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Feminism Discussion Thread

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kayleee i think you're taking this a bit too personally

tao is saying that men are affected by negative stereotypes too. there are positive and negative stereotypes associated with both genders. of course, since you're a girl you experience female stereotyping each and every day, but you'll never see male stereotyping firsthand. he(?) is not trying to invalidate your problems, he's just saying that nothing is completely one-sided.

like, there is a stereotype that teenage boys are antisocial, sleep in extremely late, and play video games all day. there are people of both genders who do these things, and both are considered bad (by adults mainly). none of these traits are necessarily bad though. using your logic, tao could say that masculine male = bad, masculine female = bad.

yeah, i believe that girls have it worse, but it's troublesome to ignore guys issues because both sides of sexism are linked and everything can't be solved solely by looking at female issues

I'm not disregarding the struggles of men if that's what you are suggesting I have acknowledged them my point being that his counterexample didn't exactly work because we are talking about two completely different issues

The ridicule of negative male stereotypes in men
The ridicule of completely mundane female stereotypes in both men and women

I am clearly acknowledging the plight of men, while simply pointing out that much of it stems from negative societal views of femininity
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Again I think it comes back to the follower mentality. A white cop shoots a black guy and the media portrays it as how white cops are racist and suddenly you have millions of people that just assume and continually talk about how racist white cops are, even though that was only one case. (Sorry that's probably a really bad analogy).

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I think it kinda comes down to that a huge chunk of the population just have no critical thinking skills.

i think that a big part of it that a lot of people feel like they're the only person who can help, because everyone else/most people are "problematic" and wrong. which leads to millions of white people believing they're the only non-racist white person in the world, and the whole "not like other girls/boys" thing (that was really poorly explained oops)

yep, a huge chunk of the population sure does have no critical thinking skills!!1!eleven

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I'm not disregarding the struggles of men if that's what you are suggesting I have acknowledged them my point being that his counterexample didn't exactly work because we are talking about two completely different issues

The ridicule of negative male stereotypes in men
The ridicule of completely mundane female stereotypes in both men and women

I am clearly acknowledging the plight of men, while simply pointing out that much of it stems from negative sociable views of femininity

you are talking about the same issue, you just don't think you are for some reason
Oh man, I'm going to bed in a minute but I just had to say that sex hormones absolutely affect mood and behaviour and also cause changes to the brain prenatally that cause differences between the sexes. It's just that these between sex differences are often more emphasized socially than within sex differences which is silly. But as someone else said earlier, people will probably prefer to argue based on their personal feelings about gender.
I'm not disregarding the struggles of men if that's what you are suggesting I have acknowledged them my point being that his counterexample didn't exactly work because we are talking about two completely different issues

The ridicule of negative male stereotypes in men
The ridicule of completely mundane female stereotypes in both men and women

I am clearly acknowledging the plight of men, while simply pointing out that much of it stems from negative sociable views of femininity

I think though that there's a difference in who ridicules who for femininity and masculinity. Like that men would be ridiculed by some women because of the stereotypes but it would be less likely for a man to ridicule a man for those reasons, where as for women they seem to get ridiculed somewhat equally by both men and women for the same thing maybe? Sorry if that doesn't make sense.
i think that a big part of it that a lot of people feel like they're the only person who can help, because everyone else/most people are "problematic" and wrong. which leads to millions of white people believing they're the only non-racist white person in the world, and the whole "not like other girls/boys" thing (that was really poorly explained oops)

yep, a huge chunk of the population sure does have no critical thinking skills!!1!eleven

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you are talking about the same issue, you just don't think you are for some reason

I'm not sure you're understanding but I don't know how to explain it any more clearly

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I think though that there's a difference in who ridicules who for femininity and masculinity. Like that men would be ridiculed by some women because of the stereotypes but it would be less likely for a man to ridicule a man for those reasons, where as for women they seem to get ridiculed somewhat equally by both men and women for the same thing maybe? Sorry if that doesn't make sense.

Men don't ridicule men for being "a *****???" That's like the most common insult men throw at each other
Oh man, I'm going to bed in a minute but I just had to say that sex hormones absolutely affect mood and behaviour and also cause changes to the brain prenatally that cause differences between the sexes. It's just that these between sex differences are often more emphasized socially than within sex differences which is silly. But as someone else said earlier, people will probably prefer to argue based on their personal feelings about gender.


