Favourite Month of the Year?

Favourite Month of the Year?

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I love it when it's cold and you have a super fluffy jacket or blanket to sit in, half the reason why I always keep my fan on at night.

Also, CHRISTMAS! Gotta love those gifts!

(Pretty sure my mother will be buying a switch in black Friday for me and my lil' half bro, so hyped!)

I love April because first of all Easter, and then the pretty flowers comes out blooming. Its like ur in a fairy tale, but its it's actually real. <^~^<
This is like the first time I've ever seen you post Marcus
I voted September (not my birth month) because that tends to be the best month of the year for me. I always feel good in September and life is generally just better then. Second choice would ne June, it used to be my favourite until the worst day of my life happened in June but it's still pretty good overall
Probably December although my birthday month of October is a close second.
I really love being home for the holidays and having snow on the ground. I could do without the freezing temperatures but it's usually tolerable if you bundle up. To me, Winter is the most beautiful season. I so look forward to celebrating Christmas, New Year's, and my twin cousins' birthdays at the end of the month - everything feels safe and without stress, I'm always anticipating our traditions.
I voted for December because it gives you the illusion of something new to look forward to after another disappointing year. next year is coming pretty soon so hopefully it'll be better :)
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October, though it's for far more than my birthday. For one, Halloween is my favorite holiday. This is also the month where the leaves really begin to turn vibrant colors. The hot weather finally begins to die out, making way for cooler and crisper air. Walks in the woods are the best at this time. Mosquitoes are no longer all over the place. You can comfortably wear whatever you want now as the weather usually isn't cold enough where you can't wear a tee and is perfect for long sleeves and hoodies. That's just a few reasons anyway.

November for NaNoWriMo. I look forward to it all year. :blush:

How's yours coming along? I'm trying to get as much done on two different projects, but I'm not trying to finish either one. I'm just going to use this month as motivation to not let college work drag down my personal writing.
I like October because it has my birthday and Halloween. The leaves are also a bunch of different pretty colors outside.
June, which is predictably the month my birthday is in, although October and December are also huge favourites of mine.
January, it's my birthday month! Second favourite is December because of christmas and start of summer! :)
october bc it's like maybe cooling down, and there's halloween hype and i LOVE halloween.
May and August.

While my birthday is indeed in May I don't really celebrate it so I don't love May for that reason, I love the mix of rain and sunny weather because rainbows are cute and the blue cloudy sky is just beautiful. The temperature is also very balanced most of the time so that's nice.

I love August because of the gloomy rainy days sitting in and the windy weather, I love the intensity of some pour downs. Thunder happens some times too! Oh, and it's really chilly which is fabulous! I love the cold weather.
December because snow, Christmas music, Christmas lights, Christmas food, Christmas everything, hot drinks, & New Year's Eve. I'm sorry this must sound so generic.
Would like to note that our Winters last from late November - Mid April occasionally.

It gets boring very fast, and kind of scary when people get into major accidents or lose their lives during this season, a 18 year old died when they were driving a few days ago because of the frost which was our first frost btw. It's coming up to Christmas so you can only imagine what that family are feeling right now, heart-breaking,
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Maybe June-August? The height of summer where it's all nice and warm. I miss summer :( I kinda like September as well as it's not too cold + a lot of shows return from their hiatus around fall time as well haha
April leaves all the other months in the dust, like no contest. September is my birthday month, it's all right too I guess.
May is my favorite month. Spring is my favorite season and I love watching the green come back after winter, and all of the flowers starting to pop up. (There's some of this in April, of course, but with the weather here, we can still get snow in April at times, so May is more solidly spring weather.)
December cause holidays, and also we don't have to go to school a ton.
Also I like winter and snow sometimes
OCTOBER!!!!! Duh.

I really wish I could enjoy more of it and that my job didn't suck it all up. I honestly love everything about it. Love the fall feels and Halloween of course! Second runner up is December because I really like winter and Christmas is awesome.