favorite gyroids


Senior Member
Sep 30, 2013
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Do any of you use gyroids in your house? Do you have a favorite set? I am starting to (sort of) collect tham after it rains so I can decide which ones I would like to use in my gyroid cafe in my museum. I can already tell that collecting all of them is not an option due to space. I did find a poltergoid which I will hang on to for my house in October bwahaha. I will be looking for a set that is not only nicely colored but also has an appealing sound.
I really love the Lullaboid and the Warbloid sets!

I also really love the Tootoids lolol...have one of those next to my toilet xD! (i'm so immature tbh)
I like the space ones, just hearing the sound they made make comfortable.

Actually i put em in the Club LOL.
Lullaboid with a touch of a dingloid :)

I'm so picky about Gyroid sounds but most of all I wish you could hear an entire room of them

- Ahhhhhhh the soothing sounds of gyroid noise ;)

:) ;) :) :( :)
Thanks guys! After being out all day I'm ready to settle down for a nice round of AC. I need to check those out. I love the Brewstoids too and have those in my kitchen.

You all probably already know this but in case there are some newbies reading this... you can exchange gyroids with the ones in club lol if you go in there during the day. Someone told me about that a while back and I almost forgot about it.