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I'm not sure you're understanding but I don't know how to explain it any more clearly

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Men don't ridicule men for being "a *****???" That's like the most common insult men throw at each other

uh... how do you know...

you're making a LOT of assumptions
I'm not sure you're understanding but I don't know how to explain it any more clearly

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Men don't ridicule men for being "a *****???" That's like the most common insult men throw at each other

I think I just explained poorly sorry.
I'm going to save you guys some trouble here. You're debating nature vs nurture. There is no answer. Except maybe both.
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Honey, no offence, but you're 13 and just did a Google search. I'm 24, have a degree in Biochemistry and am currently in medical school.

Have a good night.

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I'm going to save you guys some trouble here. You're debating nature vs nurture. There is no answer. Except maybe both.

Please study epigenetics. You're totally right :)
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honestly I can name two issues that men face in society and that's if a man is beaten or abused by his wife or by any female he is called weak and p**sy for letting a woman abuse him

and if a man is raped, most of the time people play it off as a joke by saying stuff like "oh men can't get raped" "whoa man you're so lucky" "wow you must be gay if you didn't like it" and so much more

and because of these things most men don't come forward when they are being abused or if they got raped because of statements like that. which is why it's not as reported as woman abuse and rape cases.

and these are both serious cases and a man shouldn't be ridiculed because of it
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honestly I can name two things that males have an issue with in society and that's if a man is beaten or abused by his wife or by any female he is called weak and p**sy for letting a woman abuse him

and if a man is raped, people play it off as a joke by saying stuff like "oh men can't get raped" "whoa man you're so lucky" "wow you must be gay if you didn't like it" and so much more

and because of these things most men don't come forward when they are being abused or they got raped because of statements like that. which is why it's not as reported as woman abuse and rape cases.

feminism actually includes that as an issue to fight about.
that's good I'm happy about that, cause those issue needs to be addressed more

and it makes me mad that those fake radical "feminist" do sh!t like this that give actual feminist a bad name

a really long list of articles and source material of negative stuff fake "feminist" have done

TBH I'm not a feminist myself if that's okay? but I do believe in equality and rights of both genders and yes it is possible to be for them without having to be labeled a feminist and woman who don't identify as a feminist shouldn't be put down or treated like sh!t​
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honestly I can name two issues that men face in society and that's if a man is beaten or abused by his wife or by any female he is called weak and p**sy for letting a woman abuse him

It just reminded me of this video, so I thought I would link it.

Another pet peeve I have is when I tell people im a feminist, the immediate response is "yeah but men have issues too"
Ok that's great and I know that but it's not a competition so stop treating it like one or else I'll have to start lmao
Another pet peeve I have is when I tell people im a feminist, the immediate response is "yeah but men have issues too"
Ok that's great and I know that but it's not a competition so stop treating it like one or else I'll have to start lmao

Kinda like how feminists always say "ya but women have it harder" when men talk about their problems??

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Girls do have it worse than guys, I really don't want to make this into a contest like some people already have, but since it's been mentioned already...

Point proven
Kinda like how feminists always say "ya but women have it harder" when men talk about their problems??

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Point proven
society is male dominated and oriented women are considered a minority so yeah that pretty much speaks for itself p. sure women have it worse no matter how much it hurts ur feelings lmao

Women in a lot of countries are treated like second rate citizens like do some research before claiming women DONT "have it harder"
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society is male dominated and oriented women are considered a minority so yeah that pretty much speaks for itself p. sure women have it worse no matter how much it hurts ur feelings lmao

Women in a lot of countries are treated like second rate citizens like do some research before claiming women DONT "have it harder"

Feelings? Hurt? My feelings aren't hurt lmao but it's annoying considering I've had my problems invalidated by feminists complaining that women have it harder

I didn't even say women don't have it harder though did I? I'm saying feminists will interrupt men talking about their problems and talk about how they have it harder... I mean I think that's different from me saying women don't have it harder.,. 'Research' is something that a lot of third wave feminists need to do, I know women have it harder in a lot of countries, I know that they're raped and beaten daily and face sexism and prejudice and it's sick, yet feminists are complaining and campaigning about men spreading their legs on the bus?
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