Favorite background music♪

I just adore 7 PM. It's so sad and nostalgic, I think it should be the night one.
I'd have to say 11 PM, 1 AM, 4 AM, and 9 AM.

They sound even better when it's raining or snowing!
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my absolute favorite song from new leaf is the 7am theme. its so happy and is just such a great way to start the day u kno

my dream address use to be saved at that time solely for the song, but recently I resaved it at the sunset bc I wanted the warmer tones (goes with my theme better) but idk I sometimes feel like switching it back
I really like the theme that plays in the roost. I don't think I could listen to it continuously as it's quite repetitive. I'm currently listening to the city folk songs - the late night/early morning ones are always the best!
My faves are 1 AM, 4 AM, and 7 AM! <3 I hear people say that they find 7 PM theme to be creepy, but I love it so much, it’s so relaxing :)
I like the themes where you choose your house location. It's just a remix of Tom Nook's theme, but it's still really relaxing.

All the daytime themes are super relaxing. Anything after 5 pm is kind of creepy. Especially if it's combined with the rainy day remixes.
i'm not sure on the specific times, but i really love the rainy day music, especially at morning!

all music in this game is beautfiul, the rainy day is just so cozy <3

I love the music from 1 AM to 6 AM. It sounds so relaxing! In addition the campground music sounds very nature-ish to me and I like it a-lot. Oh also I forget the last 10 minutes of being opened for the T&T is also one of my favorites as well. I really like the orchestral version on the T&T theme!
I'm not sure what time it's at but I think I like the music in the early hours of the morning when villagers are just starting to wake up, it might be the 7am, 8am or 9am. I'm really not sure. It's a tie between those or the 1am music. The 1am music is really calming imo, but so is the music for early hours. I really don't like the music used for the afternoon segments of the game though, it's just something about the instruments used that doesn't feel very calming or relaxing to me. Tbh, I much prefer the music in older games, as I have a lot of favourites from older games but not in New leaf.

It's definitely gonna have to be 1am, the 1am soundtrack is so calming and soothing.
i really like the 10am music just bc of the nostalgia of always playing acnl in the morning on weekends when i first got the game haha. but the 7pm music has always been my all-time favourite!!
1am and 7pm. If you play the 1am music AT 1am... hits different