Favourite Month of the Year?

Favourite Month of the Year?

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Hmmm...I think I would have to say October, because I like the autumn weather + Halloween. Also, I love rain and it tends to rain a lot in October where I live.
mine has to be may because my girlfriends birthday is in that month, and i like when it starts to get warmer out but its still not like,,,, 90 out
I love March! My birthday is in march, plus it's on the first day of spring (depending on the year). I also live in an area where it gets hot pretty quick so March is like the most beautiful springtime. March is just the best.
I'd go for December. Not only does it mean Christmas, but the weather stays at a nice 40 degree average and it feels awesome after staying way up at a 90-100 degree average for majority of the year. Normally I would go for August since it's my birthday month, but to be honest it's a terrible birthday month since it's still extremely hot outside (about 110 degrees) and it's within the first week or 2 of school, so I really hate waking up at 5am on my bday for that.
The start of summer for me, so June! :) I love the promise of summer that the month brings and that it's the start of the vacation season. Plus it's early enough that it's not as humid as later in the summer and I like that!
Late spring ones.
It is not too hot, the weather is nice, school is about to end and you are full of ideas for summer: so I'll say May is the best month, for me.
I like spring in general, but usually March and April are kinda bad here, always rainy and even cold.
I'd say December, mainly due to Christmas and due to taking a good chunk of vacation time during that month.
mine's march because spring is my favourite season and my birthday is that month so is my old dog's birthday (i still celebrate it)

october is a close second because i love halloween ♡
I'd go with June-August because I just love the summer. Specifically I'd say July because it's the middle of the summer when it's usually the warmest! I love December too because Christmas is my favourite holiday but the summer tops it still.
Not be biased because it's the month I was born, but September is my favorite month. I love that it's towards the beginning of the cold months, which is my favorite time of year. Plus, it's towards the beginning of the school year, so school isn't as stressful yet.
june is special to me, not only because it's my birthday but because i associate it with summer break from when i was a kid. and i looveee the summer
December is my favorite month
I love the weather
The festivities, xmas is always so magical to me and the end of the year is full of hopes and expectations for the future
Also i like february wich is my month and im aleays happy about it
although my birthday and halloween are in october, it is definitely not my favorite month as i don't like rainy/cold weather. my favorite month is probably either july or august, i live for the unbelievably hot days and pleasent temperatures during the nights. i just love waking up and already seeing the sun shine through my window, gives me so much hope for the day and just makes me joyous. you rarely have to consider the weather when you want to go out with friends, just put on something short and enjoy the sunshine :)
May because it’s my birthday month, it’s in spring which is my favorite season, and it marks the end of the school year for a lot of schools (even though I’m finished with school now).
December, mainly because I love the winter-time. Along with Christmas! It's just a happy month for me. I think my second favorite would be February or October ^^
My favorite is defiantly November because I love the cooler fall weather and I love getting together with family and all the good food that comes with thanks giving.