your opinion his life would have been worthless anyway. How can you just put a value on a human life like that because of the way you perceive it from the outside? I'm sure he had aspirations like any other human being...
the one thing we can take away from this is that police should wear cameras all the time


this is a case where a man who was stopped by police lied about his encounter and lied by putting a racial spin on his account

now how about we deal with the fact that black men are shot by other black men everyday and nobody gives a ****
NO. not "anyone". BLACK. It's not about anyone. "ALL lives matters" is just interjecting whiteness into a time of grief and solidarity within the black community. and within the context of her post it seems pretty clear she wasn't talking about just "anyone"

anyway I'm just going to avoid the basement for a while because I'm seeing peoples' honest opinions and it's a damn shame.
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the one thing we can take away from this is that police should wear cameras all the time


this is a case where a man who was stopped by police lied about his encounter and lied by putting a racial spin on his account

now how about we deal with the fact that black men are shot by other black men everyday and nobody gives a ****

People definitely care and it is a big issue but a separate issue entirely. With something like this however someone who is in authority and supposed to be "protecting" citizens is twisting their way around the law. It affects everyone when someone who works for the government is able to get away with something that is completely illegal by using a skewed version of the legal system. This issue is about white cops being able to kill black citizens and not be punished. People are going to be upset when their country's legal system has a bias against you because of your skin color and are able to dismiss your lives because of it.
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Witness 10 said:
Roughly I wanna say 8:40, I mean not 8:40, 11:40-11:40 is when that-when I first seen these two guys. And, my initial thought was, "wow, that's a big dude." Because Mr. Brown, Mike Brown, my initial thought was he's a big guy. He's tall and like stocky build and that's it. He-he, they both walked passed me. I took my tools, went into I came back outside to get some more stuff and I looked down the street and I seen the police car at a slant and I seen Mr. Brown in the window of the police car looked ...it appeared as they were wrestling through the window and one gunshot had let off. And, Mr. Brown took off running and my first thought was like "oh my gosh" did I actually just witness a police officer being murdered because it took a while for the police officer to get out of the car and pursue the-the suspect. And, I wanna say maybe six seconds, but it seemed like it was forever after the-the-the first gunshot. So, the police officer exited the vehicle with his weapon drawn pursuing Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown was quite a distance and he stopped and when he stopped, he didn't get down on the ground or anything. He turned around and he did some type of movement. I never seen him put his hands up or anything. I can't recall the movement that he did. I'm not sure if he pulled his pants up or-or whatever he did but I seen some type of movement and he started charging towards the police officer. The police officer then returned fire, well, not returned fire, open fire on Mr. Brown. Um, if I had to guess the shots and the-the distance between him and, a, Mr. Brown, it would have to be five to ten yards and the shots that were fired was four, five to six shots fired and Mr.
Brown was still standing up. Um, and my thoughts was while he's missing this guy this close, is he-is he hitting him or because Mr. Brown there was no reaction from him to show that he was been hit. Um, after that, Mr. Brown then paused. He-he-he stopped running and when he stopped running the police officer stopped firing. And, then Mr. Brown continued, started again to charge towards him and after that the police officer returned fire and um well not returned, I'm using wrong ...a started to fire once more at him. Um, if I had to guess the rounds that were fired then it would be four to five more shots and after that Mr. Brown collapsed and fell to the ground.
having some familiarity with self defence, i can tell u that just because someone isnt armed doesnt mean they arent a threat. especially if they have the opportunity to take control of ur weapon. ppl who say that u shud never shoot a kid, well, this was a big guy. ppl who live their cushy little sjw lives and dont have to deal with violence on a daily basis make all sorts of assumptions about force-on-force encounters.

October 16th testimony paraphrased and summarised:
So, although you told the investigators this is what you saw even though you only heard it from someone, you don't feel you lied?"
"And what did you actually see."
"I saw Michael Brown on his knees begging for his life as the office stood over him from behind and put a bullet in his head from point blank range."
"And, given that the forensic evidence tells us otherwise, there's nothing about that testimony you would like to change?"
"Nope. Maybe the forensic evidence just saw it from a different perspective than I did.
u think these ppl are reliable witnesses in a trial?

read the court transcripts unless u want to be willfully ignorant
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